Christiana Kazakou
Blog-journals, Discussion Lists, Mailing Lists, Internet Forums
Art in Science Cafe Blog
artsciedu Cette liste de diffusion est UNIQUEMENT consacrée aux relations transversales entre Arts , Sciences, Education et Entreprises.
c-lab weblog
Cube Review
Journal for Art, Sex and Mathematics
Lab for Culture
NanoArt - Nanoscience - Nanotechnology Intersections of NanoArt, Nanoscience, and Nanotechnology - The Journey to the Small World Launched The New Renaissance
Networked Performance Blog
Sci | Art weblog
Semaphore - monitoring the infosphere weblog
Synapse Collaboration between the arts and sciences
YASMIN: “A network of artists, scientists, engineers, theoreticians and institutions promoting communication and collaboration in art, science and technology around the Mediterranean Rim.”
Journals & Magazines
Aminima Journal on art, science, and technology.
Artnodes E-journal on art, science, and technology.
Art Asia Pacific, Issue27. “This issue of ART Asia Pacific focuses on 'new media' art - a ubiquitous term that incorporates the use of technology such as computers, the Internet and video to create virtual online art, video art, and multimedia interactive installations and performances. The convergence of science and art via such technology challenges artists to investigate the meeting of the machinic (the 'virtual') and the human (the 'real'), and the relationship between real, virtual and psychological spaces is questioned throughout this issue …“ An online journal for Art & Science.
Arts and Neurosciences. “Arts and Neurosciences is an electronic journal aiming to propose a new perspective on empirical studies of aesthetic experience and plastic as well as performative arts, such as cinema, photography, music, dance, comics, video and painting.”
Ar[t] the Arlab magazine augmented reality, art and technology.
ART LAB Art, Science, Litt, Science based Art, Research where Science helps Art.
ASCI Art & Science Collaborations, Inc., Staten Island, New York, USA. Since 1988. “The purpose of Art & Science Collaborations, Inc. (ASCI) is to raise public awareness about artists and scientists using science and technology to explore new forms of creative expression, and to increase communication and collaboration between these fields.”
Autopsya Communication with images. Online journal.
Cahiers art et science.
Circa Issue 90, Winter 1999: “Art and Technology”. “22 pages on the art/technology interface, with particular emphasis on biotechnology, under the editorship of Eduardo Kac.”
Issue 96, Summer 2001: “Art and Science”
Clave 019 97 Columbian New Media Magazin.
e-flux Established in January 1999 in New York, e-flux is an international network which reaches more than 50,000 visual art professionals on a daily basis through its website, e-mail list and special projects.
Digimag the digicult journal
El Niuton Columbian Art & Science magazine
Glimpse Journal the art+science of seeing.
Horizon Zero is a multimedia Web magazine about digital art and culture in Canada - a bilingual virtual space devoted to creativity and critical ideas in the new media canon. Now out of production, our eighteen back-issues explore an extensive range of subjects in the territory where art, science, and technology meet.” (The Horizon Zero project is no longer in-production.)
HYLE - International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry special issue on “Aesthetics and Visualization in Chemistry”
Part I
Part II
IJART International Journal of Arts and Technology.
International Journal of Art, Culture and Design Technologies (IJACDT)
International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media
InterCommunication (IC) is the quaterly journal of NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC], a prototypical 21st century information network oriented arts and science interface.
International Journal of Education through Art
JAR Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) is an international, online, Open Access and double blind peer-reviewed journal for the identification, publication and dissemination of artistic research and its methodology.
Journal of Neuro-Aesthetic Theory. Art and the brain. Collaborations of artists with neurologists.
LABS - Leonardo Abstracts Service
Leonardo Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences, and Technology. MIT Press.
Nature Artists on science: scientists on art. Editorial. Vol. 434, No. 7031 pp293-324.
Natur, Wissenschaft und die Künste / Nature, Science and the Arts / Nature, Science et les Arts is an international scholarly series dealing with the history of cultural interplay between arts, humanities, natural sciences and technology, both on the level of theoretical reflection and in artistic enunciations. Peter Lang Publishing.
Noema Lab
Observatoire Leonardo des Arts et Techno-Sciences
Plastir Transdisciplinary Review of Human Plasticity. The PLASTIR review will cover the fields of arts, sciences and philosophy, in particular their epistemological paradigms …
UCDavis Magazin Volume 14, Number 4, Summer 1997: The Art of Science
V!rus Journal