Examples of Projects


Christiana Kazakou





AIkon The project will be using computational and robotic technologies to explore the drawing activity. Project by Tresset, Patrick and Fol Leymarie, Frederic.
Allosphere Scientists often become immersed in their data, and sometimes even lost. The AlloSphere, a unique virtual reality environment at the University of California, Santa Barbara, makes this easier by turning large data sets into immersive experiences of sight and sound…
Antarctic Animation by Lisa Roberts
Bio Mapping by Christian Nold 2004 - ongoing. Bio Mapping is revolutionary methodology and tool for visualising people's reactions to the external world.
Biopresence creates Human DNA trees … in order to create “Living Memorials” or “Transgenic Tombstones”.
Blue Morph is an interactive installation … images and sounds derived from the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly …
Blue Shift [LOG.x] a Darwinian art project connecting human and water flea behavior by Angelo Vermeulen et al.
Brainwaves & Plants by Miya Masaoka.
ear(th) (an earthquake sonification) by Steve Roden
Information Accelerator by BridA.
Invisible Dynamics (by Exploratorium) is an interdisciplinary project that invites art/science research teams to explore the systems and behaviors, both urban and natural, that give the San Francisco Bay Area its definitive character. The project engages the domains of art, design, cultural geography, cartography, information design, sociology, archeology, hydrology, ecology, marine sciences, and history … The Exploratorium is a museum of science, art, and human perception located in San Francisco, California.
K. Danse Art-Science-Dance / CorpusMedia by Anne HOLST and Jean-Marc MATOS. Artistic research linked with technological development (partnership with the IRIT, Research Institute in Computer Science, University Paul Sabatier of Toulouse).
La Danse du Chaos / Dance and Chaos Confédanse pour 2 danseurs et 1 chaoticien.
Living Data dance by Lisa Roberts
Log-in / Locked out … initiated by Gabriele Leidloff … raises questions concerned with the construction of mental images …
Malaria Video Game based on the performative science idea by Thomas Han.
Monte Carlo Method - Towards an Archeology of Chance by Ecke Bonk and Owen Griffith.
Nanomandala by Victoria Vesna and James Gimzewski.
Neural_Nets By Timothy Senior.
pank.tv DNA - Hormone - Sonification - Performances
Pattern Completion brings together an artist, a sound designer and a neuroscientist to create an installation exploring ways in which networks of brain cells recall memories … By Michaela Nettell, Tom Simmons, Hugo Spiers.
Situational Awareness, 2007 by Marco Peljan.
Reinterpreting science as art by Hunter Cole
Reaction-Diffusion Explorer
robotarium by Leonel Moura
Scale is a bio-art collaboration with neurobiologist/engineer Malcolm MacIver, visual/conceptual artist Marlena Novak, and composer/sound designer Jay Alan Yim. Scale is a bio-art collaboration with neurobiologist/engineer Malcolm MacIver, visual/conceptual artist Marlena Novak, and composer/sound designer Jay Alan Yim.
SemaSpace is a … graph editor for large knowledge networks, specially designed for … non technical sciences and the arts.
Sensorium - Breathing Earth (earth quake animation)
Slunk Interactive Choreography with artificial intelligence.
Solarkunst Installations and Performances by Jürgen Claus.
SOL, 2004 Sonification project by Florian Grond, Frank Halbig, Jesper Munk Jensen and Thorbjørn Lausten.
Sponge. Public experiments in perception, phenomenology and desire
The Normal Flora Project is a collaboration between Anna Dumitriu, Dr Simon Park and Dr John Paul, which explores new research currently being undertaken in the field of bacterial communication through the development of art installations.
uncovered cyprus UNCOVERED examines how the airport has been operating as a control mechanism for the island on multiple levels. The project explores how this space, frozen in time, indicates and exposes the operational and organizational logics of control that have evolved on the island over the past decades.
Visiblespace is the work of artist Paul Thomas.
World Water Museum by Keti Haliori. The “World Water Museum” installation is an artistic rendering of the vast environmental problem of the downgrading and lack of clear, potable water on the planet. The target of the project is to make the public sensitive to the problem and through the use of audio-visual means, to activate and awake the desire to hold the valuable water of the Earth in his protective arms.
Xth Sense, Biophysical Music Hands-on training in augmentation of the body for musical performance. Creating your own low cost biosensing wearable device for muscle sounds.


!KF Institute for Artistic Research
ACROE (Association pour la Creation et la Recherche sur les Outils d'Expression) Research Center, Grenoble, France.
AlloSphere Intersecting Science, Engineering, and New Media. At the California NanoSystems Institute University of California, Santa Barbara.
ANAT Australian Network for Art and Technology.
Art and Physics Research Lab “The Art and Physics Research Lab at the University of California Santa Cruz, is a place for interdisciplinary research and collaboration between the world of science, mathematics and art.”
Ars Bioarctica art&science residency in Kilpisjärvi Finland: The Finnish Bioart Society is the motor behind Ars Bioarctica which is a long term art&science initiative with a focus on the Arctic environment which was started in autumn 2008 in Kilpisjärvi. The executive partners of Ars Bioarctica are the Finnish Bioart Society and the Kilpisjärvi Biological Station / Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences / University of Helsinki. Ars Bioarctica fosters concrete joint projects between artists and scientists to develop new kind of scientific and artistic thinking and through this participate and contribute to the discussion on the relation of humankind and nature.
Ars Mathematica is a non-profit association, founded in 1992 by Christian LAVIGNE and Alexandre VITKINE.
Artfutura Since January 1990, ArtFutura, the festival of Digital Culture and Creativity of reference in Spain, has explored the most interesting projects and ideas that have come up on the international panorama of new media, interactive design, videogames and digital animation …
Artscatalyst is an arts organisation that actively makes connections between art and science through commissions and strategic projects.
Art Science Research Laboratory New York
Arts & Genomics Center, University of Leiden, The Netherlands. … Platform for artists, scientific researchers ….
ASA American Synesthesia Association
ASKlabs is a full-service documentary production company based in Boston's South End. ASKLABS makes documentaries about people who discover, invent, explore and envision.
ASL Art and Science Laboratory, Santa Fe, USA. … redefine the social role of art and the artist through collaborations with scientists …
ASRL Art Science Research Laboratory, New York, USA … committed to the creation of intellectual environment and advocacy of interdisciplinary study …
ATA (Alta Tecnologia Andina) Lima, Peru.
Bio:Fiction Science, Art & Filmfestival aims at attracting public awareness to this technology and its ramifications for our daily life in the future.
Biofilia Biofilia - Base for Biological Arts, a biological art unit was launched under the Aalto ARTS in 2012.
BLIP Art and Science Forum Brighton, UK, is a forum for artists, scientists and members of the public interested in new forms of art
Center for Culture & Communication, Budapest, Hungary. … initiation and realisation of art, science, communications, educational and cultural programmes.
C5 - Theory as Product Corporation specializes in cultural production informed by the blurred boundaries of research, art and business practice …
Canon Art Lab is a corporate lab devoted to the integration of the arts and sciences …
Cape Farewell The artist David Buckland created Cape Farewell in 2001 to instigate a cultural response to climate change. A small team works alongside partners and collaborators at the centre of an ambitious programme of activity with climate science at it's core.
CIANT International Centre for Art and New Technologies, Praha, …initiates and supports partnerships with individuals as well as institutions having a background intersecting art, science and technology.
CIRCLE is a group of artists/researchers engaged in Creative Interdisciplinary Research into Collaborative Environments.
CITAR Research Center for Science and Technology of the Arts. PORTO Portugal.
Computer Science Department - University College London (UCL), UK. Artist-in-Residence Program / Interest Group “Art and Science”
Creativity and Cognition Studios, Faculty of Information Technology, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. CCS is a interdisciplinary research organisation comprising artists, technologists, curators, sociologists and everything inbetween.
DRU Digital Research Unit, located at The Media Centre, Huddersfield, UK.
EARN (European Artistic Research Network) was established to share and exchange knowledge and experience in artistic research; foster mobility, exchange and dialogue among art researchers; promote wider dissemination of artistic research; and enable global connectivity and exchange for artistic research.
EcoArt Project aims to increase the awareness of ecological issues, with the organization of events in the field of contemporary art, eco-design and communication. It is a private initiative, created by Pino Fortunato and organized by Fortunato Productions with the participation of the Cultural Association Art For Pro-motion.
e-flux Established in January 1999 in New York, e-flux is an international network which reaches more than 50,000 visual art professionals on a daily basis through its website, e-mail list and special projects.
Experimenta Since 1986, Experimenta has transformed public spaces, exhibition venues and corporate environments into captivating, interactive, and thought provoking destinations. From large-scale outdoor installations to intimate and extraordinary indoor exhibitions, the artworks shown worldwide by Experimenta are always evocative, intriguing and uniquely multi-sensory.
FACT, the Foundation for Art & Creative Technology is the UK's leading organisation for the commissioning and presentation of film, video and new media art forms.
f0AM is an independent, distributed laboratory based on multidisciplinary models of cultural expression, operating on the cusp of research, production, presentation and reflection of creative practices…
Fondation Daniel Langlois Montreal, Canada.
Greenmuseum.org: Evironmental Art Museum. A non-profit online museum.
gRig the Guild for Reality Integrators and Generators is a guild gathered around a mutual purpose; to mix realities, as well as bring new realities into existence.
Gulbenkian Foundation London, UK, has run a granting program since 1997 called the The Two Cultures - Arts and Science …
in-particular.net This website is a collaboration between Jeremy J Ramsden, a Professor of Nanotechnolgy at Cranfield University, and Julie Freeman, Artist, and is supported by the Wellcome Trust Arts Award and Cranfield University.
intercreate.org is a project based research centre which consists of an international network of people interested in interdisciplinary creativity. Project foci include interdisciplinary projects, education initiatives and residencies all with a strong focus on environment. Intercreate is a not-for-profit trust that is registered with the Charities Commission of New Zealand.
ICAD International Community for Auditory Display.
ICC Inter Communication Center, Tokyo, Japan.
IMéRA The Aix-Marseille Institute for Advanced Study is an Institute for Advanced Study, or IAS (Institut d’Etudes Avancées, IEA). Its purpose is to offer residency programs for high-level international researchers, both confirmed and emerging, of all disciplines, so as to provide them with an opportunity to meet, carry out work requiring several months of freedom from administrative or teaching duties, and strengthen…
Imprimerie Basel Switzerland. Werkstätte für Künste und Wissenschaften. Workshop for Arts and Sciences. Atelier pour arts et sciences.
IMA Institute for Media Archeology, Hainburg, Austria.
IMAI - Inter Media Art Institute Düsseldorf, Germany
INM - Institute for New Media, Frankfurt am Main.
Institute for the Converging Arts & Sciences at the University of Greenwich.
Institute of Aesthetic Studies The research project is part of the Digital Aesthetics Research Centre and is hosted by the Institute of Aesthetic Disciplines.
Interdisciplinary Cluster UK
Kloone 4000 Project. The Arts and Genomics Centre, Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Laboral Art and Industrial Creation Centre, a new creative space located in Gijon, Principality of Asturias, Spain.
Laboratoria Art & Science Space Russia, Moscow.
Le Cube A pioneer in the French digital culture scene, Le Cube is a place of reference for digital art and creation. It’s a space open to everyone – whatever their age, whether their level of digital skills – for discovering, practicing, creating and sharing throughout the year via workshops, courses, exhibitions, shows, conferences and discussions with digital artists and experts.
Le Laboratoire Paris, France.
Living Environments Lab a collaborative research laboratory focusing on the critical intersection of human life, our living planet, and technology. Carnegie Mellon University.
Media Architecture Insitute Vienna, Austria.
Media Lab Madrid Spain, is conceived as an exhibition space and laboratory open to the production, research, training and broadcast of art and science…
Media-Lab Prado Madrid Madrid, Spain (an offspring of Media Lab Madrid)
Netherlands Media Art Institute Montevideo/Time Based Arts has set the goal for itself of promoting the wide development, application and distribution of, and reflection on new technologies in the visual arts.
Medicine Project Vancouver
NESTA (National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts) London, UK. A consortium between the Wellcome and Gulbenkian Foundations, plus the Arts Council of England and the newly formed National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) … stages of projects begun through science-art collaborations …
NSS Space Settlement Calendar Art Contest The National Space Society (NSS) is looking for artists to create visions of a spacefaring future - a future of space settlement, be it on the Moon, on Mars, on asteroids, or orbiting independently in space.
OBORO’s more specific mandate is to support creation in various cultural practices; to encourage innovation, experimentation, the exchange of ideas and the sharing of knowledge; Montréal (Québec) Canada
OLATS Leonardo/Olats (l'Observatoire Leonardo pour les Arts et les Techno-Sciences) est une association culturelle de recherche et de publications en ligne dans le domaine des arts et des techno-sciences.
okno.be is a Belgian non-profit cultural organization for art and media technology. This artist-run organization began in 2004.
Piratas de la ciencia. Spanish Art & Science lab.
Plasticities Sciences Arts The PSA research group aims at opening new fields of interaction between sciences, arts and humanities. The group has its origins in 1994 when it established a Transdisciplinary network of researchers focusing on the nature of evolutionary processes …
Product and Vision Smoother Survical. Strategies in Art and Ecomics. In German. (Raffinierter Überleben. Strategien in Kunst und Wirtschaft).
res-qualia Art-Science and evolution of consciousness.
reverso transdisciplinary Institute Centre Ensemble Association. ARTS TECHNOLOGY CRITICAL THEORY POLITICS. Madrid, Spain.
RIXC the center for new media culture, Riga, Latvia.
RSA Arts and Ecology
SARG (SymbioticA Research Group) is a research facility dedicated to artistic inquiry into new knowledge and technology. Groups and individuals who are interested in exploring new possibilities neglected by mainstream science or art are conducting the research in SymbioticA …“
Science Art-Nature Our organization, with its mission of promoting Science Art, will serve as a needed bridge between scientists, artists, educators, those in the media, and fellow nonprofit organizations. Science Art-Nature, Palo Alto, CA.
Science & the Arts At the NY City University Graduate School. The Science & the Arts series presents programs in theatre, art, music, and dance that bridge the worlds of art and science.
Studiolab is a 3-year, Europe-wide initiative that merges the studio with the research lab. Funded by the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme in 2011, Studiolab is a European network that provides a platform for creative projects that bridge divides between science, art and design.
Subnet subnet | plattform für netzkultur | platform for net culture
Subtle Technologies
SymbioticA The Art and Science Collaborative Research Laboratory. University of Western Australia.
Synapse - Art Science Collaboration Collaboration between the arts and sciences has the potential to create new knowledge, ideas and processes beneficial to both fields. Artists and scientists approach creativity, exploration and research in different ways and from different perspectives; when working together they open up new ways of seeing, experiencing and interpreting the world around us.
Synesthesia ASA - American Synesthesia Association
tagc - The Arts and Genomics Centre Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Tesla, Berlin
The Arts and Genomics Centre Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Gorlaeus Laboratories, University of Leiden, The Netherlands.
The Arts Catalyst A cultural policy for the international space station.
The Common Languages of Art and Science. An interdisciplinary research project. 2001-2003 - Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany.
The Laboratory at Harvard Experiments in the Arts and Sciences.
The League of Imaginary Scientists concocts interdisciplinary research projects in collaboration with scientists, technologists, and artists engaged in many media.
Time's Up. Laboratory for the construction of experimental Situations. Linz, Austria.
UCLA Art|Sci Center … to pursue, facilitate and promote research and programs that demonstrate the potential of media arts and science collaborations.
virtueel_platform e-culture in the Netherlands
VMI The Visual Math Institute
Waterwheel Exploring water - as a topic and metaphor - Waterwheel is an interactive, collaborative platform for sharing media and ideas, performance and presentation.
Waag Society Media Lab, Amsterdam, Society for old en new Media, de Waag …
Wellcome Trust - Sci-ART London, UK, one of the largest bio-medical research foundations. … brings together the often separated cultural spheres of science and art.
< href=“http://www.yetzerstudio.com/”>Yetzer Studio Philadelphia. We develop immersive educational products that bring together educational topics and pop-culture through engaging mobile Augmented Reality learning applications. ZKM (Center for Art and Media) Karlsruhe, Germany.


Artsactive.net International network of artists' programs in science and industry research lab.
The Bridges Organization: art and mathematics Buckminster Fuller Challenge Winning the Buckminster Fuller Challenge will require more than a great stand-alone innovation…The winning solution should exemplify the trimtab principle…Entrants must put forward a bold, visionary, tangible initiative that is focused on a well-defined need of critical importance.
Buanquete banquet _nodes and networks, interactions among art-science-tecnology-society in Spain´s digital culture.
AIL Artists in Labs Residency Awards, Zurich, Switzerland. The first aim of the AIL-Program is to act as a go-between, to offer Swiss laboratories as a place of liaison between artists and scientists in order to create new levels of creativity, innovation and communication.
Akiyoshi's illusion pages
artafterscience “was started in 2001 as a collaborative project by computer programmer Adrian Marshall and artist Zev Robinson using the interaction between art, technology and science to create time based art, video art, and interactive and web based projects …“
Art and Space Science Fellowship at UC Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory.
artEmergent by Bruce Gilchrist and Jonny Bradley.
art meets science by Michael Buckler.
Art of Science Competition The first annual Art of Science Competition at Princeton University.
Arts Council England is the national development agency for the arts in England, distributing public money from Government and the National Lottery.
CLIMARTE CLIMARTE was co-founded by Guy Abrahams, Fiona Armstrong and Deborah Hart and is becoming an Incorporated Association run by a committee drawn from all arts sectors. CLIMARTE is an independent not for profit body that brings the arts community together to tackle climate change.
Collaborative Research Residencies is the joint effort of three different institutions: BAC, Baltic Art Center in Visby, Sweden; The Factory of Art and Design (FFKD) in Copenhagen, Denmark and Hordaland Art Centre in Bergen, Norway.
Disonancias seeks to promote the diversification in relation to the process of innovation inside research labs and R&D&I units, based on the potentials of experience and exchange generated by the relationship with artists.
Earthscore is a notational system similar to musical scoring. Just as conductors use classical music notation to orchestrate various musical instruments into a symphony, so Earthscore can orchestrate different electronic media into “symphonies of knowledge” that support living on Earth in sustainable ways …
eMotion analyses the experience of the museum-goer experimentally. The core of our interest is the museum architecture, the art objects, curatorial installation and how they effect and affect the behaviour of the visitors.
Entropycities is a space for research in sound and the built environment by artists Ross Dalziel & Daniel Barrett. This research is fed into workshops, projects and events in education and collaborative artistic practice …
gene2music Throughout the pursuit of this project, we have come across multiple examples of how art has been intertwined with other areas of study such as biology, mathematics, and the healthcare system. Below you will find descriptions of these topics in addition to other studies that focus on interdisciplinary projects involving music.
Heart Chamber Orchestra The Heart Chamber Orchestra - HCO - is an audiovisual performance. The orchestra consists of 12 classical musicians and the artist duo TERMINALBEACH. Using their heartbeats, the musicians control a computer composition and visualization environment. The musical score is generated in real time by the heartbeats of the musicians.
Information Aesthetics explores the symbiotic relationship between creative design and the field of information visualization.
in-particular.net A nano-art project by Julie Freeman.
L'Oreal Art and Science of Color Prize “Our prize is presented for a particular piece of work that has successfully achieved a fresh and original meeting between science and art in color. It can be a single work of art, a research paper, or a series of artworks or research papers that have been produced under the same subject or project. “
Luminous Green is a series of gatherings about the world.
Methods Network is a multi-disciplinary partnership providing a national forum for the exchange and dissemination of expertise in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for arts and humanities research.
Nanoart is a new art discipline related to micro/nanosculptures created by artists/scientists through chemical/physical processes and/or natural micro/nanostructures that are visualized with powerful research tools like Scanning Electron Microscope and Atomic Force Microscope.
Noema Lab “Noema is a website devoted to culture-new technologies interrelations and influences.”
XXV Oscar Signorini Prize - Robotic Art
Performative Science A project initiated by Diebner, Hans H.
Phasen - Ein Dialog zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft “Phasen ist eine Kooperation zwischen dem Wissenschaftsbüro der IGAFA und dem in Berlin ansässigen freien Ausstellungsmacher Thomas Sakschewski.”
[Plastik] - art & science is a review produced by the Centre for study and research in visual arts (CERAP) at the University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne. Its principal objective is to stress the importance of two cardinal activities: creation and research, revealing how they are intertwined, how they can contradict one another, or be used in the work of visual artists.
REVISED Dark Skies Biosphere Residency by ecoartscotland.
Science meets Art optimiert die wissenschaftliche und künstlerische Produktion. Es strebt eine Neudefinition von Kunst und Wissenschaft an. Berlin.
SETI Institute Artist in Residence Program Presents Finding the Magic in the Machine & Earth Calling Basingstoke. Mountain View, CA.
Space Art
STAGE Scientists, Technologists and Artists Generating Exploration. The Professional Artists Lab and the California NanoSystems Institute at the University of California, Santa Barbara continue their partnership with the fourth STAGE International Script Competition, open to plays about science and technology. The Lab and CNSI also announce the expansion of STAGE with the launch of the Collaboratory.
transmedia_05 University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany.
VIDA LIFE Art & Artificial Life International Competition.
Wissens Künste Art of Knowledge - Knowledge of Art. 2001 - ongoing: Project of Helmholtz Zentren Berlin and the Centre for Literary Research Berlin (Sabine Flach, Sandra Mühlenberend) in cooperation with the Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Berlin (Eugen Blume, Gabriele Knapstein).
Zero Gravity Arts Consortium The Staff of Zero Gravity Consortium, along with our Affiliate Institutions and Affiliate Artists are in the process of creating and supporting various ZGAC programs that expand the contributions of the Arts, Humanities and Culture in Space Exploration Activities …

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  • Last modified: 2024/12/13 12:18
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