Conferences, Symposia, Colloquia


Christiana Kazakou


Framing Nature: Signs, Stories, and Ecologies of Meaning The European Association for the Study of Literature, Culture, and the Environment (EASLCE) biennial conference. Nordic Network for Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies (NIES) IX conference. Hosted by the Department of Semiotics at the University of Tartu. Tartu, Estonia, April 22-26, 2014.
Toward a Science of Consciousness 2014 April 21-26, 2014, Tucson, Arizona. This conference marks the 20th anniversary of the first Tucson “Toward a Science of Consciousness” conference. Speakers will reflect on progress over the last 20 years and on challenges for the next 20 years, as well as presenting research from the leading edge of the science of consciousness.


Cyberworlds 2013 21-23 October, 2013 at Keio University, Yokohama, Japan.
ISMAR 2013, the premier international conference on research into the science, technology, applications, and uses of Mixed and Augmented Reality, invites you to join us from October 1-4th 2013 in Adelaide, SA, Australia
Media Art Histories 2013: RENEW The 5th International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology, Riga, October 8 - 11, 2013
The Posthuman: Differences, Embodiments, Performativity September 11th - 14th 2013, University of Roma 3, Rome, Italy.
Global Conference On Mobility Futures 4-6 September 2013, Lancaster University UK.
XXIV International CIPA Symposium, Recording, Documentation and Cooperation for Cultural Heritage, Strasbourg, 2-6 September, 2013.
TOTAL RECALL – The Evolution of Memory Ars Electronica 2013, Linz, 5.9. - 9.9.2013.
2nd International workshop on (Re)Creating Lively Cities through Ambient Technologies: Arts, Culture, and Gastronomic Experiences in conjunction with INTERACT 2013, Cape Town, South Africa 2nd-6th September 2013.
VINCI 2013 - 6th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, 17-18 August 2013.
2013 ICMC | IDEA International Developments in ElectroAcoustics, 11-17 August 2013. Perth, Western Australia
SYMMETRY FESTIVAL 2013 Delft, The Netherlands. 2-7 August, 2013. The Symmetry Festival is a science and art program series, the most important periodic event to bring together scientists, artists, educators and practitioners interested in symmetry (its roots, what is behind, applications, etc.), or in the consequences of its lack.
Science Communications 2013 The Banff Centre. Program dates: July 21, 2013 - August 3, 2013
Media Archaeology & Technological Debris Postgraduate Workshop & Conference - CALL FOR PAPERS. Thursday, June 20 – Friday, June 21, 2013 – Goldsmiths, University of London.
Annual Conference of the American Society for Cybernetics: Acting - Learning - Understanding reflecting, collaborating, conversing, doing 28 July to 3 August 2013 in Bolton, UK. Pre-conference: 28-Jul-2013 and 29-Jul-2013. Main conference: 30-Jul-2013 to 01-Aug-2013. Post-conference: 02-Aug-2013 and 03-Aug-2013.
THE 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ENVIRONMENTS Workshops and Conference: 16-19 of July, 2013. Athens, Greece
ExS 2.0 Exploring Urban Space in the Web 2.0 Era 6th International Conference on Communities and Technologies 2013 in Munich. June 30, 2013 - Workshop at C&T 2013.
xCoAx2013: Computation Communication Aesthetics and X 27-28 June 2013, Bergamo, Italy.
Balance - Unbalance International Conference 2013 May 31-June 2, Noosa, Queensland, Australia. Designed to use art as a catalyst to explore intersections between nature, science, technology and society as we move into an era of both unprecedented ecological threats and transdisciplinary possibilities.
21st International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2013 June 24-27, 2013. To be held in Plzen [Pilsen] (close to Praha [Prague], the Golden European City of the Europe)
HYPERKULT XXI DIGITAL NATIVITY Digital Nativity – die Normalität des Digitalen 12.-14. Juli 2012
ICCC 2013 - The 4th International Conference on Computational Creativity 12-14 June 2013 - Sydney, Australia.
2013 Subtle Technologies Festival In 2013, Subtle Technologies will be holding its 16th Annual Festival in Toronto. Festival dates: June 8 & 9, 2013.
Arts, Humanities, and Complex Networks 4th Leonardo satellite symposium at NetSci2013 taking place in Copenhagen at DTU – Technical University of Denmark, on Tuesday, June 4, 2013.
American Synesthesia Association 10th Annual Conference in 2013 will take place May 31 – June 2, at OCAD University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The HYBRID CITY II: Subtle rEvolutions Conference, workshops, exhibition and parallel events. 23-25 May 2013. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
MediaCity 4:International Conference, Workshops and Exhibition. May 3-5, 2013 - University at Buffalo, The State University of New York.
technarte Bilbao. 25-26 april 2013 2013 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence 15 Mon -19 Fri April 2013, Singapore.
ECLAP 2013 - 2nd International Conference on Information Technologies for Performing Arts, Media Access and Entertainment. 8-10 April 2013. ESMAE/Teatro Helena Sá e Costa. Porto (Portugal).
Simplicity Ideals of Practice in Mathematics & the Arts. The Graduate Center, City University of New York, April 3-5, 2013. ArtsIT 2013 Third International Conference on Arts and Technology. March 21–23, 2013. Milano, Italy.
evaporation of things The symposium will take place on the afternoon of Wednesday 13 March 2013 and the morning of Thursday 14 March 2013 at:
The 3rd LHI Art-Sci Symposium: Why Art-Sci? Analyzing a Paradigm will be held from 9:30am - 5pm on Saturday, March 23, 2013 at Land Heritage Institute. Free and open to the public.
Mind the Gap! Symposion 7-8 March 2013. MUMUTH Graz, Austria. The event “Mind the Gap” is connected with the general meeting of the Society for Artistic Research.
15th Laval Virtual Reality International Conference March 20-24, 2013, Laval, France.
Toward a science of consciousness March 3-9, 2013Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, India.
Society for Phenomenology and Media 15th Annual International Conference Puebla, Mexico, February 20-23, 2013
TEI 2013 Conference Seventh International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction. February 10-13th, 2013, Barcelona
Transmediale Festival Back When Pluto Was a Planet. 29.01. - 03.02., Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin.
SCANZ 2013: 3rd nature HUI and symposium. New Plymouth, New Zealand, 18th of January and the 4th of February 2013.
Sensuous Knowledge Conference The Sensuous Knowledge Conference Comes to Town: Join us in Bergen, Norway, 23 - 25 January 2013. Sensuous Knowledge: An international working conference on fundamental problems of artistic research and development.
Seventh International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction February 10-13, 2013. Barcelona, Spain.
Sonic Acts - Dark Universe 2013 Jan 12 - Feb 24, 2013. The Sonic Acts festival has been running since 1994 and takes place every two years in Amsterdam. The festival has a strong focus on contemporary and historical developments at the intersections of art, technology, music and science.
ANAT Presents ISEA2013 ISEA2013 Electronic Art: Resistance is Futile. ISEA2013 will be held in conjunction with the VIVID Festival in May/June 2013 and co-ordinated by an Organising Committee comprised of representatives from ANAT, College of Fine Arts (UNSW), Australia Council for the Arts, University of Sydney, University of Technology Sydney, Experimenta, Events NSW and d/Lux/Media Arts.
From the concept of information to questions concerning the individuation of current media aesthetics / Vom Informationsbegriff zu Fragen der Individuation in der gegenwärtigen medialen Ästhetik (in German) Lecture by Claudia Mongini, Vienna at the Institute for New Media, Frankfurt/Main. Jan 15, 2013.


GENERATIVE ART 2012 - GA2012 15th Generative Art Conference, Italy. 11,12 and 13 of December 2012, Generative Art Conference organized by Generative Design Lab, Politecnico di Milano. Location of conference: Italy, Lucca, historical location San Micheletto in the historical centre.
MutaMorphosis II: Tribute to Uncertainty International Conference | December 6-8, 2012 | Prague | Czech Republic.
UpStage Festival of Cyberformance The 121212 UpStage Festival of Cyberformance will take place 5-12 December 2012 and consist of two parts: “Walking backwards into the future” - a programme of remounted cyberformances from the past five festivals (5-11 December); and “Testing - 1 2, 1 2, 1 2” - new works in UpStage and other networked platforms (12 December).
Besides the Screen 2012 Conference: Goldsmiths College, University of London, 1-2 December. Workshops/Performances: Deckspace Media Lab, 29-30 November
Per.Spice! Forum künstlerische Forschung December 02, Sophiensäle, Sophienstraße 18, 10178 Berlin-Mitte
Per.Spice! Forum künstlerische Forschung November 26, Sophiensäle, Sophienstraße 18, 10178 Berlin-Mitte
VAST2012: The 12th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Brighton, UK, 19-21 November 2012.
re-new 2012 - Cybernetics revisited Copenhagen, Denmark, November 19-24 2012.
SYMPOSIUM "KUNST FÖRDERT WISSENSCHAFT" / "Art promotes science" Non-lineares Denken als innovative Verunsicherung für Wissenschaft. DASA Arbeitswelt Ausstellung, Dortmund, Friedrich-Henkel-Weg 1-25, 44149 Dortmund. Montag, 19. Nov. 2012, 09-18 Uhr.
Seminario internacional Vida Artificial: Cruzando Fronteras Nov 15-16, 2012. Edificio Telefónica en Gran Vía, 28, Madrid.
Media Architecture Biennale 2012 The Media Architecture Biennale 2012 brings together artists, academia and industry in the continued exploration of the meeting between architecture and digital media. Novemver 15-17. Aarhus, Denmark.
amber'12 Art and Technology Festival 9-18 November 2012, Istanbul
Artists in Industry International Conference The Role of Design in the Digital Age. Bucharest, Romania November 1 - 2, 2012
Performativity and Scientific Practice Workshop, October 25 - 26, 2012. Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg Lehmkuhlenbusch 4
, 27753 Delmenhorst. Organziers: Dr. Timothy J. Senior, Jacobs University and Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Dr. Monica Meyer-Bohlen and Dr. Dorothe Poggel, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg.
Cyposium: cyberformance symposium an online symposium on cyberformance. October 12, 2012 3:00 pm - October 13, 2012 2:00 am.
Investigating the Language of Network Representations A workshop by Wouter Van den Broeck, in collaboration with Erg - École de Recherche Graphique, Brussels, Belgium and ISI Foundation, Turin, Italy.October 8 - October 12, 2012, at Erg, Brussels
VINCI'12 - International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction September 27 and 28 in the beautiful city of Hangzhou, China.
ISEA2012 Albuquerque: Machine Wilderness. The ISEA2012 symposium will consist of a conference September 19 – 24, 2012 based in Albuquerque with outreach days along the state’s “Cultural Corridor” in Santa Fe and Taos, and an expansive, regional collaboration throughout the fall of 2012, including art exhibitions, public events, performances and educational activities.
OKFestival = OGDcamp + OKCon. Helsinki, Finland. 17-22 Sept 2012. Open Government Data Camp and Open Knowledge Conference are joining to form a week-long celebration: the Open Knowledge Festival! The 2012 theme of OKFestival is Open Knowledge in Action.
Chaos! Komplexität in Kunst und Wissenschaft / Chaos! Complexity in Art and Science. Exhibition. Conferences. Dialogues. 11 September - 15 December 2012. Eres Stiftung München.
IV Conferencia & Festival Internacional de Cultura y Arte Antártico 5-9 September 2012 Buenos Aires Argentina< br /> ENHANCEMENT, EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, AND SOCIAL CHALLENGES! 10 - 14 September 2012 at the Inter-University Center, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Major topics iclude: BIOENHANCEMENT, TECHNOLOGY AND ETHICS, TRANSHUMANISM, POSTHUMANISM, AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITES.
Knowledge is Natural a workshop about DIY energy and augmented reality in natural environments. August 19-25 2012.
SIGGRAPH Conference 5–9 August 2012. Exhibition 7–9 August 2012. Los Angeles Convention Center.
The Global Composition Sound, Media and the Environment, Darmstadt/Media Campus Dieburg (Hochschule Darmstadt), July 25-28, 2012 (near Frankfurt Airport)
56th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences ISSS San Jose 2012. July 15-20 2012, at San Jose State University, California.
Virtual Worlds III 2012 Third International Conference on Virtual Worlds (VW’2012) which will be held from July 3 to 5, 2012 in Paris (La Défense).
An Ecology of Ideas The American Society for Cybernetics, working with the Bateson Idea Group, is pleased to announce our joint conference to be held in Asilomar, California, 9 to 13 July 2012.
Colliding ideas Art, society and physics symposium. 08 July, 2012. RMIT University Melbourne.
Media Ecologies Summer School will take place in Krakow, Poland 6-19 July 2012.
EVA London 2012 When: Monday 2nd - Wednesday 4th July 2012. Where: EVA London will again be held in the glamorous central London headquarters of the BCS - The Chartered Institute for IT, 5 Southampton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2E 7HA
Sprung Brink event between arts and sciences. On June 22nd 2012 “brink Ereignis zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft” will take place in Wuppertal, Germany, focussing on the topic “Sprung” (jump, leap, crack, …).
Understanding Interdisciplinarity: Theory and Practice - An International Conference 12th-14th June 2011 Sheffield Hallam University. Understanding Interdisciplinarity: Theory and Practice, will include three key note speakers and paper and poster presentations of high quality, original research. The conference seeks papers which address the theory and methods that underpin interdisciplinary working and those which provide case studies of actual practices and outcomes from projects. Submissions by authors from across the disciplines are encouraged.
NeuroArts 3 - Noise: as glue, as buoyancy 28/06/2012 to 29/06/2012. NeuroArts brings together artists, scientists and philosophers to share ideas and present and their work. Plymouth University, UK.
Arts, Humanities, and Complex Networks Tuesday, June 19, 2012 at Northwestern University in Evanston/IL, near Chicago/IL on the shores of Lake Michigan.
2012 International Conference on Arts, Social Sciences and Technology (AAST 2012) June 12-13, 2012,Jeju-Island, Korea.
PERFORMATIVE LANGUAGES OF EMOTION: A Dialogue between Arts and Inquiry 10. und 11.6.2012. STAATSOPER IM SCHILLER THEATER, Berlin.
Northern Spark is a new Minnesota festival modeled on a nuit blanche or “white night” festival — a free, dusk to dawn participatory public art event in both Minneapolis and St. Paul. June 9-10, 2012
The Tenth International Conference on Neuroesthetics May 26th and 27th, 2012. UC Berkeley.
Subtle Technologies Festival Festival details: Toronto, Canada. May 24-27, 2012. Submissions deadline: December 15, 2011
The Art of Aging UCLA Institute of Society and Genetics 10th Annual Symposium. May 11 + 12, 2012.
The Physics of the City. Complexity in Urban Mobility Networks from Venezia to Marseille Thursday, 10 May 2012 09:30. IMéRA, Maison des Astronomes, Marseille
Hirn. Geld. Klima. Theater und Forschung (Brain. Money. Climate. Theatre and Research) Annual Conference of the German Society for Dramaturgy. 26th-29th April 2012, Staatstheater Oldenburg.
14th Virtual Reality International Conference March 28-30, 2012, Laval, France.
BORDERS AND TECHNOLOGIES at IMERA Includes work of sociologists, technologists, artists and more. 19-20 April 2012. IMéRA, Maison des Astronomes Institut d’études avancées d’Aix-Marseille, Marseille.
evomusart 1st International Conference and 10th European Event on Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design. 11-13 April, 2012 in Malaga, Spain.
3rd Augmented Human International Conference March 8th and 9th 2012, scientific conference in Megève. March 10th and 11th 2012, potential augmented human and art public exhibition (to be confirmed). The venue of the conference is Megève, best of the Alps ski resort in front of the highest mountain of the Alps, the Mont-Blanc. You can ski in Megève at the dates of the conference!
Das Grosse, das Kleine und der menschliche Geist - Teil 2 / The Large, the Small and the Human Mind - Part 2 31. März und 1. April 2012. Neue Galerie Luzern.
Neosentient Design: From Interaction and Interface Design to Neosentient Design | From Recombinant Poetics to Recombinant Informatics Lecture by Bill Seaman, Institute for New Media Frankfurt/Main, March 13, 2012.
Mathematics for Everyone? Symposium–UNESCO January 30 and 31, 2012. Within the scope of “Mathematics: A Beautiful Elsewhere”, a unique exhibition created by the Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain with the aim of offering visitors, to use the mathematician Alexandre Grothendieck’s expression, “a sudden change of scenery.” The Fondation Cartier has opened its doors to the community of mathematicians and invited a number of artists to accompany them. They are the artisans and thinkers, the explorers and builders of this exhibition. Paris, Oct 21, 2011 - March 18, 2012.
Integrate by Design - From STEM to STEAMD? IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference. Friday, March 9, 2012 at The College of New Jersey in Ewing, NJ.
STEAM Through Education Science, Technology, Engineering, ARTS, and Mathematics, or the implementation of the arts through STEM education.Festival hold on February 25th to showcase the power of STEAM. Dallas.
6th International Conference on the Philosophy of Computer Games: The Nature of Player Experience. Will be held the January 29, 30 and 31, 2012 in Madrid.
Lift Conference is one of Europe's key events about innovation and digital technologies. Geneva 22-24 Feb 2012
in/compatible - transmediale 2k+12 symposium+festival, Berlin, 31/01 - 05/02 2012
Imagery Dimension 1st International Online Festival for art+innovation


STEM to STEAM Briefing Rhode Island School of Design 2011
in/compatible Research - Workshop/ConferenceNovember 16-18, 2011. Vilém Flusser Archive, Berlin University of the Arts (UdK)
Ambience'11 ...where art, technology and design meet An international conference and exhibition, which welcomes researchers and artists/designers/architects to the University of Borås 28-30 November 2011.
*Synergy* *New Frontiers of Science, Art and Thought* *Ninth Edition* *Arts Santa Mònica* *17 to 20 November 2011*
Careful! Risk Art and Science / Art and the production of knowledge – Perspectives for Art Academies. Conference, Braunschweig University of Art, 9-11 November 2011
Universal oder beliebig? Komplexitätsforschung jenseits traditioneller Disziplinen. Lecture by Hans H. Diebner, Nov 8, 2011. Also: Code und Material - Algorithmen in der Kunst. Lecture by Georg Trogemann, Nov 15, 2011. Lectures within the scope of the exhibition: Ralf Baecker: irrational computing Semiconductor crystals - the aesthetics of digial processes / Halbleiterkristalle - Die Ästhetik digitaler Prozesse. Schering Stiftung | Unter den Linden 32-34 | 10117 Berlin. Opening: 27 October 2011, 19:00 h. Duration: 28 October to 17 December 2011.
BALANCE - UnBaLANCe 2011 CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY. Montreal - Canada. November 4th and 5th, 2011. The BALANCE-UNBALANCE conference will seek to bring artists together with scientists, economists, philosophers, politicians, sociologists, engineers, management and policy experts with the intent of engendering a deeper awareness and creating lasting intellectual working partnerships in solving our global environmental crisis.
NEXT ECOLOGY amberConference 2011 3-6 November 2011, Istanbul. amberConference is started in 2009 in the frame of amberFestival. The aims and scope of the conference are to create a platform of discussion and dissemination for the various themes and topics in which Science, Art and Technology converge.
IACAP Sponsored Symposium: History and Philosophy of Computing Ghent, Belgium, 7-10 November 2011
Creativity and Cognition The 8th ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition will be held from November 3rd through November 6th at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
International Symposium on Aqua Science and Water Resources (ISASWR) and the Arts The third ISASWR will be held online as a virtual event (hosted on this website) from November 3-5, 2011.
Emotional Skin. Performance and sensorial environments VIDA 13.0 workshop with Sonia Cillari. 26th, 27th and 28th of October in the Matadero Madrid premises.
Heavenly Discourses: Myth, Astronomy and Culture An Interdisciplinary Conference. October 14-16, 2011. University of Bristol, UK. Due by date for submission is 31st March 2011.
Rewire MEDIA ART HISTORY Rewire :: Liverpool :: Sept, 28 - Oct, 1, 2011. The fourth International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology, Rewire, will be hosted by FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology) and held in Liverpool, UK, from 28th September to 1st October 2011
CYBERWORLDS 2011 International CONFERENCE on CYBERWORLDS. October 4 - 6, 2011. Banff International Center, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Tangible Feelings EEG (and Biofeedback) for the Arts: Symposium, Performances, Exhibitions: 16 September - 18 September 2011. iMAL (interactive Media Art Laboratory) Bruxelles.
ISEA 2011 Istanbul 14-21 September 2011.
Culture Numérique Colloque Scientifique Ludovia 2011 29 août / 1er septembre 2011 - Ax les Thermes (09)
NIEA - Experimental Arts Conference Double-Event 19-20 August 2011: Main Conference and Discussion Forum. 17-18 August 2011: National Postgraduate Conference. Location: Scientia Building, UNSW. National Institute for Experimental Arts, University of New South Wales (COFA)
RGS/IBG Annual Conference: Session Proposal: Art, Science and Geographical Imaginaries 31 Aug - 2 Sept 2011, London UK. Sponsored by Historical Geography Research Group. Convenors: Mrill Ingram, University of Arizona; Libby Straughan, Harriet Hawkins, Aberystwyth University.
Bridges 2011: MATHEMATICS, MUSIC, ART, ARCHITECTURE, CULTURE A 5-Day Conference and Excursion: (Wednesday & Thursday July 27- 28 and Saturday & Sunday 30-31). Plus an Excursion Day (Friday July 29). University of Coimbra, Portugal.
Creative Science - Science Fiction Prototyping for Technology Innovation Nottingham - UK. 25th-26th of July 2011
Scientific Theatre - International Workshop Multidisciplinary Approach to Designing Intelligent Environments (SciT’11). Nottingham Trent University, UK. 25th-26th of July 2011
Virtual Futures 2.0 DIGITAL NATIVES: FEAR OF THE FLESH? University of Warwick, UK. 18-19 June 2011.
RE-TOUCHING McLUHAN – THE MEDIUM IS THE MASSAGE Marshall McLuhan Centennial Weekend May 27 – 29, 2011. Conference | Screening | Exhibition | Performance. Embassy of Canada / Marshall McLuhan Salon, Berlin.
Towards the Third Culture. The Co-Existence of Art, Science and Technology held from the 23rd to the 25th May at the Artus Court in Gdańsk, Poland. The event is organized as part of the interdisciplinary and long-standing project by the Laznia CCA – the Art&Science Meeting – which examines the relations between science and art.
Vida 13.2 Art & Artificial Life International Competition Fundación Telefónica announces the Vida 13.2 Art & Artificial Life International Competition, which for the last twelve years has awarded prizes for artistic projects using technological mediums offering innovative approaches to research into artificial life.
Visualizar 11: Understanding Infrastructures. Open Call Medialab-Prado and EOI, Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI, Business School) call for the presentation of projects and papers to be produced and presented during the Visualizar program workshop that will take place between June 14 to July 1, 2011. Directed by José Luis de Vicente. With the support of Bestiario. Deadline for proposals: March 21, 2011.
HyperKult XX - Computer als Medium - Trivialisierung - Computers as Media - Trivialization 7.-9. Juli 2011. Leuphana University Lüneburg. Workshop: Contributions from art, science, humanities and technology are highly welcome.
EVA LONDON 2011 Electronic Visualisation and the Arts. Wednesday 6th - Friday 8th July 2011.
IACAP 2011 First International Meeting July 4-6, 2011, Aarhus, Denmark.
NetSci 2011 Arts, Humanities, and Complex Networks — 2nd Leonardo satellite symposium at NetSci2011. We are pleased to invite you to Arts, Humanities, and Complex Networks - 2nd Leonardo satellite symposium at NetSci 2011 taking place at the Ludwig Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest, on Tuesday, June 7, 2011.
Subtle Technologies Festival 2011 Toronto, June 2 – June 5, 2011. Submission deadline: December 12, 2010.
Perspectives on Art and Medicine Symposium May 28, University of Sussex. This symposium focuses on the relationship of art and medicine viewed from many perspectives. Speakers include leading experts in the fields of art and science alongside students from Brighton and Sussex Medical School whose work is featured in the accompanying “Art and Medicine” exhibition. Brighton and Sussex Medical School has worked on collaborative projects with several high profile artists.
technarte International Conference on Art & Technology. Bilbao 19-20 May 2011
Transhumanism Meets Design On May 14-15, 2011, Humanity+ International is partnering with Parsons The New School for Design in New York City to produce Transhumanism Meets Design, a conference exploring emerging technology, transdisciplinary design, culture and media theory, and biotechnology.
Indirect Experiences. A Dialogue between Inge Hinterwaldner and Nils Röller. Kunstmuseum Thun, Switzerland. 12 May 2011.
Curating Science A one-day conference and a chance to explore how science is shaping new cultural practice, hosted by the Wellcome Collection. 06 May 2011. Curating Science is organised by Kingston University to celebrate ten years of the MA Curating Contemporary Design in partnership with the Design Museum. The conference reflects the Kingston MA’s commitment to science as a key theme in contemporary practice.
Experimentation in the Context of Performance Practice Orpheus Research Centre in Music [ORCiM] 27-28 April 2011, Ghent Belgium. The third International ORCiM Seminar organised at the Orpheus Institute offers an opportunity for an international group of contributors to explore specific aspects of ORCiM's research focus: Artistic Experimentation in Music. The theme of the conference is: Experimentation in the Context of Performance Practice.
The Art|Tech Biennale ENTER: Datapolis is being organized by CIANT – International Center for Art and New Technologies – in the partnership with National Technical Library and Archa Theatre. April 15, 2011 - April 16, 2011.
evo* 2011 The main European events on Evolutionary Computation 27-29 April 2011 – Torino, Italy.
Neue Medien machen (auch) Sinn (New Media make (also) sense) A panel discussion (in German language). Podiumsdiskussion zu Sinn und Unsinn, Möglichkeiten und Unmöglichkeiten moderner Informationstechnologien und Neuer Medien. Anlässlich der Ausstellung “Neue Medien machen Sinn” - Kontext INM: Performative Wissenschaft und Virealität. Im Rahmen des Forums Wissenschaft und Kunst des HMWK-Hessischen Ministeriums für Wissenschaft und Kunst. 12. April 2011, 19:30 Uhr | HMWK Wiesbaden Rheinstr. 23-25
International Conference on Computational Creativity ICCC-11 will be held in Mexico City. 27-29 April 2011. The deadline for proposals is 01 December 2010.
LAVAL VIRTUAL 2011 Symposium VIRTUAL ARTS. 6-10 april 2011. Laval, France.
Eco sapiens Extinction or adaptation? Evolution or Revolution? What are we facing? The complexity and urgency of the crises of today calls for us to engage together in new ways. Deep shifts in our consciousness may be required for long-term cultural changes to occur. A symposium followed by a residency is to be held late January to early February 2011 in New Plymouth, Aotearoa New Zealand.
"When Computers Look at Art: 
Image analysis in humanistic studies of the visual arts" David G. Stork, Chief Scientist, Ricoh Innovations. Thursday, April 14, 7pm. Ithaca College. Ithaca, NY 14850.
Naturalising Aesthetics? / Naturaliser l’esthétique? Symposium 17-19 march. Le colloque aura lieu du 17 mers (15h.) au 19 mars 2011 (du jeudi au samedi) Université de Provence, site Schuman (Aix), salle des Professeurs.
NeuroForum 2011 – „Kunst und Gehirn: Bildende Kunst aus Sicht der Hirnforschung" (Art and the brain - visual art from a brain scientific perspective) 10 March 2011 8:30. Hermann Josef Abs Saal, Frankfurt. Prof. Reto Weiler, Prof. Dr. Wolf Singer, Prof. Peter Weibel.
Laboratory Life - Lighthouse Monthly Talk Thursday 03 March 2011. At: Lighthouse, 28 Kensington St, Brighton.
The 2011 International Conference on Communications, Computing and Control Applications (CCCA’11) will be held March 3-5, 2011 at Hammamet, Tunisia.
Lift11: what can the future do for you? Lift11 is a three-day conference about current and emerging usage of digital technologies such as online communities, social media and casual games. Participants come to better understand the challenges and opportunities presented by digital technologies, and meet the people who drive these innovations. 2-4 February 2011, International Conference Center. Geneva, Switzerland.
Art and Science Collaborations University of Brighton Faculty of Arts. Saturday 5 February or Saturday 12 March.
"Was sind Denkfiguren? Figurationen unbegrifflichen Denkens in Metaphern, Diagrammen und Kritzeleien" (What are figures of thought (Denkfiguren)?) 25. und 26. Februar 2011. Graduiertenkolleg “Schriftbildlichkeit”. Institut für Philosophie, Berlin.
Image in Science and Art Science Conferences 2010 | 2011. November to February. Online live transmission: Participants: 19 JANUARY 2011 Visiting Time: The Renegotiation of Time through Time-Based Art by Boris Groys. 2 FEBRUARY 2011 Functional Images of the Brain: Beauty, Bounty, and Beyond by Judy Illes.
BODY:RESPONSE – Biomedial Politics in the Age of Digital Liveness The transmediale.11 conference, Berlin, 1 - 6 feb 2011
Art: What is the Use? Friday 14 January. Whitechapel Gallery. London.


Aging of New Media? On Conservation, Archiving, and Heritage of Digital Media Objects. Tabea Lurk and Jürgen Enge present their research results at the INM Frankfurt upon Main, Germany, 14.Dec.2010 in German language.
As the Academy Turns Manifesta 8 – Collaborative Project. International Symposium: 2-4 December, 2010, Cendeac, Centro Parraga, Murcia.
Image in Science and Art Science Conferences 2010 | 2011. November to February. Online live transmission: Participants: 17 NOVEMBER 2010 “Taking it on Trust” in Images of Nature by Martin Kemp. 15 DECEMBER 2010 The Problem of a Picture of an Atom by Christopher Toumey.
Unruly ecologies: Biodiversity and art A SymbioticA Symposium. November 26 to 28 2010. A symposium exploring the possibilities and difficulties of the diversity of life through critical investigations in art, ecology and action. Perth and Lake Clifton, Mandurah, Western Australia.
Towards the Memory Tower Dr. Timothy Senior presents his new media installation at the INM Frankfurt upon Main, Germany, 09.Nov.2010.
New Media Art Education & Research: Always Already New. Thinking Media, Subversing Feeling, Scaffolding Knowledge: Art and Education in the Praxis of Transformation December 16 – 18, 2010. NABA, via Carlo Darwin, 20, Milan
Creativity and Cognition The 8th ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition will be held from November 3rd through November 6th at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
The Digital Oblivion. Substance and ethics in the conservation of computer-based art. International symposium. 4 and 5 November 2010, 10.00–18.00. ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe.
Ready to change Ljubljana, Slovenia. 01 December 2010 to 04 December 2010. Culture as a factor of economic and social innovation in the Mediterranean space: Towards new solidarities in a changing Europe. It is taking place in Ljubljana from the 1st to the 4th of December 2010.
Media Architecture Biennale 2010 Theme 2010: „Urban Media Territories; the re-stratification of urban public spaces through digital media.“ Conference :: October 7-9 2010. Opening October 7, 16h. Workshops :: October 8-9 2010. daily 13:30 - 16h. Exhibition :: October 7-31 2010. Vernissage October 7, 18:30. Venue: Künstlerhaus, Vienna
GENERATIVE ART GA2010, the 13th Generative Art Conference. 5-16-17 December 2010. Politecnico di Milano University, Italy. Art - Music - Architecture - Industrial Design - Web Art - Poetry - Visual Grammar - Design Approach - Teaching Theory - Mathematics - Virtual Environment - Literature - Artificial Life - Artificial Intelligence - Cellular Automata - Performances - Artificial Behaviors - Communication - Generative Robots - Mechatronic - NanoArt
ACM Multimedia 2010 October 25th or 29th. Firenze, Italy.
The CHArt (Computers and the History of Art) 2010 Conference Technology and ‘the death of Art History’ 10 - Thursday 11 November 2010, London, venue TBC. In recent decades the traditional practices of Art History have come increasingly under attack. This has led to changes so extreme that some have talked of the 'death of Art History'. The CHArt 2010 Conference wishes to explore the role of digital technologies in the disruption of Art History and the profound changes in the way that we display, consume and study art. CALL FOR PAPERS!
Vision and Material Interaction between Art and Science in Jan van Eyck’s Time Nov 24-26, 2010, at the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts (KVAB, Palace of the Academies, Brussels).
Visual perception and visual arts Nov 23-24, 2010, at the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts (KVAB, Palace of the Academies, Brussels).
amberConference The first international conference of amberConference will be held in conjunction with the amber’09 Art and Technology Festival, on 7,8 November 2009 in Istanbul, Turkey. The aims and scope of this conference are to create a platform of discussion and dissemination for the various themes and topics in which Social Science, Art and Technology converge.
ICIDS 2010 The third International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling. November 1st - 3rd 2010. Edinburgh UK.
Conference on Transdisciplinary Imaging at the Intersections between Art, Science and Culture Takes place on 5 - 6 November at Artspace, 43/51 Cowper Wharf Rd, Sydney, NSW 2011. Deadline for Abstracts: June 25, 2010.
CompleNet 2010: 2nd Workshop on Complex Networks Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. October 13-15, 2010. Hosted by Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. COPPE / UFRJ.
Materiality, Posthumanist Performativity, and Wearables Presentation by Valérie Lamontagne (Montreal) on 12 Oct 2010 at the INM Frankfurt.
Das Ding / Thing: Object and/or Individual. 65 positions out of science, art and literature. October 8th 2010 until February 4th 2011. October 8th 2010. Guided tour with Elisa Asenbaum through the exhibition at 5 pm. Opening at 7 pm. Event day: October 9th 2010 from 2 - 10 pm: 2.00 - 3.30 Lecture: Über die Welt der Quantentheorie - Franz Embacher 4.00 - 4.30 Performance: Speech - Elisa Andessner 4.30 - 5.00 Performance: Minimal Move / Step By Step - K.U.SCH 5.30 - 6.30 Lecture: Verdinglichung - Hans Diebner 7.30 - 9.30 Musicperformance: The Hottest Shit In Town - Martin & The Evil Eyes Of Nur
ISMAR 2010 The Ninth IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality. Oct. 13-16, 2010. COEX, Seoul, Korea.
GLOBAL WARNING SYMPOSIUM ARTISTS, SCIENTISTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVISM. Held in conjunction with the 3rd 01SJ Biennial, September 16—17, 2010. San Jose City Hall Council Chambers, San Jose, CA.
The Eighth Annual National Conference of the American Synesthesia Association, will take place on October 1 thru 3, 2010 at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee.
High Throughput Humanities. A satellite meeting at the European Conference on Complex Systems 2010 organized by Maximilian Schich, Sune Lehmann, Riley Crane, and Gourab Ghoshal, Lisbon University Institute ISCTE in Lisbon, Portugal, Wednesday, September 15, 2010.
The Pleasure of Light, György Kepes and Frank J. Malina at the intersection of Art and Science. An exhibition and conference at the Ludwig Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest, Hungary. The Pleasure of Light exhibition opens on September 2nd 2010 at 8 pm. Please join us on September 3, 2010 for The Pleasure of Light conference.
Leben 3.0 und die Zukunft der Evolution (life 3.0 and the future of evolution) Interdisziplinäre Tagung: 16.-17. September 2010. Veranstaltungsort: Medizinhistorisches Museum der Charité und Akademiegebäude am Gendarmenmarkt, Einstein-Saal.
DRHA Conference - Sensual Technologies: Collaborative Practices of Interdisciplinarity. 5-8 Sept 2010. Brunel University, Uxbridge, West London.
Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics University of Sheffield, UK. 6-8 September 2010.
Hermeneutics & Science: Worlds, Realities and Life.Organised by The International Society for Hermeneutics and Science. 27-29 August 2010, Vienna, AUSTRIA.
ISEA2010 RUHR The International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA) has been taking place in prestigious institutions across the globe since 1988. It is organised under the auspices of ISEA International. ISEA2010 RUHR will be the sixteenth edition of the symposium. 20 to 29 August 2010.
FIS 2010: Fourth International Conference on the Foundations of Information Science: Towards a new science of information, Beijing, China, 20-23 August 2010.
The Digital Aesthetics of Climate Crisis Part of the upcoming ISEA Ruhr 2010. 24 Aug 2010. The panel explores the questions about the role, qualities and potential problems of digital climate art. The format will be that of an “Unpanel“ which aims at engaging the audience directly. It will include strategies from the presented projects interjected as creative interruptions, glitches, crises and confessions. Thus the participants will experience the delicate balances and tipping points of both our climate and the role of art in relation to it.
Bridges Conference. In 2010, the Bridges Conference will be held in Pécs, Hungary, July 24-28. As always, the Conference will feature talks and artworks presenting the latest ideas in mathematics and the arts from experts around the world. There will be artists and artworks representing painting, drawing, sculpture, computer graphics, fiber arts, music, dance, and more. There will be hands-on workshops, special music, theater, and movie evenings, and a day-long excursion to museums and cultural sites. The language of the conference is English. All papers are refereed and the accepted papers will appear in a printed proceedings.
Cybernetics: Art, Design, Mathematics — A Meta-Disciplinary Conversation July 30th to August 2nd 2010 (with surrounding events) at EMPAC: Experimental media and performing arts center - Troy, NY USA.
Science Art-Nature will be providing an online exhibit associated with the large, annual meeting of the Pacific Region of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) to be held in Ashland, OR June 13-17, 2010.
EVA LONDON 2010. Electronic Information, the Visual Arts and Beyond. Not just a conference - an exhibition, a Research Workshop and Visualisation sessions. 5 - 7 July 2010, BCS, 5 Southampton Street, London, WC2E 7HA
Syneme Telearts Summer Institute in Calgary TeleArts: Artists Collaborating Over High Speed Networks. 3 Week Summer Workshop Intensive. July 5-23, 2010.
"Textures" 6th European Meeting of the Society for Literature, Science and the Arts (SLSA-EU 2010). June 14 – 20, 2010, Riga, Latvia. Within the scope of “TRANSBIOTICS. Temporal stability points”, XII International festival for new media art and culture ART+COMMUNICATION 2010.
Computational Aesthetics London June 14 - 16th, 2010.
Interactivos?'10 Neighborhood Science. The Advanced Workshop for Project Development Interactivos?'10: Neighborhood Science takes place in June 7 - 23, 2010. MediaLab Prado Madrid.
Arts for Social and Environmental Justice (ASEJ). A One-Day Symposium May 15, 2010 Royal Conservatory, Toronto, Ontario. Call for papers deadline: February 15, 2010.
New Media and Interactivity Conference Istanbul 28-30 April 2010. Call for papers deadline 4 Jan 2010.
EvoMUSART 2010 8th European event on Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design. 7-9 April, 2010 in Istanbul. Call for papers deadline Nov 11, 2009.
Subtle Technologies Festival June 3 - 6, 2010, Toronto, Canada. In 2010, for our 13th annual festival, we have chosen the theme, of “sustainability”. We will look at “sustainability” through the lens of art and science …
Arts - Humanities - Complex Networks - a Leonardo satellite symposium at NetSci 2010 taking place at BarabásiLab — Center for Complex Network Research, Northeastern University in Boston, MA, on Monday, May 10, 2010.
Why Synesthesia Matters Sean Day, Patricia Lynne Duffy, Carol Steen, Maureen Seaberg (Moderator). Session 3 Tuesday Morning, April 13
Technarte is an International Conference on Art & Technology. Next year, Technarte will take place again in Bilbao on 15th and 16th of April 2010.
20th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research Vienna, April 6 - 9, 2010. Deadline for submission: Nov 10, 2009.
Sonification (what, where, how, why) The purpose of this symposium is to conduct a state of the art review of the use sonification* within art projects, with a focus on the use of data taken from our surroundings (in a broad sense) as opposed to gestural interfaces or electronic instruments. The symposium will be organized as a series of 4 half day round table debates (March 4 & 5) + 1 evening sessions where participants are invited to propose demonstrations, performances or documentation of work related to the theme. AIX EN PROVENCE FRANCE, MARCH 4th & 5th 2010.
Sonic Acts XIII - The Poetics of Space examines the importance of physical space in times of far-reaching technological developments, and the physical and psychological impact of spatial designs. do 25 feb 10:00 - 0:00 De Balie, Paradiso, Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst.
Spielraum Zeit und Raumzeit-Spiel (Gamespace Time and Spacetime-Game). A Conference (in German language) by Frank Furtwängler on physico-temporal and anthrophological aspects of video games. Institute for New Media, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. February 9, 2010.
Transmediale Berlin Jan/Feb 2010.
Outlaw Biology? Public Participation in the Age of Big Bio. The UCLA Center for Society and Genetics. CNSI-UCLA, January 29th-30th 2010.
Ursula Damm: Artist's presentation of her works between art and science within the scope of the INM project “performative science”. 12. Januar 2010, Institute for New Media, Frankfurt/Main. See also Ursula Damm's website.
The Universe Resounds: Kandinsky, Synesthesia, and Art Symposium Tuesday, January 12, 2010, 2–7 pm. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. New York City
Constructive Interference of the Arts and Sciences Leonardo Art/Science Evening Rendezvous of January 2010. San Francisco, 11 january 2010. c/o University of San Francisco. 2130 Fulton Street SF, CA 94117. Building: Fromm Hall. Room: Maier Hall.


(New) Media Arts Practices and the Cultures of Medicine: Historical Perspectives, Contemporary Endeavours. Discourse evening within the scope of “unplugged heads 2.0” at the INM Frankfurt/Main with Dr. Tamar Tembeck. December 8, 2009.
pixxelpoint: Once Upon a Time in the West. Pixxelpoint 2009 International New Media Art Festival will begin on December 4th 2009 in Nova Gorica, Slovenia in Nova Gorica City Gallery (Mestna galerija Nova Gorica) and it will last for eight days, until December 11th 2009.
Re:live Third International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology. Melbourne 26-29 November 2009. Call For Papers – Deadline 19th December 2008.
The Internet as Playground and Factory Eugene Lang College The New York School, New York, 12-14 November 2009.
4th International Heinz von Foerster Congress University of Vienna, Austria, 12-14 November 2009.
Post-Flux 2009 6, 7 & 8 Nov. 2009. Brussels Bozar.
Data Ecologies 09 30th October 2009, Brussels
Simulated Certainty Meeting New Frontiers of Science, Art and Thought. 30 Sept–-2 October, Barcelona.
Creativity and Cognition ACM Creativity and Cognition 2009. Berkeley CA - (Registration Open) October 27th - 30th 2009.
Colloque "Art, culture, théorie de l'évolution" Le colloque de l’IMéRA … Marseille et Aix-en-Provence, France, 22-24 octobre 2009.
Slactions Research conference in the Second Life® world. Life, imagination, and work using metaverse platforms. September 24-26, 2009
Super Human Revolution of the Species Organised by the ANAT Australian Network for Art & Technology. Melbourne Australia 22-25 Nov 2009. Taking place over two days, the Super Human symposium will present an invigorating and inspiring mix of keynote speakers and collaborative research projects engaging with one or more of the symposium themes: Augmentation, Cognition and Nanoscale interventions …
Consciousness Reframed. The Planetary Collegium’s Xth International Research Conference. 19 – 21 November 2009. Theme: Experiencing Design - behaving media - A transdisciplinary inquiry into art, science, technology and society. Partner and Host: University of Applied Sciences, Munich MFM
Vizualizar Open call for projects and papers on public data visualization for the Visualizar'09: Public Data, Data in Public workshop-seminar (November 12-17, 2009). Deadline: October, 5.
Seeing Sound Bath Spa University is hosting a music research symposium next weekend with an audiovisual theme. The two-day event, entitled Seeing Sound, will explore a range of multimedia work highlighting the relationship between sound and image… It takes place in the Michael Tippett Centre on Bath Spa University's Newton Park campus on Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 September.
[ORCiM] RESEARCH FESTIVAL 17 - 18 September 2009, Orpheus Research Centre in Music, Ghent, Belgium
amberConference will be held in conjunction with the amber’09 Art and Technology Festival, on 7,8 November 2009 in Istanbul, Turkey. The aims and scope of this conference are to create a platform of discussion and dissemination for the various themes and topics in which Social Science, Art and Technology converge. The theme for this year's event is the Cyborg.
CHArt TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE Object and Identity in a Digital Age. 12 and 13 November, Birkbeck, University of London.
The Arts in the context of today's Darwinian Theory of Evolution Colloquium organized by MIM, IMéRA, Leonardo/Olats, Alphabetville and Zinc-ECM, Marseille (France), October 22, 23, 24, 2009.
21CTIS 21C Transmedia Innovation Symposium. Seoul, Korea, 23-25 Sept 2009.
Arriva ArteScienza 2009 A production Fondazione Musica per Roma / Centro Ricerche Musicali, Biennale ArteScienza, 18 Sept - 5 Dec 2009.
Leonardo Art/Science Evening Rendezvous of September 2009 Constructive Interference of the Arts and Sciences, San Francisco, 14 September 2009, c/o University of San Francisco, 2130 Fulton Street, SF, CA 94117, Maraschi room in Fromm Hall
British Science Festival 5th - 10th September 2009.
Symposium for ART AND RENEWABLE TECHNOLOGIES August 13-16 in Aizpute (Latvia)
Sciencia ubi es? Ars quo vadis? Ein Treffen abseits der Mitte. Discourse evening within the scope of “unplugged heads 2.0” at the INM Frankfurt/Main with Florian Grond. August 11, 2009.
Latende Bilder Erzählformen des Gebrauchsfilms, Confernce 10.–12. SEPT 2009. Zürich. A conference on scientific film and art.
HyperKult 18The Cloud. 2.-4.7.2009 im Rechenzentrum der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg Scharnhorststr. 1 Geb. 7, 21335 Lüneburg veranstaltet von der Fachgruppe Computer als Medium im Fachbereich Informatik und Gesellschaft der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V und Labor Kunst und Wissenschaft.
AI & Society: Knowledge, Culture and Communication 1 October through 17 December 2009 at the Science Gallery in Dublin. Call for papers - Special Issue: NANOTECH & ART. Deadline: Abstracts: June 1, 2009. Papers: July 1, 2009.
ISEA2009 15th International Symposium on Electronic Art - Northern Ireland. 23 AUG - 1 SEPT 2009.
International Conference on CYBERWORLDS 7-11 September 2009 University of Bradford, UK.
Symmetry Festival 2009 organized under the aegis of the International Symmetry Association (ISA). Main theme: Symmetry in the History of Science, Art, Technology and Medicine. 31 July - 04 August 2009, Budapest. Organised by the Symmetrion.
Engineering and Technological Innovation: IMETI 2009. The 2nd International Multi-Conference, July 10th - 13th, 2009 – Orlando, Florida, USA.
Eye of the Storm. An interdisciplinary conference on scientific controversy. An Arts Catalyst & Tate Britain Conference. 19-20 June 2009. Tate Britain, Millbank, London SW1, UK.
CIANT Transistor Project Conference Series hosted by CIANT, Prague, Czech Republic. Among the presenters: Viktor Antonov, (France/Bulgaria/USA) Artistic Director of Half life 2, Dalit Naor from IBM (Israel), Richard Wright from the BBC (UK), Oliver Grau (Germany), Don Foresta (France/USA) and 10 other lecturers from 7 countries. Series 1: May 20-23, 2009; Series 2: June 17-20, 2009.
Coded Cultures - Festival. The symposium of “CODED CULTURES - Exploring Creative Emergences” combines theoretical lectures, artist presentations and keynotes structured through the four sub-topics of the festival: Designing Complexity, Assembling Things, Expanding Locality and Creating Proto-Culture. The selected positions are raising questions about the transformation of cultural codes in different areas of creative selforganization and give an opportunity to discuss these on an international and trans-disciplinary level. The artist panels give an inside look on emerging forms of aritstic practices and on related issues of creative development. May 28th to May 31st, MUMOK (Museum Moderner Kunst - Stiftung Ludwig) Vienna and 14th – 18th of October 2009, Japan (Yokohama).
The Two Cultures in the 21st Century May 9, 2009, New York Academy of Sciences.
Congreso Internacional de Arte y Sinestesia Granada 26-29 Abril de 2009.
Convegno Matematica e Cultura 2009 Conference on Mathematics and Culture. Venice, Italy. 27 - 29 March 2009.
Technarte is an international conference on art and technology that seeks to become the most important event of its kind. Bilbao, 23rd-24th of April, 2009
INTERACTIVOS? LIMA'09: MAGIC & TECHNOLOGY Workshop. Organized by The Spanish Cultural Center in Lima / The Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) and Medialab-Prado (Department of Arts, Madrid City Council). Lima 13.04.2009 - 28.04.2009.
Sound + Science Symposium March 5 + 6, 2009 10am-7pm UCLA California NanoSystems Institute Auditorium
Complexity Theory of Art and Music. Shanghai, China, on 23-25 February, 2009.
transmediale.09 festival for art and digital culture. January 27, 2009 at Berlin's House of World Cultures.
LCEA09: Completing the Circle: Incorporating Evaluation Methods in Creative Work. A one-day public symposium, endorsed by the Computer Arts Society and the Design Research Society, to be held in central London on Monday 19th January 2009.
Simulation Technologique Materialisation Artistique conférence les 8-9 janvier 2009 à Bétonsalon - centre d'art et de recherche, Paris.
Conférence "Perceptions art-science / synchronicités" Paris. Prochaines dates et résumés : 10 octobre, 7 novembre, 12 décembre, 23 janvier, 13 février, 13 mars.
Digital Encounter. From January 05 to January 08, 2009, in Istanbul at Sabanci University and Kasa Gallery, a series of events will offer the opportunity to discuss information arts and explore topics related to new media and digital art, the intersections of art, science and technology and the challenges in curating contemporary digital media.


Trespassing allowed - Kunst im Labor 19th December 2008 at the Vortragssaal der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, ZHdK. Artists and Scientists from the Swiss artist-in-labs program present their projects from 2008 and 2009.
Pixxelpoint 2008: For God's Sake! Nova Gorica, December 5-12, 2008.
What was old is new again. A meeting of art and scholarship. 21-23 Nov 2008, ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Art - Science - Technology Lecture by Victoria Vesna, Tue, 18.11.2008 - 18.11.2008, Kunsthaus Graz, Austria.
BIOTECH ART WORKSHOP organized by i/o/lab and SymbioticA as part of Article|08 festival. Tues 18th Nov - Fri 21st Nov 2008. Public discussion: Saturday 22nd Nov 2008.
Conférence "Perceptions art-science / synchronicités" Paris. Prochaines dates et résumés : 10 octobre, 7 novembre, 12 décembre, 23 janvier, 13 février, 13 mars.
ARTECH 2008 | Nas Fronteiras do Imaginário 4th International Conference on Digital Arts. 7, 8 | November. Portuguese Catholic University | Porto. Artech 2008 brings the scientific, technological and artistic community together, …
UCLA Art | Sci Center + Lab 2008 Symposium "Body Art Disease: Corruptions and Mutations". Location: UCLA, Department of Design Media Art & California NanoSystems Institute. Dates: November 6-8, 2008.
Seeing... Vision and Perception in a Digital Culture CHArt TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE. Thursday 6 and Friday 7 November 2008. Birkbeck, University of London.
Forum for Post Me New ID. International media art festival CYNETart_08 held in Dresden, Germany, will host the forum “Post Me_New ID” from 31st October to 2nd November 2008. The forum will bring together interdisciplinary practitioners in art, science and technology to discuss in various formats, from keynotes to Quickfires, issues concerning contemporary and future forms of networked creations and multi-identities.
The 7th Annual National Conference of the American Synesthesia Association, Inc. will take place on September 26-28, 2008 at McMASTER UNIVERSITY in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Less Remote. The Futures of Space Exploration - An Arts and Humanities Symposium. Glasgow, 30 Sep – 03 Oct 2008. Call for Submissions Deadline: March 1, 2008. An international symposium to run parallel with the 2008 International Astronautical Congress (IAC).
Digital’08: Imagination On Behalf Of Our Planet 10th International Digital Print Open Competition/Exhibition at the New York Hall of Science October 4, 2008 – January 25, 2009. Organized by Art & Science Collaborations, Inc.
HCI 2008 Culture, Creativity, Interaction. HCI 2008 is the 22nd running of the British HCI conference; one of Europe's largest and longest running HCI conferences.
DIMEA 2008 3rd ACM International Conference on Digital Interactive Media in Entertainment and Arts. In cooperation with ACM SIGCHI 10-12 September 2008 Athens Information Technology (AIT), Athens, Greece.
SEEDS Festival. Somatic Experiments in Earth, Dance, & Science 2008: Ecology. July 27 - August 17, 2008.
**IIAS InterSymp 2008** by The International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics. July 24th to 30th, 2008 in Baden-Baden, Germany.
**Consciousness Reframed.** The Planetary Collegium’s IXth International Research Conference. Vienna, 3 July – 5 July 2008. Theme: New Realities: Being Syncretic. A transdisciplinary inquiry into art, science, technology and society. Partner and Host: University of Applied Arts Vienna.
**The Renaming Machine** The P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Institute – Ljubljana is pleased to announce the launch of the project The Renaming Machine with the opening of an exhibition on 12 June at the Jakopič Gallery in Ljubljana, and on the following day, a one-day conference.
**Figurations of Knowledge.** European Conference of the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts (SLSA) at the Center for Literary and Cultural Research Berlin (ZfL) June 03 - 07, 2008.
**International Symposium on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging.** Date: June 18–20 2008. Location: Lisbon, Portugal.
Berkeley Big Bang 08 - New Media Symposium and Art Festival, June 1, 2008 - June 3, 2008; Including the Art & Science Sessions: “Remix: From Science to Art and Back in the Digital Age”, “Brilliant Noise: How Data Becomes Experience for Artists and for Scientists”, “The New Sensuality: Epistemologies of the Very, Very Small”
**Subtle Technologies Festival 2008 - light** :: May 29 - June 1, 2008 :: Toronto, Canada :: Call for Submissions :: Proposal Deadline: December 31, 2007.
EMUS - Expressivity in MUsic and Speech. Prosody and expressivity in speech and music. Date: May 5th 2008. Form: workshop. Place: Campinas (Brazil) before Speech Prosody 2008.

**vizNET 2008 Event.** The 2nd Interdisciplinary Conference and Workshop on Intersections of Visualization Practices and Techniques. 7-9 May 2008, Leicestershire, UK.

**Your Brain on Art: Probing Neuroaesthetics:** A Symposium. Duke University Durham, NC. Wednesday, May 7, 2008. With David Freedberg, Bill Seaman, Jesse Prinz, Hans Diebner, Barbara Maria Stafford. This program is a continuation of the 2006-07 Mellon-Sawyer Seminar Human Being, Human Diversity, and Human Welfare and the 2006-07 Franklin Humanities Institute Seminar Interface, both co-convened by Tim Lenoir (Jenkins Chair of New Technologies and Society) and Priscilla Wald (Professor of English and Women's Studies).

**Futuresonic 2008** 1-4 May, Manchester, UK. Futuresonic brings 500 opinion formers, futurologists, artists, technologists and scientists from the digital culture, music and art communities to Manchester for four days of seminars, workshops and events.

**GRASSROOTS** is a 2-day conference, a public forum for discovering and debating the wide field art and ecology today with renowed and specialist speakers leading the way. You don’t need to be a specialist, just come with an open and enquiry mind. April 16-17, 2008, Kiasma, Helsinki

**7th Internacional festival de la Imagen** 15 - 19.04.2008, Colombia. With Eduardo Kac and Jorge La Ferla and many others.

**Reality as Design Problem** / Wirklichkeit als Design-Problem. Zum Verhältnis Von Ästhetik, Ökonomik und Ethik. Semiotisches Symposium Frühjahr 2008 vom 4. bis. 6. April 2008 an der Hochschule Mannheim.

**CAC.2 2008** Computer Art Congress, March 26, 27, 28, 2008 - Mexico City, Mexico. The first CAC'2002 observed that the origins of Computer Art (CA) are to be found in the fields of Art and Sciences. This duality has greatly delayed its recognition. Today, we are witnessing the emergence of a multidisciplinary community which has been spurred on by the advanced computer sciences. Members of this community share certain “conceptions” related to Visual Art in general and to Computer Art in particular.

**TECHNARTE 2008** Bilbao the 24th and 25th of April 2008 invites artists, art historians, curators, Art Centre researchers & developers, MediaLabs, Technological Innovation Agencies and Centres, Universities… to share their experiences in some of the proposed subjects. Professionals have the possibility of sending their papers before the 14th January 2008.

**Polar South – Art in Antarctica** MARCH 5 to APRIL 18 2008, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

**Glass Science in Art and Conservation.** The second “Glass Science in Art and Conservation” congress will take place in Valencia (Spain) on March 5-7, 2008.

**Environmental Art and New Media Technologies: Imagining Sustainable Futures** February 8-9, at Little Hall, Clifford Gallery, Hamilton, New York.

**Test_Lab: Multimodal** February 21st, 2008, 20:00h, V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media, Eendrachtsstraat 10, 3012XL, Rotterdam.

**sk-interfaces Conference.** 8 - 9 February, Liverpool. This hugely significant event will illustrate many of the aesthetic, philosophical, scientific and medical issues raised in the exhibition sk-interfaces, and will feature specialists of international renown from a wide range of fields and disciplines. The artists projects that feature in the exhibition will be discussed in the context of wider debates on and around skin and its role as an interface, as well as biotechnology as an artistic medium and subject.

**Transmediale 08** “Conspire”, Berlin. Exhibition: 29 Jan - 24 Feb 2008. Festival: 29 Jan - 3 Feb 2008.

**The Seventh International Conference on Neuroesthetics** University of California, Berkeley, January 19, 2008.


Tesla Symposium: Visions and Imagination: Advanced ICT in Art and Science 24 Nov 07 University College London.

Enactive / 07 Enactive / 07 is an international scientific and cultural event, promoted by the European Network of Excellence ENACTIVE and organized by the ACROE-ICA group, from INP-G. It will be held in Grenoble (France) on November 19-22, 2007. “It will be a unique meeting at the crossing point of Art - Science - Technology and will offer to researchers, engineers and artists the opportunity to discover in the same place, at the same time, cutting-edge research, technologies and artworks centered around Enaction and Enactive Systems.”

Muta Morphosis: Challenging Arts and Sciences International Conference organised by CIANT as part of the ENTER festival in the framework of the Leonardo 40th anniversary celebrations. 8th - 10th of November 2007, Prague, Czech Republic.

SLSA '07: CODE “Biological and algorithmic, protector of secrets and porthole to mysteries, universal and singular, code is an invitation to thought. Code can be “wet” (genetic, organic, human), “dry” (digital, mathematical, logical), something in-between, neither, or both (linguistic, symbolic, religious, moral, legal). … ” The conference will be held in Portland, Maine, USA. The first session will begin at 4pm on Thursday, 1 November, 2007. The wrap-up session ends at 1pm on Sunday, 4 November.

Interactivity / Information / Interfaces / Immersion. International Research Conference. Venue: J W Goethe University, Institute of Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology. Organized by the Research Network for Media Anthropology / FAME, Frankfurt. October 24-26, 2007.

**Interfacing sciences, humanities and literature.** Prague School and Theories of Structure. 18-20 Octover 2007.

Areas of conflu(x)ence - Art, Space & Technology in the Digital Age International Conference, Sibiu, Romania, October 4-7, 2007.

Music-AL Workshop 2007 Workshop on Music and Artificial Life part of ECAL 2007. 10 September 2007, Belem Cultural Centre, Lisbon, Portugal. Organised by Interdisciplinary Centre for Computer Music Research (ICCMR), Plymouth, UK.

ECAL Conference on Artificial Life. Lisbon, Portugal. September 10-14, 2007

**Art and Biomedicine**. Workshop, Conference, Performances: University of Copenhagen, August 30 - September 4, 2007.

TAROS (Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems) 2007 Including “Robots in education, the arts and entertainment.” 3rd-5th September, 2007. TAROS will be hosted by the University of Wales, Aberystwyth.

**EAIA:** Summer school on Artificial Intelligence. Lisbon 27-31 August 2007.

SIGGRAPH 2007 Face Tomorrow Conference 5-9 August 2007.

Data Ecologies Workshop From 20th to 21th July 2007. Organizer: Time's Up, Linz, Austria.

**Biorama Sessions** contextualized works of artists exploring the natural environments, artificial landscapes and interactions with real and imaginary life forms. July 13, 2007.

HyperKult 16 “Medium Computer. Geschichte(n), Visionen, Phantasmen” (Media Computer, History (stories), Visions, Phantasmas. 12.-14.7.2007 Lüneburg.

ICAD 2007 Conference on Auditory Display. Montreal, Canada, June 26-29, 2007.

Computational Creativity 4th International Joint Workshop at the Goldsmiths, University of London. 17-19 June 2007. “Computational Creativity is the study and simulation, by computational means, of behaviour, natural and artificial, which would, if observed in humans, be deemed creative. … ”

CREATIVITY & COGNITION 2007 “Creativity & Cognition 2007 is focused on theme of cultivating and sustaining creativity: understanding how to design and evaluate computational support tools, digital media, and socio-technical environments that not only empower our creative processes and abilities, but that also encourage and nurture creative mindsets and lifestyles.” Washington DC, from June 13th, 2007 through June 15th, 2007.

Subtle Technologies: in situ - art body medicine “Subtle Technologies is a four-day multidisciplinary Festival exploring complex and subtle relationships between art and science. The annual international event combines symposia, exhibitions, workshops and performances that juxtapose cutting-edge artistic projects and scientific exploration.” May 24th - May 27th 2007 University of Toronto, Toronto Canada

"Motivation : Natur : Wissenschaft" (Motivation : Nature : Science) 8 - 10 June, 2007, Braunschweig.

Art Tech Media The First International Art Tech Media Congress. Spain, 8-11 May 2007.

Events and Event Structures. May 24-27, 2007, Center for Design Research at Denmark's Design School and The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Architecture.

Facing the Challenge: Managing Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship International Design Management Conference by The Jordanian Design Center of Yarmouk University. The conference focuses on the Significance of Design through the exploration of the following themes: The challenges of Innovative Design Leadership, and The Management of Design Technology. May 15-17, 2007, in Amman.

**Music, Rhythm and the Brain.** The Stanford Institute for Creativity and the Arts, Center for Arts, Science and Technology. May 11-13, 2007. Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA).

**Luminous Green Symposium**. From artificial to natural and back again. Organised by FoAM. Groenhoven Estate, Malderen, Belgium, April 30, 2007.

Evolved Art and Music at CIISP 2007 A special Session of the IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Image and Signal Processing (CIISP 2007). Honolulu, Hawaii, April 1-5, 2007.

II CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL "SYNESTHESIA/SINESTESIA Y ARTE", 2007 Granada. Espana. Pre-announcement for an international conference on “Synesthesia and Art”, Granada, 2007. 28 April - 1 May.

**Reviewing the Future: Vision, Innovation, Emergence.** The 2007 Planetary Collegium Summit. 19-22 April 2007, Montreal, Canada.

Biology and Art: Two Worlds or One? Apr 14, 2007. The New York Academy of Sciences. “This conference will explore the nature of the science-art interface, the inspiration this interface provides to scientists and artists alike, and the impact of these interactions on art, research, and other human endeavors.”

New Frontiers in Arts Sociology Creativity, Support and Sustainability Conference of the ESA Research Network Sociology for the Arts. Lueneburg and Hamburg (Germany), March 28-April 1, 2007.

Y-Symposium "konsequent" A Symposium on Art&Science organized by the Institute for Art as Research, Academy for Art and Design, Berne, Switzerland. Fr. March 23 | 13.30-18.00, Sa. March 24, 2007 | 9.30-17.00.

Digital Aesthetic 2 The Digital Aesthetic 2 is a joint initiative between the Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Preston and the Electronic & Digital Art Unit at the University of Central Lancashire. The Digital Aesthetic conference will take place on Friday 16th and Saturday 17th of March 2007 and will coincide with the opening of the Digital Aesthetic exhibition (17th March - 3rd June 2007).

The National Academics Virtual Symposium. On Visual Culture and Bioscience. March 5-13, 2007.

Transmediale Berlin, January 31 - February 4, 2007.

Neuroesthetics Sixth international conference on neuroesthetics, Jan 20, 2007.


23rd Chaos Communication Congress 2006 “The 23rd Chaos Communication Congress (23C3) is the annual four-day conference of the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) on technology, society and utopia.” Berlin, December 27th to 30th, 2006.

Generative Art 06 GA2006 will be held in Italy, at Politecnico di Milano University, the 13-14-15 December 2006. TOPICS: Art & Science, Philosophy & Technology, … Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Life, …

Grenzüberschreitung: Auflösung oder Neuerfindung? Frontier Crossing: Dissolution or Reinvention? Transdisciplinary dialogue on the sustainability of new technologies. Within the context of the CCB series “Now - Meetings in present continuous.” Transdisziplinäre Dialoge über die Nachhaltigkeit der neuen Technologien. Im Kontext der Programmreihe des CCCB “Now - Zusammenkünfte in der andauernden Gegenwart.” Kolloquium 23 November 2006 , CCCB, Barcelona. See also: CCCB.

Visuelle Repräsentationen in der Forschungspraxis. Herausforderungen der Integration / Visual Representation in Research Practice. Challenges of Integration. Symposium (in German Language) organised by Leipziger Kreis. Forum für Wissenschaft und Kunst, e.V., Leipzig Nov 18, 2006.

Artech 2006 Artech 2006 - Third International Conference on Digital and Electronic Art, “Art, technology, science and society”, Pontevedra, Galicia-Spain, 17-18 November 2006.

Natural Habit Natural Habitat @ the Netherlands Media Art Institute. Seminar “Art and Science in their Natural Habitat” on Saturday November 11 from 13.00 - 17.30. Exhibition from November 4 untill December 16, 2006. “What happens if art and nature and technology come together? Are new worlds created? Is the distinction between nature and technology still visible, or do the two increasingly merge with one another? In the Natural Habitat project artists are working at the interface of nature and technology …”

Interface and Society “The project INTERFACE and SOCIETY investigates how artists deal with the transformation of our everyday life through technical interfaces. With the rapid technological development a thoroughly critique of the interface towards society is necessary.” Conference: 10th and 11th of November 2006. Exhibition opening and performance: 10th of November. Open from 10th till 19th of November at Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Oslo.

Expanding The Space Conference and workshop on space and art. With a Video exhibition. The Congress Expanding the Space / Més enllà de l'Espai calls artists all over the world to present their video works for the exhibition that will take place during the event. October 3-4-5-6, 2006. Octubre Centre de Cultura Contemporà nia. El Segle building. Sant Ferran, 12. Valencia. Spain.

Mozart&Science 2006 . The Impact of Music. How Music Affects the Body, Mind and Emotions. Music Impacts on Education, Therapy and Society. International Conference. October 1 - 4, 2006. Congress Casino Baden (near Vienna, Austria)

SYMMETRY FESTIVAL 2006 August 12-18, 2006 - Budapest, Hungary Symmetry in Art and Science Education. Ars (Dis)Symmetrica'06

DIGITAL ART WEEKS The Meeting Point between Art and Technology at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Wednesday 12th to Saturday 15th July, 2006.

Artful Ecologies Art, Nature & Environment Conference 2006. University College Falmouth. 12 to 15 July 2006 .

Beyond Mimesis and Nominalism: Representation in Art and Science Two-day conference in London, 22-23 June 2006

face and identity. rapid prototyping in medicine and art June 16-18, 2006 - Zentrum für Lehre und Forschung (ZLF), Basel, Switzerland

art & medicine. body media - media body Symposium on performative sciences in Graz, Austria, June 9, 2006.

Subtle Technologies Festival June 1-4, 2006 (with preceding workshops) Toronto, Canada

sweet spot Kunst Wissenschaft, scharfgestellt / Art Science, focused Symposium: June 1, 2006, 18h-22h, Forschungszentrum caesar, Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 2, 53175 Bonn, Germany. With Dr. Linda Hentschel, Prof. Peter Hering, Dr. Jens Schröter. Concept: Thomas Hensel

Artescienza 'Spazio Deformato', Rome Festival: 18 May - 15 June, 2006; Symposium: 8-9 June, 2006. The Festival, organized by the CRM - Centro Ricerche Musicali of Rome, stands under the motto of 'De-formed Space'. A symposium is going to be held on 8,9 June 2006.

CMCA - Computational Models of Creativity in the Arts A two day workshop, including a public evening performance/exhibition, 16 - 17 May, 2006.

POLYLOGUES 2006 Series of interdisciplinary sessions (Access Grid), 25.1.2006 - 24.5.2006

Science and Fiction. A series of lectures at the University of Zurich, Switzerland from May 5 - July 4, 2006. Interfaces between Art, Research and Science (Schnittstellen zwischen Kunst, Forschung und Wissenschaft).

New Media Futures The Artist as Researcher and Research as Art in the 21st Century. CAA-Special Session for Leonardo Educators Forum. February 2006 - Boston, MA, USA.


Private Investigations. Research, Acquisition and Processing of Knowledge in Contemporary Art Practices. November 10, 2005 - February 3, 2006 - Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen, Stadtturmgalerie, Kunstpavillon, Innsbruck, Austria. An exhibition and a series of discussions curated by Andrei Siclodi and Ingeborg Erhart in cooperation with the Jan van Eyck Academie Amsterdam. “Private Investigations is a research project on contemporary art practices that make use of various individual (non-scientific) research methods and strategies in order to acquire information and to process it to knowledge bases, which may then be used as the material of the artistic work itself. Since these strategies and methods are fairly common in the artistic research and production in the institutional context of residency and postgraduate programmes, the project also intends to analyse these specific working conditions. The project is structured as a series of residencies, exhibitions and symposia, screenings and presentations, held at different locations in Central and South-Eastern Europe over the next two years.”

Virtual Storytelling November 30 - December 2, 2005 - Munsterhof, Strasbourg, France “This international conference will gather researchers from the scientific, artistic and industrial communities to demonstrate new methods and techniques, show the latest results, and to exchange concepts and ideas for the use of Virtual Reality technologies for creating, populating, rendering and interacting with stories, what ever their form be it theatre, movie, cartoon, advertisement, puppet show, multimedia work, video-games.”

Technisierung des Lebendigen? (Technologisation of the Living?) On the relation between science, ethics and art in the age of biotechnolgical revolution (Zum Verhältnis von Wissenschaft, Ethik und Kunst im Zeitalter der biotechnologischen Revolution). Closed conference. November 25-27, 2005 / December 2-11, 2005 / February 3-5, 2006 - Heidelberger Life-Science Lab am Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany.

Evolving (Un)Naturally? Artists Enter the Biotechnology Debate. A panel discussion moderated by Ellen K. Levy. October 28, 2005 - Department of Art & Art Professions, NYU Steinhardt Einstein Auditorium, New York, USA .

A new art and science reunite in the moderate yet sanctified halls of art_science. Screening. October 18, 2005 - Medientheater of Sophienstrasse 22a, Berlin, Germany. “The Australian bio artists Guy Ben-Ary und Philip Gamblen present their newest living entities and the techniques of their come into being. In the shadow of the vainness for the good old AI, is being found the procession into the glaring evidence of bio technology. Nearly forgotten, the smooth materiality of tissue, initially residing in the Medientheater of Sophienstrasse 22a with Prof. Joseph Weizenbaum point 15 o'clock. Bloom the acoustic reorganisation of limp picture-streams thanks to Peter Castine and John de Kron, loosening us from the coincidence of recognisable pictorial politics. Surpassingly determined, Joseph's concluding discussion abducts our knowledge to join the celebratory reception at art_science, from 7 pm on. Guy Ben-Ary & Philip Gamblen have been artists in resident in SymbioticA - the Art and Science Collaborative Research Lab. SymbioticA is a research laboratory dedicated to the exploration from an artistic perspective of scientific knowledge in general, and biological technologies in particular. It is located in The School of Anatomy & Human Biology at The University of Western Australia. They are involved in the development of three Bioart related projects: one of them is “MEART” the semi living artist” () where they explore the possibilities, implications and ethics of creating semi living entities that might have emergent behavior. The other two are currently under development. “The living Screen” is an exploration of the interface between Film Theory and BioArt and a project titled “Mother” where we look at the ossibilities of creating an entity that involved symbiotic relationship between a bacteria and a robot. In their presentation Guy & Philip will exhibit documentation of these projects and present and talk about the challenges of developing Bioart and A-Life projects, The work with a new artistic pallet of cells and electronics and try to raise issues concerning these newly created entities that further challenge our perceptions and our relations towards notions of life.“

BioArt and Public Sphere Conference A Project, Research, and Conference Initiative October 17, 2005 - University of California, Irvine, USA “This initiative aims to bring together artists, biologists, and science studies scholars, to address a broad range of questions about science in the public sphere. The list of possible research domains to be investigated includes, but is not limited to, genomics, tissue engineering, genetic engineering and stem cell research. 1. What types of models of interdisciplinary engagement might facilitate rich, well-informed public participation in scientific discourse? 2. How do we go beyond the “demo” model often used by science museums and approach the subject matter in an experiential hands-on way that allows for failure, redirection of research questions and the promotion of agency towards an area that is usually reserved for the expert community? 3. What types of epistemological questions emerge at the intersection of biology, art, and the public sphere? How would an exchange mutually benefit the research areas of each discipline? Under which umbrella could research collaborations of this kind be supported?” The participants are: Sujatha Byravan, SymbioticA, Paul Rabinow, Jens Hauser, Claire Pentecost, Michael Dorsey, Tau-Mu Yi, Charis Thompson, Abha Sur, Gabriella Coleman, Jenny Reardon, Faith Wilding, and Rachel Mayeri.

VSMM 2005 11th international conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia October 3-6, 2005 - Ghent, Belgium

Work Spaces in Art, Science and Business September 30 - October 1, 2005 - Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, Germany. “The concept of work spaces in art, science and business has undergone a fundamental shift in the past few decades, especially in the past ten years. This can be traced to the incredible progress and further developments in the new technologies area. Since the 1990s, the workplace is no longer a 'physical space' but is increasingly developing into a virtual space in which the boundaries between art, science and business appear to be dissolving. The symposium dedicates itself to the question of how artists, managers and scientists presently design their workspaces. According to which criteria take precedence and how does the given goal and work method influence the work environment; or what influence does the space have on the practice of art? In the symposium, artists, sociologists, jurists, physicists, architects, managers and engineers will address with these various influences. Speakers are Dominique Billier, sociologist, Nancy; Paul Devautour, artist, Bourges; Jean-Marie Dubois, physicist, Nancy; Anastasia Fillippoupoliti, sociologist, Vienna; Thomas Froehlicher, economist, Nancy; Dirk Heitmann, engineer, Hamburg; Benjamin Joly, jurist, Paris; Yves Meert, manager, Luxemburg; Olivier Menanteau, artist, Paris/Berlin; Annett Zinsmeister, architect, Berlin.” The symposium was initiated by Dominique Billier, Lecturer at the Graduate School of Management, ICN Nancy and guest of the art, science & business program in 2005. In cooperation with the Graduate School of Management, ICN Nancy.

Refresh! First International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology September 28 - October 1, 2005, Summit: October 2-3, 2005 - Banff New Media Institute, Canada “Recognizing the increasing significance of media art for our culture, this Conference on the Histories of Media Art will discuss for the first time the history of media art within the interdisciplinary and intercultural contexts of the histories of art. Leonardo/ISAST, the Database for Virtual Art, Banff New Media Institute, and UNESCO DigiArts are collaborating to produce the first international art history conference covering art and new media, art and technology, art-science interaction, and the history of media as pertinent to contemporary art.”

Rules of Engagement Science and art conference September 5-7, 2005 - University of York, York, UK “Art and science each hold the allure of a powerful cultural 'other'. Artists wish to appropriate science, scientists to harness art, for the benefit of their own practices. To what extent can this desire be collaborative or mutually beneficial? This provocative conference - a melting pot of talks, events, performances and debate - challenges the serene vision of art and science as a warm, fuzzy continuum and asks instead what really happens when different perspectives, expectations, interests and languages converge. When artists are natural transgressors and scientists trained to be cautious, are there risks as well as benefits? What happens when science is taken out of the lab, away from its safety procedures and cultural assumptions? Do artists have any responsibility towards scientific data, how it is manipulated and presented? In its interplay with science, is art contributing to knowledge, creating meaning or on a quest to change the world? In this collision of politics, ethics and imagination - spanning ecology, bioscience and deep space - what are the Rules of Engagement?

Critical Computing - Between Sense and Sensibility August 20-24, 2005, The Fourth Decennial Aarhus Conference, Aarhus, Denmark. Continuing the tradition from the conferences in 1975, 1985 and 1995, it is the aim of the fourth Aarhus conference to provide a forum for the exploration and development of new perspectives for critical computing. As information technology reaches out from the workplace to virtually all aspects of human life, the scope of critical IT research expands from a focus on designing computer support for quality of working life to new frontiers. These frontiers include the home, leisure time, citizen services, public spaces as well as the workplace. We face new challenges for technology support and new pitfalls regarding the ways in which people sense and form meaningful environments. Critical Computing is a multi-disciplinary conference in participatory design, interaction design, CSCW, social computing, digital art and entertainment addressed from a variety of disciplines like computer science, sociology, psychology, ethnography, architecture, and aesthetics.

BRIDGES 2005: Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science . July 31 - August 3, 2005 - The Banff Centre, Alberta, Canada “Representative Conference Topics: Mathematical Visualization, Mathematics and Music, Computer Generated Art, Symmetry Structures, Origami, Mathematics and Architecture, Tessellations and Tilings, Aesthetical Connections between Mathematics and Humanities, Geometric Art in Two and Three Dimensions, Geometries in Quilting.”

Science and Art - an Evolving Relationship July 15, 2005 - European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) Heidelberg, Germany Open mini symposium “Scientists and artists, through their thoughts, projects, and products, change the world. The aim of this art and science event at EMBL is to explore various aspects of creativity at the interface between science and art.” Participants: Suzanne Anker, Arthur I. Miller, Christa Sommerer, and Peter Weibel.

Arts and Science in the Information Society July 7-10, 2005 - Ecole Nationale Superieure de Techniques Avancees (ENSTA), Paris, France Free Satellite Conference of FIS2005 “Following the best tradition of the Renaissance and the age of Enlightenment, a Thematic Event of the World Summit on the Information Society is proposed that would gather Scientists, Scholars, Artists, Governements Representatives, Diplomats, Civil Society Activists as well as the general public to debate about the challenges of communicating Arts and Sciences content within the Information Society, and in particular what are the impacts and benefits of the new computer technologies. Concerning Access to Scientific knowledge, the event is going to focus on two aspects: Open Access to scientific litterature and data, Open Access to online courses The question of Access to Arts and the Humanities is going to be discussed not only in terms of Open Access to academic litterture and courses in those fields, but also concerning the access to the artists, in particular concerning Digital Arts, the Arts that are born from the technological evolution that allows the very existence of the Information Society, and which are by essence the expression of the new world that is being built. Are going to be also discussed selected issues concerning the technological and software context as well as the legal context that should allow the Information Society to evolve towards a Knowledge Society of Shared Knowledge.

Science and Art 4th International Symposium June 10 - 12, 2005. Hyatt Regency Hotel , New Brunswick , New Jersey. Organized by Norman J. Zabusky for ScArt Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.

Art+Math=X Conference in honor of the 60th birthday of Michele Emmer June 2-5, 2005 - University of Colorado, Boulder, USA The conference is part of the [2005 CU Special Year in Art and Mathematics] and encompasses a broad range of fields as they relate to art, mathematics and/or computer technology, including the exploration of the following themes: visualization and computer generated art, pattern and symmetry, geometry in quilting and artistic handicrafts, mathematics of knots and other 3-D objects. Conference participants will share information and discuss common interests, allowing new ideas and partnerships to emerge that can enrich interdisciplinary research and education.

Gewissen und Bewusstsein May 20-24, 2005 - in 19 different Swiss locations. Festival Science et Cite + Woche des Gehirns/Brain Fair - a festival of the Sciences and the Arts organized in cooperation with Pro Helvetia, Bundesamt für Kultur. “Was ist Bewusstsein? Was ist Gewissen? Die Wissenschaft weiss immer mehr darüber. Werden Bewusstsein und Gewissen deshalb mehr und mehr manipulierbar? Das sind die Kernfragen, mit denen sich das Festival Science et Cite + Woche des Gehirns/Brain Fair 2005 auseinandersetzen. In Vorträgen, Gesprächsrunden und Diskussionen zur aktuellen Hirnforschung. In Ausstellungen und Filmen, in Theater und Performances, in Musik und Tanz. Im Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft, Kunst und Gesellschaft, im Dialog mit Ihnen. part of it: Wissens Bilder. Ästhetische Strategien in den Wissenschaften (Aesthetic strategies in the Sciences) May 21-22, 2005 - Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Zürich (HGKZ), Zürich, Switzerland “Die nationale Woche von Science et Cite 2005 steht unter dem Motto: 'Art, Science, Conscience'. Das Symposium thematisiert Gestaltungen und Visualisierungen in den Natur-, Technik- und Geisteswissenschaften. Die Bebilderung von abstrakten Inhalten, komplexen Zusammenhängen und theoretischen Konstruktionen und ihre Verbreitung in den Massenmedien können dazu beitragen, wissenschaftliche Themen und Konzepte zu vermitteln und verständlich zu machen. Häufig aber dienen Ästhetisierungen allein der Popularisierung und der Werbung für eine bestimmte Forschungsrichtung. Manche Forschenden beanspruchen sogar das Label 'Kunst'. Das Symposium fragt nach den Funktionen und Bedeutungen von wissenschaftlichen Visualisierungen im Zeitalter digitaler, bildgebender Verfahren.

Neuroaesthetics May 20-21, 2005 - Goldsmiths College, University of London, Great Britain “Art is incrasingly bound up with knowledge production and information distribution. As part of this trend, artists have begun to investigate the brain and neuroaesthetics is a means by which they are doing it. Neuroaesthetics is a dynamic process through which questions of neuroscience are made “ready-mades”. Concepts such as sensation, perception, memory and recently networks, plasticity and sampling operate within philosophical, cultural, sociological, psychological, historical and economic milieus and are currently inciting artistic experimentation. Neuroaesthtetics descries new conditions for the production of a new population of objects, object relations and non-objects which in the end can be differentially sampled by the plastic brain providing a means by which culture may play a role in sculpting neural networks. As such, the importance of art in larger bio-political contexts should not be overlooked.” Convened by Warren Neidich ACE-AHRB fellow at Goldsmiths College and Carlie Gere. Plenary speakers are: Paul Bachy-Rita, Diedrich Diedrichsen, Olafur Eliasson, Joseph Kosuth, Sarat Maharaj, Brian Massumi, Paul Miller aka DJ Spooky, Marcos Novak, Barbara Maria Stafford.

Future and Art between Codes and Genes May 12, 2005 - Panel discussion within the entermultimediale 2 - Institut francais de Prague, Czech Republic. Artificial life, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, bioinformatics, memetics, nanotechnology - these are the domains that blur the differences between biology and technology. The difference between what we consider alive and the not alive, natural and artificial, disappears. The notion of the evolution changes in order to integrate these processes and materials that are not organic. Robots interacting in groups, machines capable to learn, computer viruses and other programs disclose the new dimensions of life. These and other forms of non-organic living systems have become a symptom of the fact that biology and technology create a symbiotic relationship. Crucial to the discussion are the generative and creative processes that make up the whole new microcosm or “artificial” ecosystem of autonomous agents, cellular automata, and other software and hardware that are evolving in a time when the same dynamics apply in the field of genetics. What is the relationship of evolution and emergence - the two most significant concepts in the last two centuries? Where do the experiments and the search for new forms of life as well as the symbiosis of the organic and the non-organic lead us? What are the prospects of the world in which the difference between codes and genes will dissapear? And what is the role of art in these processes?

Art, Complexity and Technology: Their Interaction in Emergence May 5-6, 2005 - Villa Gualino, Torino, Italy. Complexity Symposium “The Symposium has brought together scientists, artists, complexity scholars and those working with complexity and technology to explore the interaction and co-evolution of ideas and experiences in the three domains; a different use of technology should emerge through the language of representation and of the medium in representation.”

Open Nature May 1, 2005 - NTT Inter Communication Center (ICC), Tokyo, Japan Participants among others: Yukio-Pegio Gunji, Marko Peljhan,, Knowbotic Research, Hans H. Diebner. The exhibition with the same title curated by Yukiko Shikata can be seen from April 29 til July 3, 2005 in ICC Tokyo.

Ciência & Arte 2005 I Encontro Internacional de Arte, Ciência e Tecnologia: Realidade Virtual. Universidade de Caxias do Sul. Brasil. Período: 5, 6 e 7 de abril de 2005.

Between Evolution and Experiment - Beauty in Art and Science 2005 - Meetings organized by the project group “Wissens Künste. Art of Knowledge - Knowledge of Art” in cooperation with the Hamburger Bahnhof, the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, and the RBB Kulturradio Berlin. January 13, 2005: Survival of the Prettiest oder die Frage der natürlichen Selektion (opening of the meetings). February 10, 2005: Compulsive Beauty (Bernhard Siegert, performance of Mariko Mori with Ken Ikeda). February 24, 2005: Beauty as Handicap (Peter Geimer, Michael Lachmann, Sam Samore). March 10, 2005: The Politics of Beauty oder: Der menschliche Körper als Organ der Mode (panel discussion with Bettina Allamoda, Luzia Braun, Afschin Fatemi, Shaheen Merali, Bernd Skupin, Thomas P. Weber). March 18, 2005: Im Auge des Betrachters. April 8, 2005: VB 55 - Performance of Vanessa Beecroft.

Screening Science April 28-29, 2005 - OK Centrum für Gegenwartskunst, Linz, Austria “Vor dem Hintergrund der wissenschaftstheoretischen und -historischen Diskussion zur Praxis der Wissenschaft -der sogenannten 'Wende zur Praxis' in den Science Studies - rückte in den letzten Jahren die Frage nach den medialen Rahmenbedingungen, innerhalb derer mit epistemischen Objekten gearbeitet wird, in das Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit. In Anknüpfung an die grundlegende Kritik des klassischen Repräsentationsbegriffs der Wissenschaftsphilosophie, mit dem eine theoretische Abbildung einer wie immer vorgefundenen Wirklichkeit angenommen wurde, werden in der Konferenz die multi- und intermedialen Aspekte von Wissenserzeugung und ihrer Popularisierung untersucht.”

GENAU! A symposium on art and science. March 18-19, 2005, Institute for Transdisciplinarity (Y)/Hochschule der Künste, Bern, Switzerland. “Accuracy” (“Genauigkeit”) is a quality characteristic not only in the sciences but also in the arts and their research. However it should be discussed what “accurate” means in the arts and what is addressed in the sciences by the same term. The Institute for Transdisciplinarity of the Hochschule der Künste Bern (HKB), Switzerland, organized a Symposium where artists, musicians, restorers, journalists, scientists and people from the theatre were discussing about harmonies and dissonances in the scientific and artistic concepts of “accuracy”.

Calculating Images: Representation by Algorithm in Science and Art March 4-5, 2005 - Interdisciplinary Humanities Center in Santa Barbara, USA “This conference investigates the digital image at the interstice of art and the sciences. Since the beginning of the 1990s, when researchers focused on digital photography, the digital image has not found the attention it deserves. We therefore want to begin with a series of basic questions that place the digital image in the context of other digital and non-digital imaging technologies. What does it mean to speak of images in the digital age? How does the digital image correspond to other technical images, such as photography and film? Does the digital image represent an absolute break in the history of the (technical) image, or should we regard it, on the contrary, as the culmination of that history? These are some of the questions that will introduce our discussions.”

mentalimages \\ from imagination to neurology International\media\award for science and art\2005. SWR and ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany. “New developments in brain research have ignited world wide debate on the question of free will. The source of contention: new imaging technologies, designed to render the process of human thought visible. The human brain is a fascinating cosmos, a highly complex organ and a subject that is explored in every field of science. The \\international\media\award\ for science and art is an interdisciplinary event and, as such, invites both artists and scientists alike to explore the questions: how do the images inside our heads work? And how do images of the insides of our heads work?”


Kunst und Wissenschaft (Art and Science) May 5-7, 2004 - Forum for interdisciplinary Studies, Muthesius-Hochschule für Kunst und Gestaltung Kiel, Germany

Art, The Body, and Biotechnology July 7-12, 2004 - Section in: 8th Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS), Lyon, France. Round Table Discussion. “How has biotechnology transformed conceptions of the body and other natural organisms? How have genetic engineering techniques that manipulate biological bodies altered our conception of nature and culture? Bio-(tech) art, an emerging art form, encompassing genetic art, transgenic art, clone art, cell art and other genres, addresses these issues in challenging ways. Eradicating the separation between art and life, such “live” art practices effectively serves to decode the manner in which art and (bio)technology operate as cultural signs. In this session, we wish to examine the semiotic and epistemological dimensions of the new (micro)biological bodies produced by biotech art and science, and particularly how (genetic and cultural) codes relate to: cultural inscriptions of the body; the relation between nature and culture and its affect on the search for what Rheinberger calls 'Begrifflichkeit'; traditional aesthetics and art discourse; theories of post-structuralism, post-phenomenology, post-humanism and to post-modern theories of the “cyborg” as a transcending condition of fluidity, of open-endedness, and slipping boundaries.”

**Arte-Scienza. Presente continuo: I segni della civiltà tra espressione artistica, comunicazione e tecnologia** (Art-Science. Continuous Present: The signs of civilization between artistic expression, communication and technology). September 18-25, 2004 - Goethe-Institute Rome and the Teatro Ambra Jovinelli, Italy. Two institutions, Goethe-Institute Rome and Centro Ricerche Musicali, organized the meeting that took place in the Goethe-Institute Rome and the Teatro Ambra Jovinelli. Part of the event was the interdisciplinary symposium “Tras_form_azione” (“Trans_form_a©tion) on September 24-25, 2004: “The evolution of communication systems, the access to interdisciplinary codes, the development of computer science and interactive networks have been responsible over the past few years for a profound transformation in the forms of artistic creation and, more generally, in culture. Science increasingly contributes to the support of this new dimension, with its forms of cognitive and technological application of perceptive phenomena. Which sciences are closer to and interactive with the arts? Is there a common planning feature shared by Art and Science? Our intention is that this event, should provide the answer to these questions and investigate the criteria which link Art and Science and their capacity for affecting social transformations.”

ART & BIOtech October 5-8, 2004 - Musee d'Art Contemporain de Montreal, Canada “Biotechnologies announce the emergence of major breakthroughs and fresh insights into various fields of knowledge: new medical treatments, agricultural improvements, the mapping of the genomes of various species, the customized reconfiguration of bodies. Such potent promises are both fascinating and disquieting, raising many uncertainties and posing questions difficult to resolve. During this colloquium, international theorists and artists will consider such issues by presenting their research and artworks. Several themes will be explored: intersections of biology, aesthetics and ethics; artificial life; genetic art and hybrid organisms; representational and critical strategies.

inVISIBLE art_science International\media\art\award\2004. October 29, 2004 - SWR and ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany. “As the selection of the \\international\media\art\award 2004 winners has concluded now, the awarding of the prizes has been scheduled for the 29th of October, this year's location being the E-Werk in Baden-Baden. In October the “50 Best” will be broadcast on SUEDWEST TV and Swiss TV, as well as on ARTE, 3 sat and EINS Festival. In addition, another upcoming program is being prepared, involving the “nano” science magazine and SWR 2 Radio.”

inVISIBLE. Algorithms as interfaces between art and science October 30-31, 2004 - ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany. “The symposium will examine the influence exerted on perception by algorithms as interfaces between art and science. Why do we recognise something we can designate in the structure of systematically arranged nanoparticles; what are the grounds for such an assessment? How is the algorithmic revolution changing the image of science and art? In short, it is a question of what we really see and hear, and what we always thought we were seeing and hearing.”

ISAMA/CTI 2004 Fifth Interdisciplinary Conference of The International Society of The Arts, Mathematics, and Architecture. June 15-19, 2004 - De Paul University, Chicago, USA. “The main purpose of ISAMA/CTI 2004 is to bring together persons interested in relating mathematics with the arts and architecture. This includes teachers, architects, artists, mathematicians, scientists, and engineers. As in previous conferences, the objective is to share information and discuss common interests. We have seen that new ideas and partnerships emerge which can enrich interdisciplinary education. In particular, we believe it is important to begin interdisciplinary education at an early age so one component of ISAMA/CTI 2004 will be teacher workshops for K-12 in addition to college level courses.”

VSMM 2004 10th international conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia. November 17-19, 2004 - Softopia, Ogaki, Japan. “VSMM 2004 continues to push the boundaries of Virtual Reality and Multimedia research by expanding upon the 2003 conference and presenting “Hybrid Realities: Digital Partners. Explorations in Art, Heritage, Science & the Human Factor.”

Conversation: Enacting new Synergies in Arts and Sciences June 23-26, 2004 - University Paris 8 and Cité Internationale Universitaire, Paris, France. 3rd SLS European Conference. “The conference theme addressed a series of topics designed to promote intensive exchanges between scholars from a wide variety of countries working in very different disciplines, both in the humanities and in science. In order to stimulate on-going productive conversation between participants, the work of the conference was organized into a number of streams. Each stream occupied more than one workshop and employed a variety of formats, including “invited symposia” with more extended presentations and respondents, round-table discussions, and the traditional 3- or 4-paper format.” Discussed topics were: Biotechnology, Complexity in art and science, Forgotten ancestors of significance to the interdisciplinary field of literature, art and science (Poincaré, Whitehead, I.A. Richards, Bachelard…), Performative science, Rhetoric of science, Standardization, Translating between disciplines: interdisciplinary borrowings; the migration of models from one discipline to another, Thought experiments, Visualization technologies, Understanding social/technical life, Between two cultures: medicine and literature; chemistry and literature, etc. This stream aims at promoting a thematic interest which has always been part of SLS in the U.S.A. but which was perhaps under-represented in previous SLS Europe conferences.

Transferkunst (transfer art) The [Society for Critical Aesthetics] organizes regularly meetings and public discussions between experts coming from economics, arts and sciences.

Wissens Künste II: Pictures beyond the picture 2003-2004 - Meetings organized by the project group “Wissens Künste. Art of Knowledge - Knowledge of Art” (Centre for Literary Research) in cooperation with the Hamburger Bahnhof Berlin, Germany. November 6, 2003: Der Ausstieg aus dem Bild (Siegfried Gohr, Cerith Wyn Evans and Boris Groys). December 11, 2003: Bilder des Wissens (panel discussion with Peter Kogler, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger and Barbara M. Stafford). January 8, 2004: Art and Science (Monika Wagner, Monika Fleischmann and Ernst Pöppel). February 5, 2004: The living image (Christa Sommerer, Wolfgang Coy and Horst Bredekamp).


VSMM 2003 9th international conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia. October 15-17, 2003 - Science Center of Montréal, Quebec, Canada. “VSMM 2003 is being held for the first time in Canada, in the cosmopolitan City of Montreal. We have combined some popular sessions from past conferences with current fields of special interest, adding a special focus on the human factor. Hexagram, the Institute for Research and Creation in Media Arts and Technologies, is hosting VSMM2003 which will take place in the Science Center of Montreal, in the historic Old Port of Montreal.”

HyperKult 12: analog digital. Kunst und Wissenschaft zwischen Messen und Zählen (analogue digital. Art and Science between Measuring and Counting) July, 24-26, 2003 - University of Lüneburg, Germany “Obwohl Computer keineswegs nur Rechnen oder Zählen, wird ihr Einsatz noch immer mit dem Schlachtruf 'Digital' gekennzeichnet - im Gegensatz zum bloß “Analogen” früherer Medientechnik. Was damit gemeint ist, bleibt freilich unklar, es scheint sogar immer unklarer zu werden. Die Verwirrungen reichen von sensorischen Zuschreibungen wie dem “warmen Klang des Röhrenverstärkers” gegenüber dem 'kalten Klang der CD' bis zu Grundlagenaussagen wie 'Im Computer sind alles letztlich nur Nullen und Einsen.' Wer damit arbeitet, kann diese schnellen Zuschreibungen freilich nicht wiederfinden. Da geht es mehr um präzise Kopierarbeit, einheitliche Speichermedien oder programmierte Bearbeitung.”

The Joint Meeting of ISAMA 2003 and the 6th Annual Bridges Conference. July 23-25, 2003 - University of Granada, Spain “The International Society of the Arts, Mathematics, and Architecture (ISAMA) holds an interdisciplinary conference each summer. In July 2003, ISAMA'03 will be run jointly with the BRIDGES conference and will take place in Granada, Spain. The conference will be followed by a one-day special conference tour “The Beauty and Mathematics of the Alhambra” on July 26, 2003. In conjunction with the meeting will be the exhibit “Mathematical Connections in Visual Art”, to be held at the University of Granada's Art Gallery.”

Hierarchies of Communication July 4-6, 2003 - Center for Art and Media (ZKM), Karlsruhe, Germany. An inter-institutional and international symposium on aspects of communication on different scales and levels. The event was organized by Hans H. Diebner (ZKM - Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe) and Lehan Ramsey (FUN - Future University of Hakodate, Japan).


ISAMA '02 July 22-26, 2002 - Freiburg, Germany. 3rd Interdisciplinary Conference of The International Society of The Arts, Mathematics, and Architecture.

ArtSci2002: New Dimensions in Collaboration December 6-8 2002 - American Museum of Natural History and the CUNY Graduate Center, New York City, USA. A public symposium organized by Art & Science Collaborations, Inc. (ASCI). “Laser beams and superstrings, generative systems and AI, X-rays and MRIs. From the macro to the micro, from the everyday to the exceptional, the legacy of Albert Einstein permeates this century through the tools we use, the research being conducted in numerous fields, and the continuing search for our place in the cosmos. Alongside scientists, technologists and humanists, artists have probed and responded to the post-Einsteinian landscape for nearly a century. From installations that seem to react to the pull of invisible forces to the altered landscapes and mindscapes of VR, artists continue to push the limits of available technology, stretching and questioning our notions of perception, dimension, and time.”

artscience vienna 2002 - Wissenschafts Zentrum Wien, Austria. “The project artscience vienna has been commissioned by the Viennese Municipal Government and the Viennese City Councillor for Culture and Science, Dr. Andreas Mailath-Pokorny. It is being carried out as a joint project by the Austrian Socialist Party and the Green Party. The project which is planned as a long-term initiative, is situated in the area where art, science and new technologies interface. It is planned as a project involved active participation of a broad sector of the public. With artscience vienna the City of Vienna is taking an initiative that is pointing the way for future urban forms of life and conceptual models. A critical exploration of artistic and scientific innovation is seen as the incentive for cultural, social and economic developments.” Workshops: September 28, 2002: Weltmodelle: Art + Science = artScience? October 18, 2002: Electronic Culture: Digital Arts & Globalization. November 4, 2002: Design of Space: Architecture, Urbanity, Design. November 11, 2002: Mediale Konstruktionen: Biotech & Neuroscience.

Art and Cure March 3, 2002 - NTT InterCommunication Center (ICC) Tokyo, Japan. Panelists: Masahiro Kobayashi (Associate Professor, Kyoto University of Art and Design; Arts and Phisiology, Medical Anthropology), Toru Iwashita (Dancer), Kosugi+Ando (Artist) and Lisa Inoue (Artist).

Wissens Künste I: Life Sciences - Art - Media 2001-2002 - Meetings organized by the project group “Wissens Künste. Art of Knowledge - Knowledge of Art” (Centre for Literary Research) in cooperation with the Hamburger Bahnhof Berlin, Germany. October 25, 2001: Schnittstelle Körper - Maschine (Oswald Wiener, Stelarc). November 22, 2001: Ist der homo sapiens exklusiv? (Thomas Macho, Anthony Aziz and Sammy Cucher). January 24, 2002: Die zweite Schöpfung - Genetik und Religion (Jens Reich, Jochen Hörisch, Eduardo Kac). February 21, 2002: Die In-Formation des Gesellschaftskörpers (Olaf Breidbach, Dan Graham). April 25, 2002: Genetik und Informatik - eine liaison dangereuse? (Louis Bec, Jake and Dinos Chapman). May 23, 2002: Die neuen Bilder des Unsichtbaren (Benjamin Buchloh, Catherine Wagner). June 27, 2002: Virtuelle Bilder und Doubles (Hillel Schwartz, Laurie Anderson)


ArtSci 2001: Catalyst for Collaboration Nov. 2-4, 2001 - CUNY Grad Ctr, New York City, USA. A public symposium organized by Art & Science Collaborations, Inc. (ASCI). “How can the discoveries of scientific research and the powerful metaphors of art combine to impact society at large? Some artists and scientists are exploring the promise of art-sci collaborative projects. This third international symposium organized by Art and Science Collaboration, Inc. (ASCI) will feature multimedia presentations on extraordinary collaborative projects involving artists and scientists, ranging from photographs rendered in hybrid grass, and a musical score based on brain activity, to sculpture grown from living tissue, and brainwaves transmitted via the Internet. The presenters will discuss the opportunities and pitfalls of collaborating across disciplines and invite questions from the audience. ArtSci2001 is a co-production of ASCI and the Continuing Education & Public Programs and Science Research and Special Projects departments of The Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY) and was made possible through the generous support of The Rockefeller Foundation and AT&T, as well as our media sponsors: Art Byte magazine, Leonardo Journal and Nature magazine.”

**Art + Science Conference** … took place at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Study and Conference Center at Lake Como, Italy, in November 2001. It was a rare event, based on the proposition: “To bring together a group of artists and scientists to explore the creative process, examine the interface between art and science and establish a foundation for future cooperation and exchange in the 21st century.”

art as science - science as art September 12-16, 2001 - Wandelhalle der Gemäldegalerie, Kulturforum am Matthaeikirchplatz, Berlin, Germany. The project “Art as Science - Science as Art” presented artists whose thematic interests include the new relations between art and science. On the threshold to the 21st century, if it still wants to be taken seriously, art must move on from the programme of the modern age, which has become an art pour l'art of liberation. A symposium of the same name, took place within the context of the “Wissenschaftssommer 2001”, opened the project “Art as Science - Science as Art” as a prologue. It was continued by the series “WissensKünste” (interdisciplinary discussions with artists and scientists) initiated by the Berlin Zentrum für Literaturforschung (Centre for Literary Research) at the Hamburger Bahnhof Berlin from October 2001-winter 2004. In addition, preparations are made for an individual exhibition of works by the English artist Paul Etienne Lincoln, who lives in New York. The finale of the project was planned to be a large-scale “Exhibition of Art and Science” in 2004.


Performative Sites : Intersecting Art, Technology, and the body. Pennsylvania State University - October 2000.

Sciences of the Interface May 18-21, 2000 - Center for Art and Media (ZKM), Karlsruhe, Germany. An international symposium on the historical, philosophical, mathematical, physical, biological, social, artistic and technical aspects of the interface. In honor of the 60th birthday of Otto E. Rössler. “As is clear, the science of the interface is at the epicenter of Rössler's research. Besides his pioneering contributions in systems theory and chaos, he has concentrated his recent work in the area he calls endophysics where the interface between human mind and the rest of the world plays the central role. Rössler's work has also inspired and provoked numerous scientists and media theorists to reconsider the cartesian cut - interfaces that can be either located or not!”

sciart symposium September 13-14, 2000 - Royal Geographical Society, London, UK.

What's in a Line: Drawing as Intelligence and Intelligibility Workshop, December 18-19, 2000 - Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany. “Drawing in science is at once ubiquitous and invisible. Scientific manuscripts and texts abound with sketches, diagrams, engravings, lithographs, and other products of the draughtsman's pen. Yet the process and purposes of drawing in science have only sporadically attracted the attention of historians. Historians of art have occasionally studied scientific illustrations, particularly in works of natural history, but have rarely shown interest in the significance of drawing per se for the working scientist. Historians of architecture and engineering treat drawings that depict buildings, bridges, machines, and other constructions as an important source, but until recently, these sorts of drawings were segregated from both scientific and artistic drawings under the rubric “technical”. The aim of this workshop is to examine the phenomenon of drawing in science within a broader context that embraces artistic and technical drawing as well, focusing on the period ca. 1750-1850, and addressing two themes: the intelligibility of drawings and the form of intelligence drawing presupposes and cultivates.” Organizers: Lorraine Daston (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science), H. Otto Sibum (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science), M. Norton Wise (Princeton University, USA).

Science and Art Symposium 2000 3rd International Conference on Flow Interaction of Science and Art with Exhibition/Lectures on Interaction of Science and Art, 28 February-3 March 2000 at the ETH Zürich


ArtSci '99: Nurturing collaborations for the next century November 13-14, 1999 - The Great Hall, Cooper Union New York, USA. A public symposium organized by Art & Science Collaborations, Inc. (ASCI). “Have you ever wanted to collaborate with a geo-physicist on an underwater environmental art project, a bio-ethicist on a Broadway play of socio-political import, have the opportunity to meet people like an Emmy Award-winning science producer of shows like NOVA? The mission of ARTSCI'99 is to create a formal vehicle that will nurture art-science collaborations for the next century.”

Methods of understanding in art and science. The Case of Duchamp and Poincare November 5-7, 1999 - Harvard University Science Center, New York, USA. “The purpose of this symposium is to examine specific topics relevant to both Poincare and Duchamp - topics which also offer promise for integrating both the methodology and subject matter of art and science. The conference shall include: Duchamp's and Poincare's shared terminology and common interest in unconscious intuition and choice during the creative process, the importance of doubt, the beauty of “gray matter” (mental beauty), and probabilistic systems sensitive to initial conditions in nature. Very few invited individuals will be experts in both fields of art and science or on Poincare and Duchamp. We invite you and a variety of distinguished colleagues in expectation that we can set up conditions for generating discussions of high quality on the interactions, too often strained, between art and science.”

The Meeting of Art and Science March 1999 - October Gallery, London, Great Britain. “In early March 1999 a small group of artists and scientists met in London for two and a half days. The reason for the meeting was not so much to pursue an “art and science” agenda but simply to talk together, explore ideas, make contacts and discover what can occur when a group of highly creative people meet together without any particular aims or agenda.” Organizers: F. David Peat, Jemma Gascoine-Becker.


Eye of the Storm - Artists in the Maelstrom of Science. 19-20 Feburary 1998. Royal Institution, 21 Albemarle St, London

ArtSci '98: Seeding Collaboration April 4-5, 1998 - The Great Hall at Cooper Union, New York City, USA. A public symposium organized by Art & Science Collaborations, Inc. (ASCI).


New Ideas in Science and Art, Prague. Conference on “A New Space for Culture and Society.” 19 - 23 November 1996. Prague Castle - Czech Republic.

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