

MARCEL does not yet have a
manager for this category. Anyone
interested in taking on this work
should contact Don Foresta.

ALTERNE Alternative Realities in Networked Environments
The ALTERNE project is a platform supporting the development of digital, interactive and participatory artistic activities involving mixed and virtual reality. The aim of ALTERNE's technical development is to extend current techniques to support the more advanced experimentations required by the process of artistic creation e.g. causality, relations between time and space, alternative laws of physics, alternative life forms, etc.

Le Centre de recherche et de documentation de la Fondation Daniel Langlois
Accédez à sa base de données en ligne:

Observatoire Leonardo des Arts et Techno-Sciences
L'OLATS vous propose ici une base de ressources inédite en matière d'art et technosciences : dictionnaire, guide, sélection d'oeuvres majeures, de sites incontournables, de concepts émergents.

Le Metafort
Une structure de création expérimentale. Le Métafort est une structure expérimentale de réalisation de projets multimédia. CD-Rom, site Web, art vidéo, oeuvre infographique, spectacle vivant, musique électronique, sont autant de formes d'expressions diverses, pour lesquelles le Métafort a acquis au fil des ans une compétence certaine et une capacité d'expertise. Le Métafort a mis en place sept espaces de travail fonctionnant en synergie autour des oeuvres, des outils et des savoirs qu'il produit.

SCAN : studio création arts numériques Un dispositif pédagogique. Un lieu de production. Un laboratoire de recherche. Des enjeux artistiques. Un espace en réseau Des Modules d'Enseignement : Art en Réseau. Audiolab. Cyberculture. Esthétique des Medias. Installations et Supports. Interactivité, Programmation, 3D. Réseaux et Interfaces. Studio Electronique et Temps Réel Studios Video et Infographie.

For the development of interdisciplinary projects and promotion of international collaborations, the Center for Art and Media has manifold resources at its disposal: the Museum for Contemporary Art, the Media Museum, the Institute for Visual Media, the Institute for Music and Acoustics and two new departments - the Institute for Basic Research and the Institute for Web Developments.

MIT Media Laboratory Research
The MIT Media Laboratory occupies a unique position in the rapidly evolving landscape of new media and information technologies. It was founded by MIT Professor Nicholas Negroponte and the late Jerome Wiesner (former science adviser to President John F. Kennedy and former president of MIT), who foresaw the coming convergence of computing, publishing, and broadcast, fueled by changes in the communications industry. As this convergence accelerated, it spurred interconnected developments in the unusual range of disciplines that the Laboratory brought together, including cognition, electronic music, graphic design, video, and holography, as well as work in computation and human-machine interfaces.

Festival steirischerbst
The steirischer herbst the Festival of New Art « For more than thirty years, the steirischer herbst has been reinventing itself constantly. As a forum for composers and stage directors, authors, actors, musicians and painters, video artists, architects, designers and scholars. Who invite us to explore the present with them - and in doing so are always good for surprises, dissonances, and sometimes for shocks. In Graz and all over Styria, it is precisely such artistic projects which are created and presented, consciously reflecting the social transformations and radical breaks in which political sensitivity and the joy of complexity are intertwined.

La friche la belle de mai
Le multimédia à la Friche, c'est des producteurs artistiques, des entreprises et des dispositifs de développements, des espaces pour les publics. C'est aussi des projets, des résidences, des évènements des expérimentations artistiques, des ateliers publics…

Founded in September 1994, Electronic Music Foundation (EMF) is a not-for-profit 501©3 organization dedicated to increasing public understanding of the role that electronic music, in its myriad forms and technologies, plays in our world. Our mission is one of outreach and support: we aim to communicate knowledge of this field and its history to the public; and we aim to foster creativity and exploration within the global community of electronic musicians and artists.

Emissions ; concerts ; démonstration de CDRom et logiciels, interviews d'artistes, archives d'œuvres musicales, agenda…

CAST, Canon art support & traffic
CAST (Canon Art Support & Traffic) is a homepage to introduce Canon - Cultural Program Operations Center's supporting activities for art and culture.(…) Here one can acquire information on the two non-profit projects supporting art and cultural activities, sponsored by Canon Inc. One is ARTLAB, which is an experimental laboratory of experimental media art created through collaboration of artists and computer engineers, and the other is New Cosmos of Photography, a program to promote promising young photographers who would open up potentials in photographic expressions.

V2 (
Artists-in-residence The artists-in-residence program allows foreign artists from Europe to work with technicians, scientists and assistants on research and realisation of 'instable media' projects. During their stay in Rotterdam, these artists can work on art projects in the V2_Lab. Working as an artist-in-residence also gives them an opportunity to exchange know-how with fellow artists and acquaint themselves with their projects. Artists (from within Europe) are invited to submit project proposals. V2_Lab is mainly active in the fields of alternative interfaces, Virtual Reality and/or concepts for multi-user environments.

Recognising that digital technologies embraces both new media as an art form and the support of all artforms through information technologies , Arthouse will fulfil this mission by… The Bureau has also developed and maintains a fully searchable on-line artsinformation service, including: *Artframe: a web service for artists, supporting them in the design,construction and hosting of their own web sites *A digital listing of opportunities in the arts and new media sectors *An on-line catalogueand review of the collection of over 300 CD ROMS *Provision of a searchable database of diverse arts contacts *Hot Sites: a regularly updated section, providing links to Irish, International and alternative web sites of interest.

I N D E X of Leonardo's site a n d S E A R C H / O n t h i s s i t e : What's New / Gallery / Leonardo Music Journal web site / Special Projects/Topics / Art and Biology / Art and War / Art Education (Planetary Collegium) / Artificial Life / Leonardo Bibliography Project / Artist-Run Businesses Project / Brazilian Electronic Arts / Intellectual Property Issues and the Arts / Innovative Artists Project / Leonardo Digital Reviews / Pioneers and Pathbreakers Project / Space Art / Synesthesia and Intersenses / Virtual Africa / Women, Art and Technology / Words on Works (Artists' Writings)

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  • Last modified: 2024/12/13 12:18
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