MARCEL does not yet have a
manager for this category. Anyone
interested in taking on this work
should contact Don Foresta.
MIT Media Laboratory Research
The MIT Media Laboratory occupies a unique position in the rapidly evolving landscape of new media and information technologies. It was founded by MIT Professor Nicholas Negroponte and the late Jerome Wiesner (former science adviser to President John F. Kennedy and former president of MIT), who foresaw the coming convergence of computing, publishing, and broadcast, fueled by changes in the communications industry. As this convergence accelerated, it spurred interconnected developments in the unusual range of disciplines that the Laboratory brought together, including cognition, electronic music, graphic design, video, and holography, as well as work in computation and human-machine interfaces.]]
Le Metafort
Une structure de création expérimentale. Le Métafort est une structure expérimentale de réalisation de projets multimédia. CD-Rom, site Web, art vidéo, oeuvre infographique, spectacle vivant, musique électronique, sont autant de formes d'expressions diverses, pour lesquelles le Métafort a acquis au fil des ans une compétence certaine et une capacité d'expertise. Le Métafort a mis en place sept espaces de travail fonctionnant en synergie autour des oeuvres, des outils et des savoirs qu'il produit
Ars electronica
The Ars Electronica Center was conceived as an interface of art, technology and society; imparting future-oriented strategies in dealing with the present has become a key element of its mission. For school The Ars Electronica Center's Electronic Classroom offers teachers and their students a learning environment in which to try out new forms of working together in groups, new ways to search for information, and new methods of disseminating knowledge. Production and presentation - in conjunction with the Research and Residence Program, for instance - are based upon the Center making available its technological and spatial infrastructure as well as the aesthetic and engineering capabilities of its staff. At the same time, internationally relevant artistic and scientific events such as exhibitions, seminars, colloquia and speeches are presented throughout the year.
MEDICI stands for Multimedia for EDucation and employment through Integrated Cultural Initiative. It is a Framework of Co-operation established and supervised by DG XIII in conjunction with DG X of the European Commission. The goal of MEDICI is to promote the innovative use of multimedia technology for access to and exploitation of Europe's cultural heritage.MEDICI promotes the partnership between Museums, Cultural Institutions and Industry. This site contains a growing up digital library, museums, collections, events and members databases, IT solutions, showcases, ALs and SIGs deliverables, hot contacts and direct access to all MEDICI networks.
Recognising that digital technologies embraces both new media as an art form and the support of all artforms through information technologies , Arthouse will fulfil this mission by… The Bureau has also developed and maintains a fully searchable on-line artsinformation service, including: *Artframe: a web service for artists, supporting them in the design,construction and hosting of their own web sites *A digital listing of opportunities in the arts and new media sectors *An on-line catalogueand review of the collection of over 300 CD ROMS *Provision of a searchable database of diverse arts contacts *Hot Sites?: a regularly updated section, providing links to Irish, International and alternative web sites of interest
Nerve Center
What began in the late 1980's as a self-help initiative of young musicians and film makers seeking a means of cultural expression, has steadily evolved into a Multimedia and Arts Centre, which is one of the key dynamics fuelling the arts and digital media sectors in Northern Ireland today. Technological innovation has been the driving force behind the development of popular culture - the boundaries between the artistic and technical spheres are collapsing, requiring a profound conceptual shift in the way we think about the arts. Since its inception, the Nerve Centre has pioneered the digital age's exciting convergence of art and technology through education, training and production. Through it's dedication to lifelong learning and economic development, The Nerve Centre has acted as a magnet for cultural, educational and commercial organisations who share a common vision for a progressive future.
Artist information site a-n provides information, advice and debate for visual and applied artists. / It is a not-for-profit company, run by artists for artists. / a-n has three main activities: - the monthly a-n Magazine providing professional interaction,information, news and networking for artists - web sites with information for potential and existing artists, and those wanting to work with artists. - a programme supporting the professional development of individual artists and networks in the North of England. “a-n is an essential tool for artists' survival. It provides a connective matrix between all aspects of practice … fulfilling a need in an informative and unpretentious way. ” Antony Gormely, 2000
Association régie par la loi de 1901, met en oeuvre ses ressources intellectuelles et matérielles au service de projets à caractère éducatif ou culturel qui lui semblent de nature à promouvoir les pratiques musicales d'aujourd'hui (musiques contemporaines, musiques actuelles, musiques appliquées, création radiophonique, illustration sonore éaborée …) et qui visent un public élargi. CIDMA a organisé ou soutenu 114 concerts, 170 productions musicales et assuré 35 stages ou ateliers entre mars 1992 et juin 1999.
Founded in September 1994, Electronic Music Foundation (EMF) is a not-for-profit 501©3 organization dedicated to increasing public understanding of the role that electronic music, in its myriad forms and technologies, plays in our world. Our mission is one of outreach and support: we aim to communicate knowledge of this field and its history to the public; and we aim to foster creativity and exploration within the global community of electronic musicians and artists.[
L'Inathèque de France, créé le 1er Janvier 1995, constitue l'un des trois départements de l'Institut National de l'Audiovisuel. Il est chargé de la mise en oeuvre du Dépôt Légal de la Radio-Télévision défini par la loi du 20 Juin 1992, recense l'intégralité de la diffusion des grands programmes français de radio et de télévision, anime une politique scientifique, éducative et culturelle sur l'image, le son et les médias.
Depuis sa création en 1976, l'ACROE capitalise les sons, images et modèles numériques.
Studio création arts numériques Un dispositif pédagogique. Un lieu de production. Un laboratoire de recherche. Des enjeux artistiques. Un espace en réseau Des Modules d'Enseignement : Art en Réseau. Audiolab. Cyberculture. Esthétique des Medias. Installations et Supports. Interactivité, Programmation, 3D. Réseaux et Interfaces. Studio Electronique et Temps Réel Studios Video et Infographie.
For the development of interdisciplinary projects and promotion of international collaborations, the Center for Art and Media has manifold resources at its disposal: the Museum for Contemporary Art, the Media Museum, the Institute for Visual Media, the Institute for Music and Acoustics and two new departments - the Institute for Basic Research and the Institute for Web Developments.
Siggraph ACM
SIGGRAPH's Mission Our mission is to promote the generation and dissemination of information on computer graphics and interactive techniques. ACM SIGGRAPH's Purpose Our purpose is to foster a membership community whose core values help them to catalyze the innovation and application of computer graphics and interactive techniques.
ICC on line
ICC wishes to encourage the dialogue between technology and the arts with a core theme of communication, thereby building an affluent society for the future. Through such dialogue, it also aims to become a network that links artists and scientists worldwide, as well as a center for information exchange.
Inter Medium Institute (IMI) is an independent insutitute founded in Osaka, Japan in 1996, modeled itself on 'Bauhaus' in Germany. IMI Graduate School (IMI GS), one of thecore parts of IMI, is an independent school of postgraduate level for art and multimedia. The course is designed not only for those who have just finished universities but also for businesspeople in various fields.
I N D E X of Leonardo's site a n d S E A R C H / O n t h i s s i t e : What's New / Gallery / Leonardo Music Journal web site / Special Projects/Topics / Art and Biology / Art and War / Art Education (Planetary Collegium) / Artificial Life / Leonardo Bibliography Project / Artist-Run Businesses Project / Brazilian Electronic Arts / Intellectual Property Issues and the Arts / Innovative Artists Project / Leonardo Digital Reviews / Pioneers and Pathbreakers Project / Space Art / Synesthesia and Intersenses / Virtual Africa / Women, Art and Technology / Words on Works (Artists' Writings)