Members in Art
Sydney, Australia (Greg Turner, PhD Researcher)
Communication and Hypermediatics Nets, Faculty of Communication and Art, Belo Horizonte, Brazil (Eduardo de Jesus, professor)
Media art and computational arts, School of Fine Arts, Belo Horizonte, Brazil (Carlos Henrique Falci, assistant teacher)
MA Programme for Digital Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria (Venelin Shurelov, Lecturer)
Banff, Canada (Susan Kennard, Director)
Vancouver, Canada (Dr. Ron Burnett, President)
Institute of Research/Creation in Media Arts and Technologies, Montreal, Canada (Scientific Directors, Bill Vorn, Concordia University, Nicolas Reeves, University of Quebec at Montreal)
Toronto, Canada (Dana Samuel, Director/Curator)
Centre for the production & presentation of art, Montreal, Canada (Daniel Dion, Director)
Photographe, Scientifique
School of Image Arts, Toronto, Canada (Pierre Tremblay, Professor)
Montreal, Canada (Monique Savoie, Director)
Faculty of Fine Art, Calgary, Canada (Kenneth Fields, Canada Research Chair, Telemedia Arts)
Laboratoire de Museographie, Ecole de Design Industrie, Montreal, Canada (Luc Courchesne, Professor)
McLuhan Centre, Toronto, Canada (Derrick de Kerckhove, Director)
DXARTS, Seattle, Washington, USA (James Coupe, Research Associate)
Public Space & Media Lab, Zagreb, Croatia (Teodor Celakoski, Project Manager)
Czech Republic
International Center for Art and New Technologies, Prague, Czech Republic (Pavel Smetana, Director)
Helsinki, Finland (Perttu Rastas, Senior Media Curator)
Helsinki, Finland (Philip Dean, Director)
Dance Company, Lille, France (Mylene Benoit, Founder)
Centre Interculturel de Pratiques et de Recherches Transdisciplinaires, Marseille, France (Louis Bec, Director, François Mourre, artist)
Eclectic Experience, Project developer
Network theorist & artist
EESI (European School of Visual Art), Poitiers/ANgoulème (Hervé Jolly, Professor
Nancy, France (Samuel Bianchini, Professor)
Cergy/Paris, France (Jacques-Emile Bertrand, Professor)
Nantes, France (Georges-Albert Kisfaludi, Christiane Carlut, Professors)
Atelier Images Mouvement, Le Havre, France (Stéphane Trois Carrés, Head)
Researcher in the documentary image
Researcher in video art history
Interdisciplinary Performing Arts company, Ile-de-France, France (Benoît Lahoz, Director)
National Studio for Contemporary Arts, Tourcoing, France (Alain Fleischer, Director)
Le LAIT, Centre d’Art, Albi, (Jackie-Ruth Meyer)
MARCEL Multicasting art Platform - France, Paris (Philippe d'Anfray, Association MaP)
Artists, Video & Video Installations
Groupe arts sciences technologies, Albi (Thierry Besche, coordinateur)
Quai des Savoirs, Science Animation, Toulouse (Johan Langot)
Quai des Savoirs, Science Animation, Toulouse (Johan Langot, Director)
EESI (European School of Visual Art), Poitiers, France (Frédéric Curien, Co-director)
artiste sonore - J'écoute sans répit
Bonn Development Workshop for Comuptermedia (BEC) e.V. Public Presentations and Media Lab in Bonn, Germany (Bodo Lensch, Director)
European Research Institute for Comparative Cultural Policy and the Arts, Germany (Andreas Wiesand, Executive Director)
Interactive Screens & Environments, Berlin, Germany (Christian Graupner, Director)
television becomes beautiful, Berlin, Germany (Elizabeth Markevitch, Founder)
Frankfurt am Main, Germany (Hans Diebner, Head of the Project "Basic Research")
Web-based platform for live cyberformance performance, Germany (Helen Varley Jamieson, Project Manager)
Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany (Peter Weibel, Director)
Indepented Creator/Researcher
Budapest, Hungary (Miklos Peternak, Director & Eva Kozma)
National Gallery of Iceland, (Kristin Scheving)
Ecole Française Danielle Mitterrand,Sulaymaniyah, Florence Didiot,
Video & Electronic Art Laboratory, Palermo, Italy (Umberto De Paola, Director)
Freelance editor & curator
Hama GORO, Directeur, Bamako, Mali
Centre d’Art L’Usine, Casablanca (Khalil Chraibi, Director)
Amsterdam, Netherlands (Nicola Mullenger, Marketing and Communications)
Amsterdam, Netherlands (Marleen Stikker, Director)
Rotterdam, Netherlands (Boris Debackere, Director)
Rotterdam, Netherlands (Alex Adriaansens, Director)
Bergen Centre for Electronic Arts, Bergen, Norway (Lars Ove Toft Director, Trond Lossius, Research coordinator)
Catholic University of Porto, Portugal (Carlos Sena Caires)
Cuenca, Spain (Jose Ramon Alcala, Director)
School of Fine Arts, Cuenca, Spain (Simeon Saiz, Dean)
Madrid, Spain (Macu Moran, Director)
Artist and intercultural facilitator
SIWA, , Redeyef,(Yagoutha Belgacem)
United Kingdom
Experimental Media Research Group - Emerge, Bournemouth, UK (Neal White, Director)
Artist / Arts Professional
Interactive Design & Product Development Lab, (Co-directors, Francesca Rosella, Ryan Genz)
Dundee, Scotland UK (Clive Gillman, Director)
Media Arts Agency, Lancaster, UK (Taylor Nuttall, Chief Executive)
London, UK (Marc Garrett & Ruth Catlow, Co-Directors)
University of London, Department of Computing, London, UK (Robert Zimmer, Lecturer)
Writer, theatre-maker and digital artist
Centre for Telecom Research, London (Mischa Dohler, Head)
SoMa (social matrices) research programme, London, UK (Giles Lane, Research Director)
London's radio-art station, London, UK (Dr. Ed Baxter, controller)
Sway, UK (Helen Sloan, Director)
London, UK (Hannah Redler, Curator)
Digital & Electronic Art Unit, Lancashire, UK (Chris Meigh-Andrews, Reader in Electronic and Digital Art)
Digital & Virtual Reality Media Research Lab, London, UK (Michael Pinsky, artistic coordinator, Martin Andrew Barrett, pedagogical coordinator)
School of Art & Design, Greater Manchester, UK (Paul Sermon, New Media Programme Leader, Mathias Fuchs, Course Leader in Creative Technology)
Birmingham, UK (Yasmeen Baig Clifford, Director)
Bristol, UK (Gill Haworth, Digital Development Coordinator)
University of the Arts, London, UK (George Blacklock, Dean of College)
United States
Boston (George Fifield, Director)
Center for Research in Entertainment and Learning, San Diego, California (Shlomo Dubnov, Director)
Donald Tavel Arts and Technology Research Center, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA (Scott Deal, Tavel Center Director)
Photography & New Media Department, Kansas City, Missouri, USA (Cyan Meeks, Chair of Education Policy Committee)
Studio for Interrelated Media (SIM), Boston, Mass., USA (Dana Moser, Professor of Media and Peforming Arts)
Cambridget Mass., USA (Ute Meta Bauer, Director)
Young McDonald's Farm, NY, USA (Daniel P. McVeigh, Director)
New Media Program, Department of Art History, Savannah, Georgia, USA (Dr. Timothy Jackson, Dr. Christoph Kluetsch)
New York, NY, USA (Bruce Wands, Head of the MFA Computer Art Programm, Joe Dellinger, Professor)
University of Maine, Orono, Maine, USA (Peter Thibeault, Director)
Art Department, Syracuse, New York, USA (Sam Van Acken, Professor, Sculpture)
@lab Interactive Arts & Technology Lab, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA (Peter d'Agostino, Maurice Wright, Directors)
Media Department, Buffalo, NY, USA (Vibeke Sorensen, Director)
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (CalIt2) Irvine, California, USA (Simon Penny, Professor)
UC Digital Arts Research Network (UC DARnet), Los Angeles, California, USA (Victoria Vesna, Director)
Digital Art and New Media (DANM), Santa Cruz, California, USA (Ralph Abraham, Professor Emeritus)
Ideas for Creative Exploration (ICE), Athens, Georgia, USA (Mark Callahan, Assistant Director)
New Media, Orono, Maine (Mike Scott, Director, Media Lab)
Art and Technology Center, Alberquerque, NM, USA (Danae Falliers, Associate Director)gfhgfhgfhgfhfh GAYinhgfhgfhgfh ...
Department of Art and Art History, Austin, Texas, USA (Bogdan Perzynski, Professor)