
“The founding of the Center for Art and Media can be traced back to the year 1980, when the idea for a media arts center first came into being. By 1986, a project group had been organized, consisting of local politicians and representatives of the university, the State Music Academy, the Center for Nuclear Research and other institutions in Karlsruhe. In 'Concept 88', they described their vision for bringing together art and the new media in theory and practice. … Under the direction of Prof. Peter Weibel since 1999, the Center for Art and Media probes new media in theory and practice, tests their potential with in-house developments, presents possible uses in exemplary form and promotes debate on the form our information society is taking. Working closely with the State Academy for Design in Karlsruhe and other institutes, the Center for Art and Media provides a forum for science, art, politics and finance.”

  • members/member/zkm.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/12/13 12:18
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