
Pierre-Léonard Harvey Hexagram,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Call for papers

Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing.
AIEDAM Special Issue, Spring 2010, Vol. 24, No. 2: “Creativity: Simulation, Stimulation and Studies”. Edited by: Mary Lou Maher, Yong Se Kim & Nathalie Bonnardel. This special issue of AIEDAM will be devoted to papers concerned with Creativity.

Journals, Magazines

Art Asia Pacific
“This issue of ART Asia Pacific focuses on 'new media' art - a ubiquitous term that incorporates the use of technology such as computers, the Internet and video to create virtual online art, video art, and multimedia interactive installations and performances. The convergence of science and art via such technology challenges artists to investigate the meeting of the machinic (the 'virtual') and the human (the 'real'), and the relationship between real, virtual and psychological spaces is questioned throughout this issue …“
An online journal for Art & Science.

Arts and Neurosciences
“Arts and Neurosciences is an electronic journal aiming to propose a new perspective on empirical studies of aesthetic experience and plastic as well as performative arts, such as cinema, photography, music, dance, comics, video and painting.”
“Arts and Neurosciences est une revue électronique visant à fournir de nouvelles approches sur l'étude empirique de l'expérience esthétique et des oeuvres d'art, telles que le cinéma, la photographie, la musique, la danse, la bande-dessinée, la vidéo et les arts platiques.”

Art & Science Collaborations, Inc., Staten Island, New York, USA. Since 1988.
“The purpose of Art & Science Collaborations, Inc. (ASCI) is to raise public awareness about artists and scientists using science and technology to explore new forms of creative expression, and to increase communication and collaboration between these fields.”

Cahiers art et science
revue anuelle, Université Bordeaux, Editions confluences: Bordeaux, France. Since 1994.
“Un enseignement unique en France destiné aux étudiants scientifiques et assuré conjointement par des chercheurs (biologistes, informaticiens, mathématiciens, physiciens, etc.) et des créateurs (plasticiens, écrivains, musiciens, photographes, architectes, etc.). L'objectif est de faire participer les étudiants au dialogue entre les artistes et les scientifiques, sans présumer d'un quelconque consensus. Il s'agit d'éveiller l'esprit critique dans la confrontation et le respect des points de vue.”

Issue 90, Winter 1999: “Art and Technology”. “22 pages on the art/technology interface, with particular emphasis on biotechnology, under the editorship of Eduardo Kac.”
Issue 96, Summer 2001: “Art and Science”:

Horizon Zero
“Horizon Zero is a multimedia Web magazine about digital art and culture in Canada - a bilingual virtual space devoted to creativity and critical ideas in the new media canon. Now out of production, our eighteen back-issues explore an extensive range of subjects in the territory where art, science, and technology meet.”
(The Horizon Zero project is no longer in-production.)

HYLE - International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry
special issue on “Aesthetics and Visualization in Chemistry”
Part I:
Part II:

Inter Communication
“Inter Communication (IC) is the quaterly journal of NTT Inter Communication Center ICC, a prototypical 21st century information network oriented arts and science interface.”
“Amidst the countdown to the 21st century, the Inter Communication Center is a locus for experiments in interfacing scientific technology with artistic culture for the coming electronic information network oriented society. Quarterly Inter Communication is one of these experiments, in printed communications culture. Especially today, as scientific technologies and artistic culture are in unprecedented inter-communication, Quarterly Inter Communication resources the world of their creation.”

Journal of Neuro-Aesthetic Theory
Art and the brain. Collaborations of artists with neurologists.

LABS - Leonardo Abstracts Service

Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences, and Technology.
MIT Press
“Leonardo was founded in 1968 in Paris by kinetic artist and astronautical pioneer Frank Malina. Malina saw the need for a journal that would serve as an international channel of communication between artists, with emphasis on the writings of artists who use science and developing technologies in their work. Today, Leonardo is the leading journal for readers interested in the application of contemporary science and technology to the arts.”

Artists on science: scientists on art. Editorial. Vol. 434, No. 7031 pp293-324.

Noema Lab

Observatoire Leonardo des Arts et Techno-Sciences
” L'Observatoire Leonardo des arts et des technosciences est un site francophone proposant des informations, des repères, et des liens dans le champ de l'art et des technosciences. Ce site est inscrit dans l'univers LEONARDO, revue internationale qui offre depuis plus de trente ans un espace d'échanges et de réflexions entre le monde de l'art et celui des sciences. “

UCDavis Magazin
Volume 14, Number 4, Summer 1997: The Art of Science

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