Inviting you to participate in DecodeRecode

Dear friends and colleagues,

I would like to introduce you to an exciting forthcoming telematic communication arts event 'Decode/Recode' and invite you, your colleagues and students to participate and interact through multiple networked channels of live communication via image, sound, text, animation, video/conference, online virtual worlds and code - recoded or decoded. This is to celebrate the centenary year of Alan Turing's birth, as part of the official opening of the University of Salford building at MediaCityUK on 23rd March 2012. We will be connecting for 24 hours with 24 partners worldwide for a live digital media performance displayed across five large format Christie-Tile HD screens at MediaCityUK.

Please see the attached project description for more information, and please let me know if you, your colleagues or your students would like to take part in this event. I look forward to hearing from you

Best wishes, Paul Sermon

  • project-workspace/proposing/inviting-you-participate-decoderecode.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/12/13 12:18
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