Members in Faculties


University of Technology, Sydney
Sydney, Australia (Greg Turner, PhD Researcher)


Catholic Pontifical University of Minas Gerais
Communication and Hypermediatics Nets, Faculty of Communication and Art, Belo Horizonte, Brazil (Eduardo de Jesus, professor)

Federal University of Minas Gerais
Media art and computational arts, School of Fine Arts, Belo Horizonte, Brazil (Carlos Henrique Falci, assistant teacher)


McGill University
Music Technology Area, Music Faculty, Montreal, Canada (Wieslaw Woszczyk, Professor)

Ryerson University
School of Image Arts, Toronto, Canada (Pierre Tremblay, Professor)

Simon Fraser University
Simon Fraser University, Vancouver (Frederic Lesage)

University of Calgary
Faculty of Fine Art, Calgary, Canada (Kenneth Fields, Canada Research Chair, Telemedia Arts)

University of Montreal
Laboratoire de Museographie, Ecole de Design Industrie, Montreal, Canada (Luc Courchesne, Professor)

University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM)
NXI GESTATIO Design Lab School of Design, Montreal, Canada (Nicolas Reeves, Director)

University of Toronto
McLuhan Centre, Toronto, Canada (Derrick de Kerckhove, Director)


University of Antioquia
Department of Audiovisual Services, Medellin, Colombia (Paula Villegas Hincapié)


ENJMIN-CNAM, Angoulême


University of Karlsruhe (KIT)
Institute for Studies of History, Karlsruhe, Germany: Permanent working group “Formatting of Social Spaces” (Ulrich Gehmann, Head of working group)


CITAR - Research Centre for Science and Technology of the Arts
Catholic University of Porto, Portugal (Carlos Sena Caires)


University of Castilla-La Mancha
School of Fine Arts, Cuenca, Spain (Simeon Saiz, Dean)


Malmo University
Creative Environments, Research Studio, Dept. of Art, Culture & Communication, Malmo, Sweden (Lone Malmborg, Director, Elisabeth Nilsson, Student)

United Kingdom

Bournemouth University
Experimental Media Research Group - Emerge, Bournemouth, UK (Neal White, Director)

Bristol University
High Definition Imaging, Bristol, UK (Terry Flaxton, AHRC Creative Research Fellow)

Creative Technology Research Group (CTRG)
Department of Design, Engineering and Computing, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, UK (Alain Renaud, Director)

Goldsmiths College
University of London, Department of Computing, London, UK (Robert Zimmer, Lecturer)

John Moores University
School of Sport Studies, Leisure and Nutrition, Liverpool (Pauline Brooks, Reader in Dance Performance and Pedagogy)

King's College
Centre for Telecom Research, London (Mischa Dohler, Head)

London School of Economics & Political Science
Media@lse, London, UK (Robin Mansell, Director)

Sonic Arts Research Centre (SARC)
Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK (Pedro Rebelo, Director)

University College London, Bachelor of Art and Science, London, UK (Carl Gombrich, Director)

University College London
Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering, London (Nick Tyler)

University of Central Lancashire
Digital & Electronic Art Unit, Lancashire, UK (Chris Meigh-Andrews, Reader in Electronic and Digital Art)

University of East London
Digital & Virtual Reality Media Research Lab, London, UK (Michael Pinsky, artistic coordinator, Martin Andrew Barrett, pedagogical coordinator)

University of Manchester
e-Science Team, Manchester Computing, Manchester, UK (John Brooke, Director, Michael Daw, technical support)

University of Salford
School of Art & Design, Greater Manchester, UK (Paul Sermon, New Media Programme Leader, Mathias Fuchs, Course Leader in Creative Technology)

University of Southampton
School of Electronics and Computer Science, Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia Group, Southampton, UK (Mark Weal, Lecturer)

University of Sussex
Creative Systems Lab, Brighton, UK (Phil Husbands, Professor, Artifical Intelligence)

United States

Center for Research in Entertainment and Learning, San Diego, California (Shlomo Dubnov, Director)

Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)
Donald Tavel Arts and Technology Research Center, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA (Scott Deal, Tavel Center Director)

MIT Visual Arts Program
Cambridget Mass., USA (Ute Meta Bauer, Director)

New York University
Dept. of Music and Performing Arts Professions, New York, NY, USA (Robert Rowe, Professor)

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, New York, USA (Pauline Oliveros, Professor)

Stanford University
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) Palo Alto, California, USA (Chris Chafe, Director)

Syracuse University
Art Department, Syracuse, New York, USA (Sam Van Acken, Professor, Sculpture)

Temple University
@lab Interactive Arts & Technology Lab, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA (Peter d'Agostino, Maurice Wright, Directors)

University of Buffalo
Media Department, Buffalo, NY, USA (Vibeke Sorensen, Director)

University of California at Irvine
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (CalIt2) Irvine, California, USA (Simon Penny, Professor)

University of California at Los Angeles
UC Digital Arts Research Network (UC DARnet), Los Angeles, California, USA (Victoria Vesna, Director)

University of California at San Diego
Center for Research in Computing and the Arts (CRCA), La Jolla, California (Miller Puckette, CRCA Associate Director)

University of California at San Diego
Department of Music, San Diego, California (Rand Steiger, Miller Puckette, Professors)

University of California at Santa Cruz
Digital Art and New Media (DANM), Santa Cruz, California, USA (Ralph Abraham, Professor Emeritus)

University of Georgia
Ideas for Creative Exploration (ICE), Athens, Georgia, USA (Mark Callahan, Assistant Director)

University of Maine
New Media, Orono, Maine (Mike Scott, Director, Media Lab)

University of Texas at Austin
Department of Art and Art History, Austin, Texas, USA (Bogdan Perzynski, Professor)

Vassar College
Media Studies Program, Poughkeepsie, NY (Michael Joyce, Professor of English and Media Studies)

University of Washington
DXARTS, Seattle, Washington, USA (James Coupe, Research Associate)

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