Art & Industry


Carlos Henrique Falci
Assistant Teacher, Media art and computational arts
School of Fine Arts
Federal University of Minas Gerais,
Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Discussion forums for relationships between art, industry, knowledge transfer issues, interdisciplinary projects involving art and industry, and other related subjects.

Mailing list for discussing matters related to a proposed Creative Robotics Research Network - robotics, mechatronics and animatronics in the creative industries.

Creative industries
Creative Industries is a forum for debate and discussion of research and knowledge transfer issues and ideas concerned with the creative industries.

Flxya is a social media network to share videos, photos and blogs. The website pays members for their material through the Google Adsense publisher according to the views they get. Members can also get in touch with others members writing them messages or posting in foruns.

Australia's peak network and advocacy body for artists working with technology. The role of Anat is to advocate, support and promot the arts and artist in the interaction between art, technology and science, nationally and internationally.

Their blogs page
“ANAT Blogs allow our residency, mentorship and emerging technology programs to be accessible to a global audience. Each Blog is as individual as the project itself - containing research findings, personal moments and creative insights.”
An online bulletin board listing projects and ideas that are seeking partners in Europe or internationally for arts and cultural projects. Using the bulletin board, Cultural NGOs and other stake holders are able to search generally for partners or for particular schemes like Culture Programme 2007-2013.

Their network


NESTA is the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts. We are the largest single endowment devoted exclusively to supporting talent, innovation and creativity in the UK. Our mission is to transform the UK's capacity for innovation. We invest in early stage companies, inform innovation policy and encourage a culture that helps innovation to flourish.
Their discussion group
A discussion group to keep people informed and involved with the work that NESTA is doing to promote and foster innovation in the UK.

The Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association
The Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association offers a forum to collaborate, innovate and share knowledge in order to foster the development of Internet technology, infrastructure and services to be used by the research and education community.

International Laser Display Association
Site features a guide to the use of laser displays and technoloy in art, education and entertainment.

Their forums page
Discussion areas covering various topics related to laser shows and ILDA and the place of communication between ILDA itself and their members.

Folly is a leading digital arts organisation developing and delivering an inclusive programme of online work, live events, presentations, learning, research and consultancy work, offering rich and engaging arts content to artists and audiences in North West England and online.

Their Facebook page
Page frequently updated by the members to exchange info and news.

Love Culture
Love Culture is a an online platform that brings arts organisations and audiences together as a community to share views about art and culture.

  • discussion-groups/art-industry/start.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/12/13 12:18
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