Conferences, Symposia, Colloquia


Robin Mansell Head of Department, Media@lse London School of Economics London, UK


Creating Value: Between Commerce and Commons

25 - 27 June, Brisbane, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, South Bank This conference showcases some of the CCI's own research projects, and features papers from academic, business, creative or public policy specialists on many aspects of value-creation in the context of creative industries and innovation.

CCI is Australia's premier centre for research into the convergence of cultural and economic values. It specializes in research that explores enterprise and innovation along the dynamic boundary between market and non-market, cultural and economic, commercial and community. It is especially interested in the development of both digital and community-based social network markets.


Interface(s) Montreal

13 June to 12 December, Societe des Arts Technologiques, 1195, Saint-Laurent Boulevard, Montreal, Canada. By enabling cross-sector networking based on expertise, crossover innovations can be developed through non-traditional collaboration activities. This initiative confirms the exceptional positioning of Montre's dynamic community of entrepreneurs, researchers and artists among the international elite. The Interfaces Montreal project allows the SAT to assemble the metropolitan forces in digital technology not only through its 9 conferences but through the development of its directory of Montreal ICT experts as well.


Arts and Science in the Information Society

8-10 July 2005 ENSTA, Porte de Versailles, Paris, France Free conference about FIS2005: “Following the best tradition of the Renaissance and the age of Enlightenment, a Thematic Event of the World Summit on the Information Society is proposed that would gather Scientists, Scholars, Artists, Governements Representatives, Diplomats, Civil Society Activists as well as the general public to debate about the challenges of communicating Arts and Sciences content within the Information Society, and in particular what are the impacts and benefits of the new computer technologies. Concerning Access to Scientific knowledge, the event is going to focus on two aspects : Open Access to scientific litterature and data, Open Access to online courses The question of Access to Arts and the Humanities is going to be discussed not only in terms of Open Access to academic litterture and courses in those fields, but also concerning the access to the artists, in particular concerning Digital Arts, the Arts that are born from the technological evolution that allows the very existence of the Information Society, and which are by essence the expression of the new world that is being built. Are going to be also discussed selected issues concerning the technological and software context as well as the legal context that should allow the Information Society to evolve towards a Knowledge Society of Shared Knowledge.”

from imagination to neurology “New developments in brain research have ignited world wide debate on the question of free will. The source of contention: new imaging technologies, designed to render the process of human thought visible. The human brain is a fascinating cosmos, a highly complex organ and a subject that is explored in every field of science. The international media award for science and art is an interdisciplinary event and, as such, invites both artists and scientists alike to explore the questions: how do the images inside our heads work? And how do images of the insides of our heads work?”

Refresh! First International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology September 28-October 1st, 2005, Summit: October 2nd-3rd, 2005 - Banff New Media Institute, Canada “Recognizing the increasing significance of media art for our culture, this Conference on the Histories of Media Art will discuss for the first time the history of media art within the interdisciplinary and intercultural contexts of the histories of art. Leonardo/ISAST, the Database for Virtual Art, Banff New Media Institute, and UNESCO Digi Arts are collaborating to produce the first international art history conference covering art and new media, art and technology, art-science interaction, and the history of media as pertinent to contemporary art.”


inVISIBLE l'art_sciences

Prix\media\art\international\2004 October 29, 2004 - SWR and ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany “As the selection of the \\international\media\art\award 2004 winners has concluded now, the awarding of the prizes has been scheduled for the 29th of October, this year's location being the E-Werk in Baden-Baden. In October the “50 Best” will be broadcast on SUEDWEST TV and Swiss TV, as well as on ARTE, 3 sat and EINS Festival. In addition, another upcoming program is being prepared, involving the”nano“ science magazine and SWR 2 Radio.”$4196

ART & BIOtech

October 5-8, 2004 - Montreal Museum of Contemporary Art, Canada “Biotechnologies announce the emergence of major breakthroughs and fresh insights into various fields of knowledge in the near future: new medical treatments, improvements in agriculture, the mapping of the genomes of various species, the customized reconfiguration of bodies. Such potent promises are both fascinating and disquieting, raising many uncertainties and posing questions difficult to resolve. During this colloquium, international theorists and artists will explore these issues by presenting research and artworks situated at the intersection of art, science and artificial systems. Participants: Suzanne Anker, Roy Ascott, Louis Bec, Bioteknica (Shawn Bailey et Jennifer Willet), Eric Bonabeau, Annick Bureaud, Oron Catts & Ionat Zurr (The Tissue Culture and Art Project), Critical Art Ensemble (Steve Kurtz), Joe Davis, Jean Decarie, Sara Diamond, Diana Domingues, Olliver Dyens, Herve Fischer, George Gessert, Jens Hauser, Eduardo Kac, Ted Krueger, Michael la Chance, Ellen K. Levy, Eduardo Miranda, Julien Nembrini, Louis-Claude Paquin, Ken Rinaldo, Lucia Santaella, Nell Tenhaaf, Guy Theraulaz, Inga Svala Thorsdottir, Stephen Wilson, Adam Zaretsky.”


Presente continuo: I segni della civilte‚ tra espressione artistica, comunicazione e tecnologia (Art-Science. Continuous Present: The signs of civilization between artistic expression, communication and technology) September 18-25, 2004 - Rome, Italy Two institutions, Goethe-Institute Rome and Centro Ricerche Musicali, organized the meeting that took place in the Goethe-Institute Rome and the Teatro Ambra Jovinelli on September 18-25, 2004. Part of the event was the interdisciplinary symposium “Tras_form_azione” (“Trans_form_a©tion) on September 24-25, 2004: « The evolution of communication systems, the access to interdisciplinary codes, the development of computer science and interactive networks have been responsible over the past few years for a profound transformation in the forms of artistic creation and, more generally, in culture. Science increasingly contributes to the support of this new dimension, with its forms of cognitive and technological application of perceptive phenomena. Which sciences are closer to and interactive with the arts? Is there a common planning feature shared by Art and Science? Our intention is that this event, should provide the answer to these questions and investigate the criteria which link Art and Science and their capacity for affecting social transformations.


Algorithmen als Schnittstellen zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft (inVISIBLE. Algorithms as interfaces between art and science) October 30-31, 2004 - ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany “The symposium will examine the influence exerted on perception by algorithms as interfaces between art and science. Why do we recognise something we can designate in the structure of systematically arranged nanoparticles; what are the grounds for such an assessment? How is the algorithmic revolution changing the image of science and art? In short, it is a question of what we really see and hear, and what we always thought we were seeing and hearing.”$4150




Kunst als Wissenschaft - Wissenschaft als Kunst (art as science - science as art September 12-16, 2001 - Wandelhalle der Gemeldegalerie, Kulturforum am Matthaeikirchplatz, Berlin, Germany. The project “Art as Science - Science as Art” presented artists whose thematic interests include the new relations between art and science. On the threshold to the 21st century, if it still wants to be taken seriously, art must move on from the programme of the modern age, which has become an art pour l'art of liberation. A symposium of the same name, took place within the context of the “Wissenschaftssommer 2001”, opened the project “Art as Science - Science as Art” as a prologue. It was continued by the series “Wissens Kenste” initiated by the Berlin Zentrum fer Literaturforschung (Centre for Literary Research) at the Hamburger Bahnhof Berlin from October 2001-winter 2004. In addition, preparations are made for an individual exhibition of works by the English artist Paul Etienne Lincoln, who lives in New York. The finale of the project was planned to be a large-scale “Exhibition of Art and Science” in 2004.

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