Ulrich Gehmann's blog

Start working together

Dear members,

as I have mailed you a few days ago, we should start with our coordinated efforts for working on ASE. As I have informed you, Tobias Breiner from the FH Kempten and I started already with the outline of two alternative worlds, a one with, and a one without a growth component.

Now we should combine our activities. I will be happy to receive proposals from your side, to be posted as a blog entry.

Thanks in advance,


Submitted by Ulrich Gehmann on Sun, 2012-12-16 21:38

dear friends of ASE

Dear friends,

after having been founded, we should look now to start with our venture in concrete terms. Therefore I want to invite you to make proposals for doing so. What I tried to achieve is a collaboration with the technical university of Kempten, Germany, for beginning to create the framework - in technical as well as contextual terms - needed for building up a “world” by the participants. In case you have any suggestions, concrete proposals or just ideas regarding this specific topic, please feel free to post it.



Submitted by Ulrich Gehmann on Tue, 2012-10-02 18:38

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