MARCEL does not yet have a
manager for this category. Anyone
interested in taking on this work
should contact Don Foresta.
Art, Math, and Visual Illusion:
Bibliography of Interdisciplinary Collaboration:
Critical Art Ensemble - Book Projects:
ELA Art & Science interactions directory:
Intersections of Art, Technology, Science & Culture:
Dr. Grether's legendary site:
Scott, J. Scott, J. (ed.): Artists-In-Labs: Processes of Inquiry. With DVD. Springer Verlag, Wien, NY, 2006.
Diebner, Hans H. Diebner, Hans H.: Performative Science and Beyond - Involving the Process in Research. Springer Verlag, Wien, NY, 2006.,11855,1-40360-22-153037690-0,00.html
Time's Up and FoAM Time's Up and FoAM (Ed.): On Transient Realities and Their Generators. FoAM, Brussels, Belgium, 2006.
Daubner, Ernestine and Poissant, Louise Daubner, Ernestine/Poissant, Louise (eds.): Art et Biotechnologies, Presses de l'Université du Québec: 2005. Ede, Sian art&science, I.B. Tauris, London, 2005.
Koenches, Barbara and Weibel, Peter (Eds.) unSICHTBAREes kunst_wissenenschaft (inVISIBLEs art_science), Benteli, Bern 2005 (in German).
Arends, Bergit and Thackara, Davina Arends, Bergit and Thackara, Davina (eds.): Experiment: Conversations in Art and Science, The Wellcome Trust, 2004. Arends, Bergit and Slater, Verity Arends, Bergit and Slater, Verity (eds.): Talking Back to Science. Art, Science and the Personal, Wellcome Trust, 2004.
Daston, Lorraine Daston, Lorraine (ed.): Things that Talk. Object Lessons from Art and Science, Zone Books: New York 2004.
Reichle, Ingeborg Reichle, Ingeborg: Kunst aus dem Labor. Zum Verhaeltnis von Kunst und Wissenschaft im Zeitalter der Technoscience, Springer Verlag: Wien/New York 2004.
Schramm, Helmar et al. Schramm, Helmar/Von Herrmann, Hans-Christian/Nelle, Florian/Schaeffner, Wolfgang/Schmidgen, Henning/Siegert, Bernhard (eds.): Buehnen des Wissens. Interferenzen von Kunst und Wissenschaft, Dahlem University Press: Berlin 2003.
Witzgall, Susanne Witzgall, Susanne: Kunst nach der Wissenschaft. Zeitgenoessische Kunst im Diskurs mit den Naturwissenschaften, Verlag der modernen Kunst Nuernberg: Nuernberg 2003.
Burbano, Andres and Barragan, Hernando Burbano, Andres/Barragan, Hernando (eds.): hipercubo/ok/. Arte, ciencia y tecnologia en contextos proximos, Universidad de los Andes, Ediciones Uniandes: Bogota 2002.
Wilson, Steven Wilson, Steven: Information arts. Intersections of art, science and technology, MIT Press: Cambridge/London 2002.
Kemp, Martin Kemp, Martin: Visualizations: The Nature Book of Art and Science, University of California Press: Berkley/Los Angeles 2000.
Boykett, Tim and Merit, J. Tim H.H. Boykett and Just A. Merit (Eds.): Closing the Loop `98. Time's Up, Linz, Austria, 1999.
Sommerer C. and Mignonneau L. Sommerer C. and Mignonneau L. (Eds.): Art@Science, Springer Vienna / New York, March 1998
KOJIMA, Yoko; SHIRAI, Masato; WATANABE, Hironori (Eds.): SENSITIVE CHAOS, NTT Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo, 1997.
Pickering, Andrew Andrew Pickering: The Mangle of Practice - Time, Agency, and Science. University of Chicago Press, Chigago, 1995.
Barbieri Masini, Eleonora Barbieri Masini, Eleonora (ed.): Art and Science: Studies from the World Academy of Art and Science (special issue of: World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution, Vol. 40, Issues 1-3), Gordon and Breach Science Publishers SA: Basel 1994.
Hartwagner, Georg; Iglhaut, Stefan; Roetzer, Florian Hartwagner, Georg; Iglhaut, Stefan; Roetzer, Florian (Eds.): Kuenstliche Spiele, Boer-Verlag, Muenchen, 1993.
Roetzer, Florian; Weibel, Peter Roetzer, Florian; Weibel, Peter (Eds.): Cyberspace - Zum medialen Gesamtkunstwerk. Boer-Verlag, Muenchen, 1993. BILDO-Akademie
BILDO-Akademie (Ed.): Bildmaschinen und Erfahrung (Picture machines and experience, in German). Edition Hentrich, Berlin, 1990. Proceedings of a symposion between Art, Science, and Technogogy.
Allégre, Claude AST - Art Science Technologie, rapport de mission Lettre de mission à Monsieur Jean-Claude RISSET, 31 mars 1998.
Blume, Eugen and Gillen, Eckhard Blume, Eugen/Gillen, Eckhard: Einfuehrung in das Ausstellungsprojekt “Kunst als Wissenschaft - Wissenschaft als Kunst”. Presentation, Berlin, September 12, 2001.
Diebner, Hans H. On the role of art in the social and organisation sciences (in German)
Elkins, James Elkins, James: Four ways of measuring the distance between alchemy and contemporary art. In: Aesthetics and visualization in chemistry, Tami Spector and Joachim Schummer (Eds.), 2003, pp. 105-118.
Elkins, James: Some Connections between Science and Art. Perspective, Color theory, and unusual drawing Techniques, (Syllabus). (2.5.2004).
Physics World “A brief history of Art & Science.” A feature of the November 2002 “Physics World” issue.
Reichle, Ingeborg Reichle, Ingeborg: Where Art and Science Meet. Genetic Engineering in Contemporary Art, in: Kunst Texte, 2/2003. (13.12.2004).