Art & Science
Carlos Henrique Falci
Assistant Teacher, Media art and computational arts
School of Fine Arts
Federal University of Minas Gerais,
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Discussion groups about art and computer science, media art and technology, biotechnology, bioart and other related subjects.
This list if for people involved or interested in the computational modelling of creative behaviour and/or analysis in the fine, applied and performing arts.
Computer Arts Society Lists
This webpage gives access to the archives of the low-volume Computer Arts Society (CAS) mailing list. The list was started in April 2005 and is hosted by the National Academic Mailing List Service (JISCmail). The Computer Arts Society (CAS) has a UK focus, and holds regular offline meetings at which they host guest speakers. The Computer Arts Society (CAS) promotes the creative uses of computers in the arts and culture generally. It is a community of interest for all involved in doing, managing, interpreting and understanding information technology's cultural potential.
net art @ fapesp
Brazillian discussion platform about net art critics and network culture
Algorithmic worlds blog
A blog about algorithmic world and fractal aesthetic. This blog is edited by Samuel Monnier, an artist who works with compositions based on algorithmic arts.