Pedagogical Developments


Christiana Kazakou


Accredited Online Schools & colleges. A comprehensive and informative resource that ranks each university in the US by size, degrees offered, tuition costs, admission rates, graduation rates, and retention rates.: “Welcome to, where we aim to offer the web's best resource for finding online accredited colleges and universities. […] We are proud to host a searchable directory of online colleges and universities to let you find the online accredited colleges that fit your own educational needs. …“
Directory of Art & Technology Programs in Mark Tribe's Wiki for Teaching and Research.
ArtScience and ScienceArt Curricula
Noemalab's edu.list


ACE: Critical Practices in Art, Science and Technology
ACCAD The Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design, Ohio State University.
Art and Ecology: New MFA in Art and Ecology at the University of New Mexico. The new MFA program in Art and Ecology at the University of New Mexico is an interdisciplinary, research-based program engaging contemporary art practices. Students develop ecological and cultural literacy with a conceptual foundation and a wide range of production skills, including sculpture, social practice, and digital media. Students in Art and Ecology have the opportunity to work on various collaborative and interdisciplinary projects with departments across UNM and on comprehensive thesis projects integrating community and ecological research. Coursework includes the Land Arts of the American West program, a semester-long travel and place-based arts pedagogy.
Art and Science Collaborations On this art and science one-day course you will begin to develop a practical and theoretical understanding of art and science collaboration. University of Brighton. Tutor: Anna Dumitriu.
Art and Space Science Fellowship at UC Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory.
Art as Science - Science as Art presents artists whose thematic interests include the new relations between art and science.
AME - Arts, Media and Engineering Program at Arizona State University, USA: Transdisciplinary research and education …
ArtLab 2010-2012 Scholarship: EXCLUSIVE RESEARCH MASTERS SCHOLARSHIP ON OFFER. Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Australia is offering three fully fee paid and supported scholarships for a specially tailored, industry-based Masters of Arts (Research) over an 18 month period.
Bioart: Contemporary Art and the Life Sciences
C3 Center for Culture & Communication, Budapest, Hungary.
Climate Change Education .Org: Visual Arts on Climate Change, Global Warming Solutions, Painting, Sculpture, Photography, Graphic Arts, Fashion… More. Artists, Galleries, Organizations, Exhibits, Books
Computer Art: Early beginnings of (digital) computer art by Christoph Klütsch.
Curriculum Development in the Arts, Sciences and Humanities.
DANA Centre London, UK … blending the best from science, art, performance and multimedia to provoke discussion and real engagement with the key issues of the day …
Drawing with Optical Instruments. Devices and Concepts of Visuality and Representation. Project of the SFB 626-Aesthetic Experience, FU Berlin, Kunsthistorisches Institut FU Berlin, and MPIWG Berlin, Germany.
EAIA: Summer school on Artificial Intelligence. Lisbon 27-31 August 2007.
European Master's in performative creativity: ema-ps. Joint European Masters bridges science and art.
Exploratorium San Francisco, is a collage of hundreds of science, art, and human perception exhibits.
Formule2: Amsterdam, Netherlands. Former collaboration project between artists and scientists.
Forum for interdisciplinary Studies and Research at the Muthesius-Hochschule für Kunst und Gestaltung Kiel, Germany.
Goethe Institut Bangkok: Kunst und Wissenschaft - Die ungewöhnliche Bildkraft eines Zusammenspiels / Art and Science - The unusual pictorial power of an interplay.
Graduate School for the Arts and Sciences, University for the Arts (UdK), Berlin.
HASTAC The HASTAC Scholars fellowship program recognizes graduate and undergraduate students engaged in innovative work across the areas of technology, the arts, the humanities, and the social sciences …
IAMAS. International Academy of Media Arts and Sciences, Ogaki, Japan.
IBIOP Institut für biologische Plastik (Institute for Biological Sculpture). Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Braunschweig, Germany. The research institute ibiop provides the possibility to train students to develop projects in genetics and biological sculpture in collaboration with biologists.
ICONS Project. Santa Fe, USA. A project of the Art and Science Laboratory, where Communication Arts meet Conservation Studies - ICONS educational programs for undergraduates enable qualified students to participate in semester-long applied conservation field projects.
I-Node “As an integral part of the Planetary Collegium, the I-Node, seeks to expand this leading platform to nearby regions. The I-Node is located on the island of Cephalonia in Greece and hosted by the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture. Since Planetary Collegium can be seen as a network of nodes strategically located across the planet, I-Node's special focus (but not limited) is in research groups of regions of South Eastern Europe, Middle Eastern and Caucasus. This is something that can be achieved given that the host Insitution is in a key position of Mediterranean basin that can easily be accessible from the above areas.
inSEA The International Society of Education through Art.
Institute of Aestetic Studies. Aarhus University. The Aesthetics of Interface Culture began in July 2004 and will run until July 2007.
INTR International Network for Transdisciplinary (post doctoral) Research (INTR). Transtechnology Research is a transdisciplinary research group situated in the Faculty of Arts. University of Plymouth.
Interdisciplinary Master in Cognitive Systems and Interactive Media, Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
IOCT Masters in Creative Technologies Institute of Creative Technologies, De Montfort University, Leicester
ISAMA - The International Society of the Arts, Mathematics, and Architecture. Its purpose is to further interdisciplinary education relating the arts, mathematics, and architecture.
ITH Institut für Theorie der Gestaltung und Kunst Zürich. A research institute of the Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Zürich (ZHDK).
Masters Degree Online Accredited Masters Programs. “One of the biggest niche markets that online master’s programs fill is the demand for non-traditional education processes that are deemed to be a one-size-fits-all model for students. Online programs offer students opportunities to learn curriculums by using online news articles, interactive tools, and social media outlets.”
Master of Arts in Transdisciplinarity ZHDK - Zurich, Switzerland
Media Art Education A blog on interdisciplinary approaches in media, arts & education at school & university level by Daniela Reimann.
Online Biology Degree Not strictly an artist-scientist collaboration, but a trend-setting online educational initiative.
Online Graduate Programs “Our goal is to provide prospective, current and past graduate students with the resources they need in order to make informed decisions.” Another indicatory online initiative to support academic education, though not strictly devoted to artist-scientist collaborations.
Pari Center - Art, Science and the Sacred. Pari, located some 25 km south of Siena in Tuscany, is home to the Pari Center.
Performative Creativity. Innovative Joint European Masters Bridges Science and Art. Creativity Economy takes over from Knowledge Economy. EMA-PS (Master in the Science of Performative Creativity), the first Joint European Masters Programme which the European Union approved for University of Malta, will start in October 2007.
Performative Science at the Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia
PhD Research in the Arts at Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture.
Picturing to Learn … was funded by the National Science Foundation, DUE from 2007-2010. The project involved science students and faculty from Harvard, MIT, Duke University and Roxbury Community College, along with design students and faculty from the School of Visual Arts, New York. Students were asked to “Create a freehand drawing to explain to a high school senior…” various scientific phenomena.
Practice-based Research is a form of research that aims to advance knowledge partly by means of practice. Practice-based research (in particular for a PhD) is research where some of the resulting knowledge is embodied in an artefact …
Pro*Doc Art&Science Universität Bern, Université de Fribourg, Université de Genève, Université de Lausanne, Universität Zürich. SNF Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung.
SymbioticA The Art and Science Collaborative Research Laboratory. University of Western Australia.
TAC - The Arctic Circle A nexus where art intersects science …
tagc - The Arts and Genomics Centre Amsterdam, Netherlands, Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
The Media Robotics Lab. Department of Media Study, University at Buffalo, USA.
The Planetary Collegium. Through transdisciplinary inquiry and shared discourse, the Planetary Collegium aims to produce new knowledge in the context of the arts …
UCIRA - University of California's Institute for Research in the Arts
UCLA Art|Sci Center. The mission of the ART | SCI CENTER is to pursue, facilitate and promote research and programs that demonstrate the potential of media arts and science collaborations …
Waag Society. Media Lab, Amsterdam.
Y - Institute for Transdisciplinarity (Institut für Transdisziplinarität). Hochschule der Künste (HBK), Bern, Switzerland. Art as Research.
Artistic Research at Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen, Germany