

Christiana Kazakou


Bibliographies in the internetBooksDVD/CDMaster/PhD ThesesEssays


Art, Math, and Visual Illusion
ArtSci Index
Bibliography of Interdisciplinary Collaboration
Computer Art Literature
compArt Database of Early Computer Art
Critical Art Ensemble - Book Projects
Intersections of Art, Technology, Science & Culture
Leonardo Abstract Service
Leonardo Book Series
Systems Aesthetics Literature.
The Arts Catalyst



S. Bornhofen, J.-C. Heudin, A. Lioret, J.-C. Torrel (eds.): VIRTUAL WORLDS - Artificial Ecosystems and Digital Art Exploration. Science-eBook 2012.
Lanfranco Aceti, Nina Czegledy and Oliver Grau, Wendy Coones, Manuelle Freire: The Culture of Digital Education: Innovation in Art, Design, Science and Technology Practices LEA (Call for Papers).
Diebner, Hans H.: Dossier: Performative Science - Reconciliation of Science and Humanities or the End of Philosophy? In: Studia UBB. Philosophia LVII, 1/2012. With contributions by David Turnbull, Nina Samuel, Vesna Milanovic, Hans H. Diebner.
ASTC - Association of Science-Technology Centers: Dimensions Magazine - Special Issue: Where Art and Science Meet. March/April 2012.
Samuel Bianchini, Nathalie Delprat, Christian Jacquemin: SIMULATION TECHNOLOGIQUE ET MATÉRIALISATION ARTISTIQUE - Une exploration transdisciplinaire arts/sciences. ISBN : 978-2-296-55938-7, janvier 2012, 194 pages
Jane Prophet and Paul Catanese E-SCAPES: Artistic Explorations of Nature and Science. Catalogue, 2012 (pdf)


Fleischmann, Monnika und Strauss, Wolfgang: Performing Data. Exhibtion catalogue. 2011.
Maurmair, Roland: Nature‘s Revenge | insight . concrete . jungle. SCHLEBRÜGGE.EDITOR, Wien, 2011.
Rothenberg, David: Survival of the Beautiful. Art Science and Evolution. Bloomsbury Press, 2011.
Borries, Friedrich von; Hiller, Christian & Renfordt, Wilma: Klima Kunst Forschung (Climate Art Research). Merve Verlag, Berlin, 2011.
Seaman, Bill & Rossler, Otto E.: Neosentience the Benevolence Engine. Intellect Books, 2011.


John Curtin Gallery art in the age of nanotechnology. Catalogue to the exhibition from 5 February - 30 April 2010. Curator: Chris Malcolm; Editors: Vashti Innes-Brown, Chris Malcolm and Pauline Williams
McIver Lopes, Dominic: A Philosophy of Computer Art. Routledge, London, New York, 2010.
Porstmann, Gisbert & Schmidt, Johannes (Eds.): World and System - Contemporary Art between Analysis, the Search for Meaning, and Dilemma. Verlag für Moderne Kunst, Nürnberg, 2010.
Dombois, Florian: What Are the Places of Danger - Works 1999–2009. Published by Kunsthalle Bern. With an introduction by Philippe Pirotte. argobooks, Berlin, 2010.
Hinterwaldner, Inge: Das systemische Bild: Ikonizität im Rahmen computerbasierter Echtzeitsimulationen (The systemic image: Iconicity within the scope of computer-based realtime simulations.) Fink Verlag, München, 2010.
Salter, Chris: Entangled - Technology and the Transformation of Performance. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2010.
Heinzel, Tincuta (Ed.): Art, Space and Memory in the Digital Era. Paideia Publishing House, Bucharest, 2010. With contributions by: Bogdan Ghiu, Woody Vasulka, Tincuta Heinzel, Paulo Ferreira-Lopes, Sophie Fetro, Augustin Ioan, Gemma San Cornelio, Pau Alsina, Anne-Marie Duguet, Heike Helfert, Peter Tomaz Dobrila, Uros Indihar. Translations: Barbara Bartos, Patricia Comanescu, Simona Klodnischi, Ancuta Ionescu.
Wilson, Stephen: Art + Science Now. Thames & Hudson (April 1, 2010)


Buckley, Brad and Conomos, John:Rethinking the contemporary art school. Press of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, 2009, University of California.
Moura, Leonel et al. INSIDE [art and science], 2009
Tembeck, Tamar: Performative Autopathographies: Self-Representations of Physical Illness in Contemporary Art. PhD Thesis, McGill University, Montreal, 2009.
Weber, Franziska and Schläder, Jürgen (eds.): Gegenwelten - zwischen Differenz und Reflexion. Henschel Verlag 2009.
Haber, Peter (Ed.): Computergeschichte Schweiz. Eine Bestandesaufnahme. Chronos Verlag Zurich, 2009. With a contribution by Tabea Lurk on “ComputerKunstGeschichte Schweiz” (Bilingual French/German).
Reichle, Ingeborg: Art in the Age of Technoscience. Genetic Engineering, Robotics, and Artificial Life in Contemporary Art. With a preface by Robert Zwijnenberg. Translated by Gloria Custance. Springer, New York 2009.


Weber, Franziska: Dimensionen des Denkens - Der raumzeitliche Kollaps des Gegenwärtigen - Geistes- und naturwissenschaftliche Entwürfe - verfiziert an Matin Kusejs Don Giovanni. Transcript, Bielefeld, 2008.
**Braman, James and Vincenti, Giovanni:** Handbook of Research on Computational Arts and Creative Informatics. Call for Chapters!
European Commission Directorate-General for Research: Art & Science - Creative Fusion. A broschure by the European Commission Directorate-General for Research featuring BridA, Marko Peljhan, Stelarc, Marta de Menezes, Andy Gracie and many other eminent artists in the fields of Art & Science.
Friedrich, Thomas; Schwarzfischer, Klaus (Eds.): Wirklichkeit als Design-Problem - Zum Verhältnis von Ästhetik, Ökonomik und Ethik (Reality as Design Problem). Ergon Verlag, Würzburg, 2008.
**Hauser, Jens:** sk-interfaces. Liverpool University Press, 2008.
Hinterwaldner, Inge; Juwig, Carsten; Klemm, Tanja; Meyer, Roland (Eds.): Topologien der Bilder (Topologies of Pictures, in German). Fink Verlag, München, 2008.
Krpan, Jurij (Ed.): Ecology of Techno Mind - Ars Electronica 2008 | Featured Art Scene: Kapelica Gallery Lubljana. Exhibition Catalogue. Kapelica Gallery, Lubljana, 2008.
LABoral (Jose-Carlos Mariategui): Emergentes, LABoral, Gijon, Spain, 2008.
Seifert, Uwe and Kim, Jin Hyun and Moore, Anthony (Eds.) Paradoxes of Interactivity: Perspectives for Media Theory, Human-Computer Interaction, and Artistic Investigations. Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, 2008.
Weibel, Peter und Rosen, Margit (Eds.): bit international - [Nove] tendencije - Computer und visuelle Forschung Zagreb 1961-1973. ZKM, Karlsruhe, 2008.


Alexenberg, Mel: Educating Artists for the Future: Learning at the Intersections of Art, Science, Technology, and Culture. Intellect Books, 2007.
Darvas, György: Symmetry. Translated from Hungarian by David Robert Evans. Birkhäuser, 2007.
Himmelsbach, Sabine; Volkart, Yvonne: Ökomedien/Ecomedia. Ökologische Stragien in der Kunst heute/Ecological Strategies in Today's Art. Hatje Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern, 2007.
Klütsch, Christoph: Computergrafik. Äesthetische Experimente zwischen zwei Kulturen. Die Anfänge der Computerkunst in den 1960er Jahren. Springer Vienna 2007.
Mersch, Dieter; Ott, Michaela (Eds.): Kunst und Wissenschaft (Art and Science, in German), Wilhelm Fink, München, 2007.


Barron, Stephan: Toucher L'Espace. Editions Harmattan, 2006.

Crawford, Robert: Contemporary Poetry and Contemporary Science, Oxford University Press, 2006. “A unique collaboration between leading poets and scientists …“
Diebner, Hans H.: Performative Science and Beyond - Involving the Process in Research. Springer Verlag, Wien, NY, 2006.

Ferran, Bronac and Leach, James and White, Tony: Arts and Science Research. Fellowships - a special section in Leonardo, Volume 39, Number 5, 2006.

Hinterwaldner, Inge; Buschhaus, Markus (Eds.): The Picture's Image. Wissenschaftliche Visualisierung als Komposit (Scientific Visualisation as Composite, in German). Fink Verlag, München.

Scherer, Ralf and Leismann, Burkhard: Diagnose (Kunst) - Diagnosis (Art). Wienand Verlag, 2006. This anthology unites 150 works by nearly 60 contemporary artists -among them Joseph Beuys or Damien Hirst- who interprete with the diverse topic of medecine.

Scott, Jill (Ed.): Artists-In-Labs: Processes of Inquiry. With DVD. Springer Verlag, Wien, NY, 2006. For a review please confer:

Steiner, Theo: Duchamps Experiment - Zwischen Wissenschaft und Kunst. Wilhelm Fink Verlag, München, 2006.

Time's Up and FoAM (Ed.): On Transient Realities and Their Generators. FoAM, Brussels, Belgium, 2006.


Brellochs, Mari and Schrat, Henrik (Eds.): Smoother Survival. Strategies in Art and Econmics. In German language. (Raffinierter Überleben. Strategien in Kunst und Wirtschaft.) Kulturverlag Kadmos, Berlin 2005.

Daubner, Ernestine/Poissant, Louise (Eds.): Art et Biotechnologies, Presses de l'Universite du Quebec: 2005.

Ede, Sian art&science, I.B. Tauris, London, 2005.

Hernandez Garcia, Ilana (Ed.): Estetica, Ciencia y Technologia - Creationes Electronicas y Numericas. Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Bogota: 2005
Kolarevic, B.; Malkawi, A.M.: Performative Architecture: Beyond Instrumentality. Routledge, 2005.
Moura, Leonel et al. Bioart - A new Kind of Art, 2005. Edition: Prates Gallery, Book/catalogue from the exhibition 'Bioart' at Prates Gallery, 2005.

**Könches, Barbara and Weibel, Peter (Eds.)** unSICHTBAREes kunst_wissenenschaft (inVISIBLEs art_science), Benteli, Bern 2005 (in German).


Arends, Bergit and Thackara, Davina (Eds.): Experiment: Conversations in Art and Science, The Wellcome Trust, 2004.

Arends, Bergit and Slater, Verity (Eds.): Talking Back to Science. Art, Science and the Personal, Wellcome Trust, 2004.

Daston, Lorraine (Ed.): Things that Talk. Object Lessons from Art and Science, Zone Books: New York 2004.

European Commission, RTD Info: Art and Science/Kunst und Wissenschaft. EU Commission, 2004.

Reichle, Ingeborg: Kunst aus dem Labor. Zum Verhältnis von Kunst und Wissenschaft im Zeitalter der Technoscience, Springer Verlag: Wien/New York 2004.

Whitelaw, Mitchell: Metacreation. Art and Artificial Life. MIT Press, 2004.


Anker, Suzanne and Dorothy Nelkin: The Molecular Gaze - Art in the Genetic Age. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, 2003.

Schramm, Helmar/Von Herrmann, Hans-Christian/Nelle, Florian/Schäffner, Wolfgang/Schmidgen, Henning/Siegert, Bernhard (Eds.): Bühnen des Wissens. Interferenzen von Kunst und Wissenschaft, Dahlem University Press: Berlin 2003.

Spector, Tami I. Special issues of HYLE - International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry on “Aesthetics and Visualization in Chemistry” Part I Part II.

Witzgall, Susanne: Kunst nach der Wissenschaft. Zeitgenössische Kunst im Diskurs mit den Naturwissenschaften, Verlag der modernen Kunst Nürnberg: Nürnberg 2003.


Burbano, Andres and Barragan, Hernando (Eds.): hipercubo/ok/. Arte, ciencia y tecnologi­a en contextos proximos, Universidad de los Andes, Ediciones Uniandes: Bogota 2002.
IGAFA e.V. (Ed.): Phasen - Ein Dialog zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft. (Phases - A Dialog between Art and Science) IGAFA e.V., Berlin, 2002.

Krieger, Peter: Arte y Ciencia - XXIV Coloquio Internacional de Historia del Arte. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico 2002.
Wilson, Steven: Information arts. Intersections of art, science and technology, MIT Press: Cambridge/London 2002.



Gyr, A.; Koumoutsakos, Petros D.; Burr, U. (Eds.) Science and Art Symposium 2000 3rd International Conference on Flow Interaction of Science and Art with Exhibition/Lectures on Interaction of Science and Art, 28 February-3 March 2000 at the ETH Zürich
Kemp, Martin: Visualizations: The Nature Book of Art and Science, University of California Press: Berkley/Los Angeles 2000.


**Abraham, Ralph H.:** Webometry: measuring the complexity of the World Wide Web.

Barbieri Masini, Eleonora (Ed.): Art and Science: Studies from the World Academy of Art and Science (special issue of: World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution, Vol. 40, Issues 1-3), Gordon and Breach Science Publishers SA: Basel 1994.

Bijvoet, Marga: Art As Inquiry: Toward New Collaborations Between Art, Science, and Technology. Peter Lang, 1997.
BILDO-Akademie (Ed.): Bildmaschinen und Erfahrung (Picture machines and experience, in German). Edition Hentrich, Berlin, 1990. Proceedings of a symposion between Art, Science, and Technogogy.

Boykett, Tim H.H.; Merit, Just A. (Eds.): Closing the Loop `98. Time's Up, Linz, Austria, 1999.

Hartwagner, Georg; Iglhaut, Stefan; Rötzer, Florian (Eds.): Künstliche Spiele, Boer-Verlag, München, 1993.
Jones, Caroline; Galison, Peter: Picturing Science Producing Art. Routledge, 1998.
Kojima, Yoko; Shirai, Masato; Watanabe, Hironori (Eds.): Sensitive Chaos, NTT Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo, 1997.

Krapp, Holger und Wägenbaur, Thomas: Komplexität und Selbstorganisation: “Chaos” in den Natur- und Kulturwissenschaften. Fink Verlag, München 1997.
Hahn, Werner; Weibel, Peter: Evolutionäre Symmetrietheorie - Selbstorganisation und dynamische Systeme. Stuttgart, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft (Edition Universitas), 1996.
Pickering, Andrew: The Mangle of Practice - Time, Agency, and Science. University of Chicago Press, Chigago, 1995.
Rötzer, Florian; Weibel, Peter (Eds.): Cyberspace - Zum medialen Gesamtkunstwerk. Boer-Verlag, München, 1993.

Sommerer, C. and Mignonneau, L. (Eds.): Art@Science, Springer Vienna / New York, March 1998.

Pickover, Clifford A.: Computers, Patterns, Chaos and Beauty - Graphics from an unseen world. St. Martin's Press, New York, 1990.

Before 1990

Bense, Max: Das Auge Epikurs - Indirektes über Malerei (Epikur's eye - Indirectly on painting, in German). DVA, Stuttgart, 1979.
Reichardt, Jasia (Ed.): Cybernetic Serendipity - The Computer and the Arts. Studio International, London, 1968.
Rosenboom, David (Ed.): Biofeedback and the arts: results of early experiments. Vancouver: Aesthetic Research Centre of Canada, 1975.

Ronge, Hans (Ed.): Kunst und Kybernetik - Ein Bericht über drei Kunsterziehertagungen Recklinghausen 1965 1966 1967. Verlag DuMont Schauberg, Köln, 1968.


CDs / DVDs (top)

Barron, Stephan: Earth Art - Art Planetaire


Roberts, Lisa: Antarctic Animation: Gestures and lines describe a changing environment.
Lesage, Frédérik: Networks for art work. PhD Thesis, Department of Media and Communications of the London School of Economics, 2010.
Scherffig, Lasse: It's in Your Eyes. Gaze Based Image Retrieval in Context.
Veciana, Stella: Research Arts: The intersection art, science and technology as a field of knowledge and action.


Ball, Philip: Art & Science Collaborations
Bunt, Stuart: The Positivist Approach -The Role of the Scientist and Science in Bio-art, Art in the Biotech Era, pp. 62-67 (2008).
Bunt, Stuart: (Caught) Between Beauty and Beast, Strange Attractors - charm between art & science exhibition and symposium, Australia, 0, pp. 18-21 (2006).
Bunting, Madeleine: The rise of climate-change art,, Wednesday 2 December 2009.
Blume, Eugen/Gillen, Eckhard: Einführung in das Ausstellungsprojekt “Kunst als Wissenschaft - Wissenschaft als Kunst”. Presentation, Berlin, September 12, 2001.
Bucolo, M. and A. Buscarino and L. Fortuna and M. Frasca: From Dynamical Emerging Patterns to Patterns in Visual Art. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 18, 51-81 (2008).
Cohen, Irun R.: Informational Landscapes in Art, Science, and Evolution. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 68/5, 1213-1229 (2006). Quote from the abstract: ”… Listening Post is the name of a dynamic multimedia work of art that exploits the informational landscape of the Internet to produce a visual and auditory environment. Here, I use Listening Post as a prototypic example for considering the creative role of informational landscapes in the processes that beget evolution and science.” Unleashing the creative power of science.
De Menezes, Marta: Art Research. NADA magazine n.15, 2010.
Diebner, Hans H.: Where Art and Science Meet (or Where They Work at Cross-purposes). In: Uwe Seifert, Jin Hyun Kim and Anthony Moore (Eds.): Paradoxes of Interactivity: Perspectives for Media Theory, Human-Computer Interaction, and Artistic Investigations. Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, 2008.
Diebner, Hans H.: Ästhetik und Ethik als Optimalitäts-Probleme in der systemtheoretischen Ressourcen-Ökonomie. (Aesthetics and Ethics as Optimization Problems in System-theoretical Resource-efficiency. In German language). In: Thomas Friedrich and Klaus Schwarzfischer (Eds.): Wirklichkeit als Design-Problem - Zum Verhältnis von Ästhetik, Ökonomik und Ethik. Ergon-Verlag, Würzburg, 2008, pp. 89-112.
Diebner, Hans H.: On the role of art in the social and organisation sciences (in German). In: Timo Meynhardt and Ewald J. Brunner (Eds.), Selbstorganisation managen - Beiträge zur Synergetik der Organisation. Waxmann, Münster, 2005, pp. 117-134.
Dietrich, Frank: The Computer: a Tool for Thought-Experiments. Leonardo, Vol. 20, No.4, pp. 315-325, 1987.
Dombois, Florian: Kunst und Forschung. Kunst Bulletin Heft 4, 30-32 (2006).
Dreher, Thomas: Geschichte der Computerkunst. Online.
Elkins, James: Four ways of measuring the distance between alchemy and contemporary art. In: Aesthetics and visualization in chemistry, Tami Spector and Joachim Schummer (Eds.), 2003, pp. 105-118.
Elkins, James: Some Connections between Science and Art. Perspective, Color theory, and unusual drawing Techniques, (Syllabus). (accessed 2.5.2004).
Franke, Herbert W.: The Expanding Medium: The Future of Computer Art. Leonardo, Vol.20, No.4, pp.335-338, 1987.
Gohlke, Gerrit: Progress is opinion. The re-approach after their divorce of art and science at the end of the 20th century (in German) (Fortschritt ist Ansichtssache. Die Wiederannäherung nach der Scheidung von Kunst und Wissenschaft Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts.)
Goßmann, Joachim:Towards an auditory representation of complexity.
Grond, Florian (Ed.): Heureka. Proceedings of the New Academy for Artistic Sciences.
Hauser, Jens: Gene, Genies, Geniert …. In: Elke Gaugele and Petra Eisele (Eds.): Techno Naturen - Design & Styles. Schlebrügge.Editor, Wien, 2008, pp. 62-81. (In German language, also available in French). See also BioArt for the corresponding exhibition.
Holland, John: Curious - An Introduction to Big Ideas in Nature, Science, and Art
Jones, Kip: The Art of Collaborative Storytelling: arts-based representations of narrative contexts. International Sociological Association Research Committee on Biography and Society RC38 Newsletter, Draft, Summer 2005.
Jones, Kip: A Biographic Researcher in Pursuit of an Aesthetic: The use of arts-based (re)presentations in “performative” dissemination of life stories. Qualitative Sociology Review II, Issue 1, April 2006.
Kusch, Celena E.: Performative Sites: Intersecting Art, Technology and the Body. Outreach 3.3, Pennsylvania State University, Spring 2001.
Levy-Leblond, Jean-Marc: Science and the world, art and the ego. In: Magazin On European Research.
Mayer-Kress, Gottfried: Reflections of Chaos in Music and Art. In: Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau: Art @ Science. Springer, Wien, 1998.
Pereverzev, S. V. and A. Loshak and S. Backhaus and J. C. Davis and R. E. Packard Quantum oscillations between two weakly coupled reservoirs of superfluid 3He.
Physics World A brief history of Art & Science. A feature of the November 2002 Physics World issue.
Reichle, Ingeborg: Where Art and Science Meet. Genetic Engineering in Contemporary Art, in: Kunst Texte, 2/2003. (accsessed 13.12.2004).
Salter, Chris; Wei, Sha Xin: Sponge: a case study in practice-based collaborative art research. Creativity and Cognition - Proceedings of the 5th conference on Creativity & cognition, pp. 92 - 101, 2005.
Strokosch Glass, Caitlin: The Convergence of Art & Science.
Taylor, Richard: From Science to Art and Back Again. Science, 27 April 2001.
Tschacher, Wolfgang und Tröndle, Martin: Die Funktionslogik des Kunstsystems - Vorbild für betriebliche Organisation?. In: Timo Meynhardt and Ewald J. Brunner (Eds.): Selbstorganisation managen. Beiträge zur Synergetik der Organisation. Waxmann, Münster, 2005, pp. 135-152.
Weder, Mirjam: Game Art unter Laborbedingungen (Game Art under Laboratory Conditions, in German). A report of the [AIL] program. “The multi media artists Margarete Jahrmann and Max Moswitzer have been visiting scientists for four months in the laboratory for artificial intelligence at University of Zürich. A report. (Die Multimedia-Künstler Margarete Jahrmann und Max Moswitzer waren vier Monate Gäste im Labor für künstliche Intelligenz der Universität Zürich. Ein Arbeitsbericht.)”