Industrial Propositions

Propositions made by industry or facilitators for collaboration between artists and industry.


Robin Mansell Head of Department, Media@lse London School of Economics London, UK


Australia's peak network and advocacy body for artists working with technology. The role of Anat is to advocate, support and promot the arts and artist in the interaction between art, technology and science, nationally and internationally.


Artnet is a professional tool for artists and organisations. Through our special interest groups, artsnet has been linking people with similar needs throughout Australian and New Zeland since 1990.

Association for informational media

Supplies a network of support to producers, suppliers and distributors of special interest videos, book, audio and interactive media.

Content alliance

The content alliance is open to any technology vendor, service provider, or content provider interested in supporting the development of open standards for the advancement of content networking. Over 100 service providers, technology providers, and content providers have become members of the content alliance

Content bridge

Content bridge is an alliance of leading technology and service providers that have come together to improve internet performance and make the internet a more trusted, reliable and accountable medium for cross network content, communications and commerce.

CORDIS - Community Research and Development Information Service

The Seventh Framework Programme for research and technological development (FP7) is the European Union´s chief instrument for funding research over the period 2007 to 2013. CORDIS is the official portal for participating in FP7 and following related developments in European science and technology.

The Creative Community

“The World Foundation for Smart Communities is a nonprofit educational organization founded to promote the concept and facilitate the implementation of “smart communities” – communities using information technology as a catalyst for transforming life and work to meet the challenge of the new millennium. Click on the link bellow where you will also find a White paper on “The Creative Community.”

Creative underground pipeline

Professional association for the commercial creative industry. An online bulletin board listing projects and ideas that are seeking partners in Europe or internationally for arts and cultural projects. Using the bulletin board, Cultural NGOs and other stake holders are able to search generally for partners or for particular schemes like Culture Programme 2007-2013.

Diffraction “Diffraction offers opportunities for talented artists to spend three to six months in innovative industry and research contexts in the UK and abroad. Support includes a bursary to the artist and a substantial contribution towards accommodation, living and travel costs.”

NESTA “NESTA is the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts. We are the largest single endowment devoted exclusively to supporting talent, innovation and creativity in the UK. Our mission is to transform the UK's capacity for innovation. We invest in early stage companies, inform innovation policy and encourage a culture that helps innovation to flourish.”

Office for Cultural Policy and Economy: A Plattform for the Creative Industries

Its aim is to report on creative industries from all member states through well informed local correspondents who keep in view the European perspective. They started in May 2007 and currently have correspondents from Germany, France, Norway, Sweden, Poland and Hungary.